Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Let's catch up, okay?...

I am so sorry that I have been slack with my post. BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!  I must be a bee! School starting back, me starting work again and getting moved back in my classroom, Jason started College, Eve and Jasy's fall gymnastics schedule started, our air went out,  Weecycled Wear school shopping, Weecycled Wear working so I can shop early, homework, typing Jason's homework, it all started last week! Whew... I have wanted to write and God has gave me so many things to say but I just never had time or should I say took the time. I could have stayed up and did it-but I was pooped, I think God understands when your too Pooped to type. Don't you? This week has been a little better. Eve's new Gym team takes off the week after school starts back to let the girls get used to homework schedules and new sleeping schedules so we haven't had to do  the 14 hours this week! Just Jasy's one hour a week and I can handle that! Really, Eve's schedule sounds crazy but it is easier on me than last years 5-8 hours a week. Since our new gym is closer to home and she stays for 3 1/2 hours each practice, I can drop off, come home, do dishes, give Jasy a bath, lay out school clothes, do laundry,- watch TV, eat bon-bons, get a massage, okay back to reality. But it really is easier on me because I don't have to stay and sit and consume 2 1/2 hours of time that I need to be doing other things. Yay me!

Last week when I dropped Eve off one day, Jasy and I were heading home and Jasy was just filling my ears full of all kinds of her little thoughts. She explained to me why the planet is green and blue. (because of grass, trees, bushes and blue bc of the swimming pools) She told me why God made white and black people ( because he wanted them to have more babies so the space wouldn't be empty and he made different colors so they could match) She told me about Hell and why the Devil is so mean when you are trying to be good ( because it makes the devil so mad when you pray and do good so he gets meaner) She told me about why God made Nannie and Papas (so they could watch little girls when their mamas and daddies work and their sister goes to school also because they give out junk food) She told me why God made mamas (so they could take care of little kids and give them kisses and love them and be their best friend) She told me so many great little facts that I needed to be reminded of. I needed to hear everything that her little words told me! Well...maybe not e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g she told me but I still enjoyed hearing her theory on things.  It was good to the last drop! Refueled my spirit and lifted my eyes.

Now...we are caught up!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Jasy's green thumb

Look at my little gardener!! She LOVES to work in the garden! Her Nannie and Papa let her help them plant their garden last spring and she had a ball! She absolutely adores tomatoes and eats them like you would eat an apple. She wants them for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Her Uncle Dale and Aunt Addie, gave her one of their tomato plants that they planted and she took care of it all by herself this summer! She watered it daily, put miracle grow on it (with our help) and reminded us to dust it with seven dust when need be. She even made it a "blankie" to wear so it wouldn't get scared outside in the dark, lol.
She was thrilled beyond words when we came home from vacation and she had loads of green and RED tomatoes on her plant!! She screamed at the top of her lungs and ran in out of breath and said "I have to call my Addie and tell her all about my plant!" I am so proud of her and her little green thumb! Wish I had one.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Facing my fears...

Job was considered by God to be a righteous man, and yet Job had fear.He feared something happening to his children. He feared failing health. He feared losing everything. He had lived according to God's laws, had worshiped God rather than his possessions, and still he was afflicted. Who can criticize Job for his reaction? How many of us have lost everything-including our children, health, and possessions? How would we respond to such a horrible situation? The word says, that when the thing we fear most comes upon us, the only way to react is to praise God in the midst of it. That doesn't mean we have to act as though nothing bad has happened. Besides, healthy grief is important, right? "Praise ye the Lord, Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, that deighteth greatly in his commandments. He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord. (Psalm 112:1,7)

