Friday, February 26, 2010

Follow up...

I am so glad to report that things have gotten better. I am sorry if I scared some of you with my post the other day. I didn't mean to alarm anyone. I feel so much better about that situation and I know that God is taking care of it for me.

Well..Jason and I never did get to go on our date night because it snowed that evening. His mom called last night and asked if the girls could spend the night with them tonight so we are back on. Dear John here we come. :>)

I started doing an exercise program 3 times a week a couple of months ago and I love it! It is an hour long class and it combines kickboxing, step, aerobics, toning etc. Every class is different and it challenges my body and mind to keep up. I am a very driven person. I love to be challenged. It makes me go into this " go get em'" attitude! lol. My instructor is amazing and she has been doing it for years and you can tell. Her butt is my motivation, lol. Okay...that sounded really bad. But... she does inspire me to never quit! My favorite part of class is the cool down stretching at the end of class. We turn the lights out and stretch to soothing music and it is so relaxing and peaceful! I don't get that too often. Some days I go just for that. When my sister and I joined we were so pleasantly surprised as we walked in bc a lady from our church was there and has been going there for 15 years!!! Now that's dedication girls! She is so sweet.

Next weekend we are planning a trip to Charleston for the weekend. Eve has a meet on Sunday there (I HATE HAVING MEETS ON SUNDAY THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) So we are going to make it a little fun getaway for our family for a few days. Eve is interested in seeing the Slave market bc they have been studying about it in school, so we will probably go there. I haven't visited Charleston since I was in 5th grade! I can't wait to see how much it has changed since then and get reacquainted with it.

God has given me this verse this week and it has helped me so much.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Philippians 4:13

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Connecting....please wait

I had a horrible night last night. I am not going into details but it was not a good experience. I went to bed with my brain going a hundred miles an hour and I was so mentally drained that I just crashed. Then I dreamed all night about what had happened and when I woke up this morning it was the first thing on my mind again and my head was just splitting from all the stress. You see...anytime I feel close to God or our family starts moving in the right direction, the devil comes in and stirs things up. It never fails. He wants to see us fail so badly and that is his one and only goal with us. He knows that I let things bother me and he thrives on that. After I dropped both kids off this morning, I called Jason. I needed to talk to someone so bad. He asked me if I was able to get any sleep last night. I immediately started balling my eyes out. He starts to tell me that last night after all of that happened he felt a peace come over him and He realized why it all happened. He filled me in with all the details and told me that God was going to handle it and for me to stop worrying and let HIM take control, He would make it all okay. By the time I drove into work, I had stopped crying and I felt so much better. I walked into work, sat down at my desk to start logging in the computers (I can log all of them in from my desk) Every morning when I get to work, I have to turn on and log on all the computers in the lab under the student work log in. Every morning it says, "Connecting...please wait". Even though I see this everyday, it meant so much more today. It all hit me. God has been trying to show us what we needed to do in this situation, it just wasn't connecting. It took all that to connect it for us, and now... it's all starting to connect.

I have had this song on my mind all day...

Without Him I could do nothing

Without Him I'd surely fail

Without Him I would be drifting

Like a ship without a sail

Without Him I would be dying

Without Him I'd be enslaved

Without Him life would be worthless

But with Jesus thank God I'm saved

Oh Jesus, oh Jesus

Do you know Him today

Please don't turn Him away

Oh Jesus, my Jesus

Without Him how lost I would be

Without Him how lost I would be

Dear God- I am so sorry that I am so hard to connect with. I am sorry that it takes so much to make me see or understand what I need. Please forgive me for being this way and help me to let you handle my every need and to become a more patient, waiting person. Without you I am nothing, I can't get through even a second of my day but with you I can do anything. You are my strength and my comfort. You make me whole. Oh- how I love you!!! In your wonderful, precious name, Amen.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ashy feet...

Jasy's remark last night as I was applying Vaseline on the bottom of my feet before bed...

"You should  really pray for your ashy feet mom". Thought that was too funny!!! Had to share. She is right, it is time for a pedicure my friends and a little "mommy pampering"!

Monday, February 22, 2010

My life picnic...

Wasn't the weather just beautiful this weekend? I was so ready for some warm weather! It couldn't have come on a better weekend! We went after church yesterday to Botanical Gardens and had a picnic and walked around in the  WARM SUNSHINE and just enjoyed it! The girls had a blast running around everywhere and Eve was feeling much better! We went and got icecream and enjoyed riding around with the top back in the car! It felt like spring!!! Today... not so much, but that's okay, because I know warm weather is on it's way again soon.

