Thursday, March 31, 2011

Don't be hate'n...

I have a countdown going on!!! That's right, I count down to everything! It makes me feel better for some reason so don't be hate'n! My first countdown is to spring break. Can it get here any slower this year?! What are these people thinking making us suffer like this? The weather this week has been enough to make me become a big bear and just hibernate! I feel blah! The second countdown is for Jason to be out of school for the summer. I miss him so bad and I need more adult conversation or I might start thinking that I am young again! I have already started wearing glitter eye shadow (that I bought for Eve for dance) and Eve keeps asking me why I am wearing it?! Sometimes I think that I do things BC it annoys her. I dance around, sing really loud, wear my PJ's in the car to pick her up from gymnastics, say words like "hate'n" and "Yay me" all to annoy her! (Not really, it just makes me happy) So here goes...

Spring Break
15 days

366 hours
21964 minutes
1317878 seconds
Jason out for summer
42 days

1021 hours
61265 minutes
3675939 seconds

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rock Solid youth...

I am SUPER excited about our "All girls lock in" at church this Friday!!! It's going to be so much fun! Last year was loads and loads of fun and I am raring to go! This year the theme is based on missions which has become very dear to my heart! I hope that their receptive to what they hear and that souls will be touched and blessed through it all. Our church is full of talented, special young people and I know that God could use each and everyone of them in their own special way. We really need to pray for our youth everyday BC the devil wants nothing more than to tear their lives apart. If he can get in the minds and lives of them, it will cripple our churches in the future not to mention rip their witness right out of their hands. We need to keep them involved especially in church and no matter how tough it becomes we need to fight for them even when sometimes we are too tired to stand. I know I talk a lot about Eve's ability in gymnastics but to be honest, I would rather her become a devoted Christian and a rock solid witness any day than a talented, achieving athlete! Now both would make a Mama proud but if I had to choose their would absolutely not be a choice. So I say we make a stand for our youth, show them we care, pray for them and most of all inspire them! If we don't we know who will!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dare to dream...

There is inside you

all of the potential
to be whatever you want to be,
all of the energy
to do whatever you want to do.

Imagine yourself as you would like to be,
doing what you want to do,
and each day, take one step
towards your dream.

And though at times it may seem too
difficult to continue,
hold on to your dream.

One morning you will awake to find
that you are the person you dreamed of,
doing what you wanted to do,
simply because you had the courage
to believe in your potential
and to hold on to your dream.

I have this poster in my classroom at work that says this.It's our schools theme this year. I put a picture of red, ruby slippers on it to remind us that nothing is impossible if we only dream! Even some pretty, magical slippers! Well...maybe the MAGICAL red slippers alone are!

We all need dreams, goals, and ambitions. If not for them, our minds might get bored! :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

He is in control and a 5 year old "to do list"..

I'm back!!!! I know, I know, it's been a while! Busy like a bee again, BC you know it's now Spring, lol!

 Since my last blog, we have had a lot go on. Eve had a meet on the 15th, and she did her best this season!! She scored her highest EVER on bars, vault and all around! She got another bronze medal on vault and and bronze medal on all around too! I tell you, God is in control and is working there! She has her state meet this weekend. I ask that you please pray for her. Pray for her peace, her faith to believe in the impossible! Remember, when God is in control all things are possible! She was sick last week and just got to feeling better Monday. She missed a lot of practice last week but I know He is in control. Don’t be afraid to dream BIG, because we serve a BIG God.

 My dad's test results came back good on his lung X-ray but they did find a shadow that they just want to check out. Also, his lump that he had removed has already came back. He will go back to the doctor in the next few weeks so please remember him in your prayers. My mom went to the doctor Monday and she is doing so good! I am so thankful for her recovery! She has came so far in the last couple of years.

