Wednesday, July 29, 2009

a great book, a wonderful husband and a tug from my Saviour

My secret sister got me a great book about 3 years ago. I got the book, and thought, "oh this looks good" and then I put it in the Armour in my bedroom and haven't touched it since. That's really sad, I know.

I wrote last week about how the devil is working hard here at our house and how I was ready for the fight. Let's just say he has went into overdrive now and is really trying to kick our bottoms! He is on Jason at work like crazy and he is riding my back 24/7 and trying to make us tired, weary, and ready to just give up. Jason being the sweet husband that he is, picked up on my tiredness, and saw that I am struggling to make everything work on a day to day basis. He went in the bedroom and got that book out and layed it out for me to read this morning with a note that said " Shannon, please take the time to read this today for at least 15 minutes so you will be prepared to handle what the devil has in store for you today". I thought, how sweet, I will try and do that today around everything that I need to get done. Well by lunchtime, I was already so tired, and wore out emotionally that I was sitting in the floor crying. I had reached my low and I was trying so hard to stay strong. That's when the phone rang and Jason called. He said, "I know how you are feeling, I feel the same way and I haven't even been telling you all that has been going on at work lately." "Have you read some of that book that I left out for you?" Of course I haven't gotten to it bc I was too busy handling this battle on my own. As I always do. So I got off the phone with tears running down my face, and picked up that book. Low and behold this is what some of the first chapter said...

(on the first page) Many days I find life difficult rather than easy, complex rather than simple, potentially dangerous rather than safe, and exhausting rather than exhilarating. Often it's more like a strong, hot, dry wind than it is a soft, cool, refreshing breeze. (I thought, hmm... do go on)
In the midst of our busy lives, too often we don't pray enough. Or we only pray about the most pressing issues and neglect to take the time to really get close to God, to know Him better, and to share with Him the deepest longings of our heart. In our pray and run existence, we shut off the very avenue by which He brings blessings into our lives. Prayer will strengthen our faith and encourage us to believe for the impossible. It will enable us to become the women of God we long to be and believe we can be. Who among us doesn't need that?

Now this is what got me... Have you ever felt as if your life is stuck in one place and you're going nowhere? Or worse yet, you are going backward? Have you had times when you've lost your vision for the future? Or have you never really had one to begin with? Have you wondered whether you can actually move into the full purpose and destiny God has for you? Have you experienced feelings of emptiness, frustration, or unfulfillment? The good news is this is the way God wants you to feel. God wants you to long for His presence. He wants you to walk closely with Him. He wants you to increase in faith and knowledge of His Word. He wants you to put all your hopes and dreams and fears in his hands and look to Him to meet all of your needs. When you do, He will open the storehouse of blessing upon your life. That's because these things are His will for you. But none of this happens without prayer.

When we live this way, according to God's Word and by the power of His Holy Spirit, then we can trust that we are in the right place at the right time and that the Lord is working His perfect will in our lives. We can trust that He is moving us into the life of Wholeness and blessing He has for us. Shall we get started?

After reading this, I just sat and cried more, because I knew that God had all of this planned out for me. From me receiving that book from my precious secret sister 3 years ago, to the devil keeping us on our toes in the meantime. He is never in the blind, he knows just what each of us needs. I am hardheaded, stubborn, impatient, and I don't pray anywhere near enough. I can't be easy to work with. But still He is teaching me to learn to handle things less and give him the full reigns. Then I thought, why God, do you even fool with me? I will just let you down again, and then I felt a tug at my heart telling me to get up and go on because remember he will lead if we will just follow.


  1. Shannon, thank you so much this post it's really great advice! You always right something that touches my heart and that I can relate to!

    I will totally clean your closet, I love organizing for others but i hate cleaning my own stuff! I seriously am so bored with Matthew working altely. I will watch the girls clean your house ANYTHING! Just entertain me ha!

    Love ya!

  2. Thank you so much for your post!
    Today's post was such an encouragement and a reminder to us Christians that we can't give up... because that's just what the Devil wants! :)