I have been overwhelmed with fear this summer. Over the loss of my job and not knowing exactly what I should do. I was trying to be patient but it was so hard. God showed me in His marvelous word over and over to wait and be patient, why was it so hard for me? I have been mostly overwhelmed about Jason and his calling to be a Missionary. I know that might sound a bit off from a few months ago when I was thrilled to death about our new journey. The fear has set in and I am trying so hard to be strong and make the right decisions. I grew mad that God called Jason to the Missionary field a few weeks ago. Don't know how that came about but it did. Then I got angry about how he will be going to work, then to school and not be home until after the kids are in bed 4 days a week for 4 years. Me having to work again and do ALL the errands by myself without my sidekick.  Don't know how that anger came about but it did. I grew mad that we were going to have to sell pretty much everything we have when we move to Alaska. The beautiful house that we built together as a family, all the time that we have put into everything here and all of our memories. I know God gave us this house and it's His, but I just adore our little "home". I keep thinking that it's just a house, and our stuff are just possessions and I shouldn't put them before anything that God has set for us. But my heart aches. I'm scared now. Fear has set in. I fear the unknown of not being able to plan accordingly like I always have. I need to be patient and trust in Him as He shows me daily. I want to so bad, but my heart aches. I love Him so much and I will do whatever He wants for us to do. So...I just tell Him my fears now, and plead with Him on certain levels, and pray for guidance, change adjustment, trust, patience, understanding, safety  for our whole family. I want to be a strong person like Job. God has shown me these scriptures about Job for the last two weeks. I know He is trying to console me. My love grows stronger for Him everyday. Please pray for us. "For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. I was not in safety, neither had I rest, neither was I quiet; yet trouble came."Job 3:25-26

On another note...please send reinforcement- my bedroom has been hijacked by the "Wee cycled Wear preparation team". That's right, trying to hang, sort, and tag all of Jasy's outgrown clothes to drop off Sunday for their upcoming sale. I love to shop there but BOY how I despise to get things ready!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Vacation fun...

We had such a good time on our vacation! We got there and it seemed like our week just flew by as always. Why is it that when you work and run errands your life just creeps by and the weekend never comes? Weird huh? We had a ball though.  We saw about 7 or 8 dolphins while swimming at the beach.  On the downside, we also witnessed a lot of jelly fish stings. People were getting stung all around us but we were very fortunate. We watched Shark week all week on TV (not such a good idea while at the beach but it was so intriguing) and Eve got a little stressed about being too far in the water. Normally you can't get her out of the water but this year she was a little skeptical. 

 My parents came down on Monday afternoon and spent a couple days with us. We went to Charleston and visited Patriots Point. It was very interesting and I think my parents really enjoyed it a lot. Especially the Vietnam camp, it was neat hearing all the stories from my dad. That evening we went on a carriage tour in downtown Charleston and we had the perfect weather!! It was very cloudy that evening like it was going to come a downpour any moment but in our favor it never did. It was about 60 degrees during our tour with the perfect breeze. Jasy was so comfortable she fell asleep during it. On the way back to the house we stopped by one of my favorite places in the whole world!!! Krispy Kreme!! Y-U-M-M-Y!!!

Right before we left Charleston, we were stopped at a red light in Charleston I looked over and their was this sign.

It took my breath away! Isn't God so good? People don't realize how much He watches over us. If only we knew how much he intervened in our lives and saved us from disastrous situations. Maybe then we would bow down the way we should and praise Him for His wonderful love.

We did a couple activities at the resort with the kids. They built flip flops and did Build a bear. We had a putt putt course on the resort so that is always fun. Jasy has her own unique way of playing, lol. They love stuff like that!!! Thursday my nephew Matthew and his girlfriend Julia came down and visited us. The girls really loved having them down and they are so great with the girls! I miss them already! When it was time to come home on Sunday we didn't want to leave so we procrastinated and went back to Charleston to the market and walked it. They had some beautiful things and I could have stayed there for hours but we were all starving so we went and had a delicious lunch at Olive Garden.  THEN... Outlet shopping on tax free weekend!!  Can I get a Whoop-whoop, :>) I found some great deals on back to school items for the girls. Blue jeans, and got it the cutest backpack, lunchbox and binder for Eve!!! Bath and Body works had a great sale on their hand soap 5 for $15!! Jason even loves that store!!! (shhh!!!) He goes around smelling all the lotion and bringing them to me to smell. He's such a sweet man. He never fussed one time when I wanted to take a million "Kodak Moment" pictures nor when  he  carried my enormous beach load to the beach daily or when he sat and waited on me to look for great finds at the market and the outlets. He just sat in the corner in a chair with the girls, all patiently. That my friend is a sweet man!

I want to go back! Theirs something about having that week to unload your mind of all the stress of daily functions you do at home, and just set your watch on vacation mode! No worries, no stress, just you and your family. I love it so much!! Jason had to go back to work today and he wasn't a happy camper! Me either. Every time I spend all week with him away from it all,  I love him even more. Thank our dear Lord for sweet family vacations!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ahemmm...one with the beach...

One word...BEACH!  Salt walter, sand between my toes, warm sun on my face, shrimp in my tummy, and relaxtion in my spirit! I am feeling one with the beach, lol. Aww...can life get any better!!!!