The devil has been trying to mess with my mind the last few days and get me thinking negatively, but I know that God is in control if I just call His name. I have a lot on my mind lately with work, Jason's school, bills, family, etc, etc, etc. I know God will control my mind and all my worries if I just allow Him to. All we can do is pray, right!? Jason and I were talking the other night about how much our lives have changed in just one year! It's really dramatic! I can't put it into words. I know God is preparing us for our journey ahead and even though my mind gets the best of me, and my life is out of my control, He is always in control! I should never have a worry in the world under such good leadership! Things happen, life happens, the devil is never going to slack, so why should we? We get tired, we get frustrated, we get overwhelmed, don't know what to try and do next but when we are about to pull away, to give up, that's when God steps in and delivers us from the enemy. He is always our answer, no matter what we may think, He holds our hand through every storm, He guides us through every step, He hears our deepest cry, He works out what others don't think are possible!

Looking back 10 years ago, I never would have dreamed that we would be where we are today in our lives. We had such different plans for our lives. Not that we didn't want God in our life but we had earthly dreams that outweighed all other. We have reached a place in our life where we know that as long as we try to put God first, and don't worry about what "we" want, it will all work out for the best. Not saying that's easy, but we know He knows best. You know, because He is control! :)

Jasy has been her usual busy little self. She's such a sweet child, full of love and affection. I hope she never outgrows that! She came to me last night with a memo pad and a pen and asked me if I would write her "to do list' for today. Here's what she wanted me to write;
  • Have Nannie sew the hole in my monkey Pajamas
  • Pee before we leave for Bargains tomorrow with Nannie and Papa
Not a worry in the world! I wish my to do list was that easy! Got to love that little Rascal!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Attitude is everything...

Attitude is everything.You say you can't do WHAT?

Have you ever seen a more beautiful smile than this one?

The next time you're in a bad mood....

maybe you need to remember this

Your attitude toward life defines not only who you are,

but the quality of life you will have.

Anything bugging you today? Doesn't seem so bad anymore, does it?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Verse of the day...

And he said, Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou king Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the LORD unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle [is] not yours, but God's.2 Chronicles 20:15

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

When God speaks...

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9.

God gave me this verse last night. Although I don't know exactly what He is trying to tell us (yes us-as a family) I know He will reveal it in time. Jason and I were talking this morning and he brought up that he feels like God is fixing to show us something big! A eyeopener, something mind blowing. Hmm... God was telling me last night as well. Isn't it amazing how He can speak to two different people as though they were one?

Please pray for us. Please pray for Eve. She is getting mentally and physically tired. I see it in her daily. Her ways, her actions, her work. She is a daddy's girl through and through and he informed me this morning that she went to him yesterday and told him that she was wore out and she just didn't know what to do. His first response was asking her if she wanted to take time off from the gym? She responded with a quick " No" but then followed with how much she loves gymnastics and how she doesn't want to quit but that she is so tired. He of course didn't tell me about this until this morning bc I guess he knew it would eat at me all night. He said it tore at him as well bc you see we both know that her talent wasn't given to her by chance. It is God given and we strongly believe that God has plans for her somehow, someway with this. We arent' saying that she will go to the Olympics, or that she will become Professional or elite, in fact chances of even a college scholarship are pretty slim. BUT we know that whatever God has planned for her with this, He will make work, not us, not her, not her gym, but Jesus! Last night she got in the car from gymnastics and instead of her usual "hey", followed with my million question drill of how her practice went she fell straight into "MOM...I DID AWESOME TODAY!!!!" "I ROCKED ON EVERY EVENT AND LOOK AT THIS COOL GRIP BAG THAT MY COACH GAVE ME!!" Meanwhile Jason said he was at school praying, praying, praying for that girl and for everything to work out for her". Me of course not knowing that she had even had this conversation with her daddy  was just thrilled that she had a good practice and that she was proud of herself. :) God is so good and I am so thankful that I was raised in a country where I can freely worship Him. We don't realize how lucky we have it. When I feel overwhelmed He speaks to me in that sweet, soft voice...And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). :) :) :) I don't know about you, but when God speaks, I try and tune in closely.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Heavens getting closer...

When I come to heaven Lord, what shall I bring?

My golden necklace, and my diamond ring?