We had a good church service yesterday too. I just love our preacher and his wife. They are such wonderful , down to earth people, and I love them deeply! Speaking of picnics... the preacher was preaching yesterday about how not everyday of your life as a christian will be a picnic! That's the truth! I feel like that I am in a rut and can't get out! I blame it on no one but myself though. I DONT take enough time to be alone with God like I should. I let other things in life consume my attention. Why do I do this? I have this deep down burning to do God's work but the problem is that is is DEEP down under other things that I put before it. I don't want to get to Heaven and face God with what I have done with my life, I would be ashamed! I would never be able to look into His face and feel proud of what I did so far on this earth. Let's back up for just a moment... I was raised in church. Both my parents were saved before I was born. I never knew anything other than going to church when the doors were open. I remember sitting in church as a child, and feeling God tugging at my heart. I would negotiate with Him. I would say things like " if you let me wait until another day to get saved, I promise I will, please don't let the rapture take place until then and please don't let me die until I do". I did that for years!!!! I never told anyone that before. Then I remember being so scared that I couldn't sleep at night for a good year. I would lay in bed and say "I love God, I hate the Devil, I love God I hate the devil". See... the devil was trying so hard to take control of my life and I could feel it! I was about 10 then. I would ask God to save me over and over to myself all the time but it wasn't at the right time, it was at my time. Now don't think I was a bad child. I was very good. I strived to be as good as I could. When I got in my teens, I started trying a few things like other teens would do but not much. I still was very good. Never tried drugs, didn't hardly drink, I knew that all those things were wrong. I was raised right. When I was in 10th grade, I was 15 years old, I was sitting in church with my parents and I knew that I couldn't wait any longer! My heart was about to bust open. I didn't negotiate any that day with God, but the devil sure was doing his. He kept saying, "don't go up there in front of all those people, look... that guy you like is sitting back there watching you, he will make fun of you". But do you think I cared that day? NOWAY!!  I got up, walked down that aisle and BEGGED God to come into my heart! I remember that next week feeling so at peace with my life. I was seeing things in such a new light. Even nature looked better to me! I started reading my Bible at night and praying like I should. But that didn't last like it should. I didn't finish reading my Bible all the way through. I let other things consume me and take the higher priority in my life (kinda like now). I never really surrendered my life to God for Him to lead me and use me. I have NEVER done that until now. I have wasted so many years just being a child of God and not doing anything for Him. I am so ashamed of myself!! I don't deserve anything that He has done for me! I feel so worthless and unuseable so much. Their are people that God has let enter my life that at the time I wished I never would have known but now I know why God put them there. See I am starting to see things differently. I am started to see why God let so many things happen in my life and why. I was at the lowest of low in my life when I met Jason. I was not going to church hardly ever, I think it had been a good 2 months!! I was in hiding and I didn't want anyone to know what had just happened in my life. Many of you aren't even aware of what I am talking about. (that's a whole other story) The day I saw Jason, my eyes opened up again. Please don't take this the wrong way, but he was not what I was looking for. But that day, for some reason, he was the only thing that caught my attention! God sent him to me and He sent me to him. I have no doubt in my mind that God led us straight to each other. See Jason was raised in church all his life too, He got saved as a young child and was living a life somewhat like mine. When I met him he was starting to stray and God put us together to help each other, to love each other, to start a family together, to fix each others weaknesses, to build a mission with each other, and to fullfill God's plan in our lives together! We both are trying now to do God's will. Jason knows the Bible so much better than me. He amazes me at how much he knows. I keep telling myself that God allowed me to teach Sunday school so I could learn the Bible as I teach. Just because you were raised in church doesn't mean you listened. I heard bits and peices, and then I tuned it out. My point is... I don't want to waste my life anymore. I am noticing that things that meant so much to me, that are consuming my life are starting to mean less to me as the days go by. God is working, and He hasn't gave up on me yet, I pray that He never does. I want to be His clay, and I want to moldable. Do you?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Little tid-bits of our week...

It has been a crazy week, again. Eve has been sick all week, she started having a really bad sore throat Monday. Her throat hurt last week but it just kept getting worse and worse. I took her to the doctor at the beginning of the week bc she was running a fever too, they said it was a viral thing and not strep. That was good to know bc she is known to get strep a few times a year. Then day by day she just kept getting more symptoms. Her chest starting hurting really bad the middle of the week and she got a really bad cough, swollen glands, and she was just lying around! She has ben not herself for about 2 to 3 weeks, just lying around and not doing a whole lot saying that she was tired. I took her back to the doctor yesterday and they thought she had mono, thank goodness that test came back negative too!! They checked her platelets, her white blood count, and for anemia, all came back good. Turns out that she has a touch of bronchitis and they put her on a strong antibotic. Poor thing!! I just want her to be back to her normal little self. She missed a whole week of gymnastics and didn't even bat her eyes. She normally would have been crying her eyes out but she felt so bad that she didn't even care. That's when I knew that she was a sick little girl! Please continue to pray for her recovery bc I know that she is ready to be back to her old self!