I have some great treasures of jade, ivory, and bone,

And aren't we judged Lord, by what we own?

My important position I've climbed up so high,

There just isn't anything anymore that money won't buy.

So tell me again Lord, just what are your needs?

I've helped you a lot, by doing good deeds.

You've got it all wrong, my child, my dear,

all that I've wanted is having you near.

While storing your treasures, there's much you forgot.

My love and forgiveness can never be bought.

I offer it freely, just ask and receive.

But you never listened, you didn't believe.

Your works and possessions are just filthy rags.

So if you're coming to heaven, unpack your bags.

Just come as you are, it's you that I love.

The price has been paid, by the one up above.

I just love this!! We all get so consumed by things of this world when in Heaven we will have all we ever need! Do people really judge us by the clothes that we wear, the house that we live in, the car that we drive, the friends that we keep, the money in the bank, our looks? Why yes, they sure do!!! We quickly would like to say that we ourselves do not judge others by this criteria but when you really look into it, it's just our nature. We don't even realize that we are doing it. That's really sad don't you think? God gave us all we will ever need, yet we just keep wanting more. It's so hard being a christian and of course the devil is trying even harder than we do to tear us down but if we just look up, we can make it through. Being a Christian may not always be an easy job, may not always pay well but the retirement plan is out of this world.
Won't be long my friend until He is coming for us. Are you ready to descend? I'm going up, how about you?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blessed be the taxes and our guardian angels...

Tis the season for tax refunds~ Ahh...what a wonderful time of year. I always get so excited about seeing that lump of cash in my checking account. This year we were able to get back more than last year and it was a breath of fresh air considering we had lots of cash that needed to be forked out. My computer had crashed, doctor bills, dentist bills, vacation fund, bills, dance costumes, tithes (yes Preacher Jim, we were listening to your sermon last Sunday night-lol), bills, bills and did I say bills?! When I went and got our taxes done, the lady who always does our taxes looked at me and said "hmm, this is strange, somehow you are getting back almost $1000 more than last year"? I quickly responded with a smile and said, " GREAT we will certainly take it'!!! She sat there trying to figure out just how it worked out that way. We actually made a little less this year than last year and nothing really had changed drastically. Then it hit me...the  total amount that we were getting back was almost the exact amount that we had paid in to our church this year in tithes and Faith Promise!!! I then knew right then how we were getting more back this year! I walked out of there with a smile on my face, not because we were getting a fat tax refund but because He is so faithful and never ceases to amaze me! Isn't He so good? !

Jasy's new thing is talking to her guardian angel. She holds their hand, and talks to her/him. She asked me last night if I had ever seen my guardian angel and if I could. My response was, " I haven't ever seen mine but if God wanted you to see your angel I am sure you could". Sure made me wonder what children do see? I think they see things that we as adults don't because our eyes are so blind by the things around us for us to really focus on what's right in front of us. Their so innocent and full of heart. If only we could go back to their way of thinking. I bet my guardian angel gets pretty frustrated with me bc I am so annoying. It's not that I am dangerous and they have to work harder, it would be bc they have to push me to get me do anything!! I sit back afraid that I will mess up instead watching others when I know that I need to be doing more. When I get to Heaven I hope I get to meet my angel. I have lots of thank yous I would like to give. For all the times that he/she cheered me up and made me smile when I needed it, or the times that they stood if front of my car to keep me from going too fast and getting down the road too soon, what about that time they detoured my life and sent me in a new direction? I think I am going to start talking to my guardian angel too. Hey...what would it hurt right?!

God gave us each an angel

To watch over us with love.

They’re always carrying messages

To Him in Heaven above.

They warn us during danger,

Encourage us to do what is right,

And will always guard and guide us,

Throughout the day and night.

God sent them to protect us,

When crisis comes our way,

And to aid us with our problems

That we encounter every day.

Thank You, my God in Heaven,

For our Guardian Angels dear.

They’re just a token of Your love

To help us overcome life’s fears.

 Poor thing, had to deal with me for however many years!! She/he deserves a mansion with spa treatment!