On a better note (you liked that didn't you :>)... I am so excited about our Ladies mission tonight at church. We are having a group that is very dear to my heart over for a little fun, games and dinner. They are going to have such a good time. I hope that lots of seeds will be planted and souls will be saved now or in the future from our meeting!! I have a great feeling about it and I have been counting down the days! We don't realize how much something this simple could mean to someone. Just a little one on one attention means leaps and bounds for a child lacking it.

I went to the Weecycled Wear consignment sale this week! Boy did I find some good deals!I am addicted to shopping at this sale! I have been going for about 6 or 7 years and it's like some little shopping diva takes over my body and I just get in this "bargain hunting mode" and after I am finished I am drained!! It is so fun though bc you never know what you're going to find from sale to sale! I love coming home and showing the girls all my little finds bc they love it as much as I do. They don't mind wearing used treasures, now when they get some age on them, that might change but for now, we are good to shop! My favorite finds; Jasy a Childrens Place book bag for $5 (almost brand new), me a Thirty One purse for $12 and me some wonderful devotional books by Beth Moore and Stormie Omartian. I can't wait to curl up in bed, in my favorite pj's and start reading!

Get this... our dog (Honey) has been gone most of the week too! For those of you who aren't familiar with my blog, we lost our lab this summer and he never made it back!! :>( So when Honey came up missing this week, the girls were not happy little campers! BUT...he's back now and safe and sound (turns out that he has a "lady friend") with his BFF, "Peaches" our cat. They cuddle all the time and poor little Peaches didn't have her little cuddle bug on the cold nights this week. Eve said Honeys' girlfriend was U-G-L-Y and she didn't see what he saw in her, lol. I had to laugh, bc she makes a good point. She is not the best looking mut on the street, but who knows what her heart is like, right? :>)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday update...

I am proud to say that I am finally feeling better! I sure hope that I don't catch anymore germs this year! Although I would like to see a big snow come so we can actually play in it at least once this year, I think I am ready for spring more!

Jason and I are having our date night tomorrow and I am ready! We are going out to eat and then to see the movie, "Dear John". For those who haven't' heard of it, it's a love story by the man that wrote the movie "Notebook". I can't wait! If you have never seen the movie "Notebook" then you need to! It is sooooo good! Even Jason liked it and he is not really a love story movie watching person. He just knows that I love me some love stories and that's why he agreed to go see this movie, lol. That and the movie he wanted to see is not playing anymore. (Blindside) The kiddos are spending the night with Jason's parents and who knows what they'll do. Those kids can talk Panpaw into almost anything so we'll see.... They might end up at the mall riding the escalator up and down, lol.

Monday I am off work and I really need to do somethings around the house. Maybe I will tackle them or maybe I won't. Lets see how the weather is first. If the weather is blah then I just can't get motivated to do housework for some reason! I need some sunshine! I'm weird like that.

I learned that Eve told my Secret Sister at church that I had her name two weeks into it last year! Then... I learned that Jason knew all about it and didn't even tell me. Those little rascals! If you have a secret then don't say it around Eve bc she just can't keep them. Something overpowers her and makes it come out. Kind of like Eve in the garden of Eden, don't eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge, and then what did she do, eat the fruit!!!

Jasy is starting a new class tonight at gymnastics. She will be in the "big girl" side as she calls it. I can't believe that! That is sad for me. Addie came over to bring me my Secret sister gift bc she had my name (Eve blabbed) and Jasy was doing handstands, round offs and cartwheels all over the living room and caused Addie to about have a heart attack, lol. See... we are used to the monkeys and we just let them pull the couch out of the way and go at it, but when company comes over it scares them to death. We need to get better about that I guess. Angel refuses to watch them when they do their stuff, she closes her eyes and begs them to stop.

On another note, please remember Jason's mom in your prayers. She has been in remission from breast cancer for 15 years and they found two spots the other week so she is going to have a biopsy soon. Hopefully it is just scar tissue but God is in control and He will work it out.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Lifes detour...

Have you ever had a day or a few days where nothing seemed to go "your' way? I experienced first hand yesterday what we might have planned is something entirely different than what He has planned!

I started to get sick the later part of last week. I am proned for some reason to get bronchitis. I get it a couple times a year and I knew it was coming on. I started taking mucinex but by Saturday it was in full bloom! I felt horrible yesterday morning! I mean horrible! Eve had her "big" meet yesterday afternoon so I didn't want to not go! I got up and got the kids ready for church and felt horrible that I couldn't go! The day was not starting good for me. When they left for church I went to bed. I layed in bed praying that God would help me feel better so I could enjoy Eve's meet. I prayed for the church service a little but I prayed mostly for Eve to do well at her meet. I was selfish! I was more worried about "how" Eve did at her meet rather than anything. I woke up and felt a good bit better. I was actually surprised at how much better I felt! Maybe this day was going to be okay after all! On the way to Eve's meet I felt a peace about me. I am normally a nervous wreck at these things, they stress me out. But, I wasn't at all! Eve's first event was her best event, the beam! I was glad about that. She started off real good! Then almost at the end of the routine, she falls off! We were sitting right in front of the beam in the stands, so I could see her little face. She was fighting back the tears. Uh-oh, that wasn't good. She had another big bobble and then nails her dismount! I knew she would be ok. Two girls from her team had already fallen off the beam and still got in the 8's. She would surely get in the 8's with that. No...7.65! My heart sank. Oh well... next event I thought. She goes to floor. She immediatly gets confused about where to start her routine at. Then the music starts, doing pretty good and then... she forgets some of her routine and just stands there! Oh, no! Then she finishes it off with a great routine. She will do pretty good I thought, no 8.4 on floor. Oh well... to the next event. Vault. She does a the best vault she had done this year! She still scores pretty low though. That's okay, she still did good! I take a deep breath! Bars next. She starts her bars, looking really good, great casts, great back hip circles then what??? she falls off the bars! Don't know where that came from!! She has never done that even at practice! I say all of that to say this, God let all that happen for a reason. Rememeber that peace I had about me on the way there, that was God alright. He was going to be with us at that meet, but He had another plan for her and for us that day. I truly believe that He let all that happen to teach us a lesson.

This morning the phone rings at 7:45, guess where I am? In Bed!!!! My alarm clock didn't go off! I run to the phone and it's my sister. I didn't even ask why she called (she never calls in the morning) I just said "I'm late!!!!!!". I rush rush and have Eve at school by 8:10!!! I am at work by 8:25. Now... I sit down to take a breather and I think for a moment, WOW, wonder why I was late? God had a hand in that too! I don't know why any of life's "crazy" moments happen but I am sure glad they do! They make us stronger and they protect us from the biggest competition of all...ourselves!!

I am so happy to serve an awesome Savior and I wouldn't trade anything in my life for the love that He gives! Even if I don't get my way. :>)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday blabbing and a sweet little blessing...

Well the snow was a let down!!! Yeah, had the pj's all backwards and had the clothes all ready to go out for a day of play and what did we get... a let down! BUT... we did get a 2 hour delay out of it and some beautiful time together. Things always work out for a reason, don't they? I love that!

We went and got our taxes done today. It is always nice to see that big chunk of change sitting in our bank account. We like to pretend that we are great savers but then we are slapped with reality when we have to pay something off or buy something big that is needed. Then it's gone as soon as it gets there. But it sure is nice to see it come and go. Jason and I are pondering the idea of taking a little getaway for our 10 yr Anniversary in April. Maybe for the weekend. We have NEVER done that since we had children. I always feel bad if I go somewhere and don't take the kids bc I feel like they would have fun too. I don't know why I feel like that but I do. BUT lately I have been feeling like we deserve a little getaway with just the two of us. Whatcha think? I was thinking about going to the Chateau Elan in Georgia. I have always wanted to go there and get the spa treatment for a day or two and just hang out and relax! Jason is not very fond of getting a massage but I think once he got one he would be hooked!!! lol.

On another note....I got the sweetest little blessing today from Jasy. Jasy asked me today when God was going to pull us up to Heaven? She said that she was going to wear her favorite monkey pajamas and that she was going to ask Him if He would send some monkey pj's for us to wear too that way we all match. Blue for boys and pink for girls of course she said. lol. Then she said "You know we wont sleep while we are in heaven don't you"? I said, "wonder why Jasy"? And she said "bc you know you don't get tired when you spend the night there at God's house bc He doesn't ever sleep"!!! "You can stay up and watch Him make babies and then look at all of His sores that saves everybodys hearts". WOW!!!! What a wonderful little blessing that was. Only to see through a childs eyes!

I hope everyone has a great week!!

Here is the Verse I am pondering this week-

Psalms 9:1,2 I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works. 2: I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High