Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My mind...

Happy Tuesday everyone! What beautiful rain we have been blessed with lately! God is always so good to us! I really am trying to make time again to blog so maybe it will get more consistent. I can tell that we are back in the swing of things again bc my laundry has made it's way into a mountain again in my bedroom floor. Clean, I might say but not folded! Poor clothes get washed and then abandoned for a few days. Oh well, that's part of our life right now. I promised myself to look beyond the dirt in the floor, the pile of laundry in the floor, and the toys in the floor and just step right over them into the more important things. If I died tomorrow, people wouldn't care that I didn't do the laundry or sweep the floors, they would be thinking about what I did here that really matters anyway. Like, witnessing to others, loving my children, helping my husband, teaching and loving my Sunday school class. I am going to confess first hand that those little things bother me and I let them keep seeping into my mind. A lot of things bother me right now. I have a lot on my mind for some reason and I can't seem to shake it. It seems like the Lord has put a vast supply of opinion in me and I usually just keep things to myself but now I can't seem to keep this ole trap shut and it just slips right on out. I don't know if God is preparing me to be more outspoken since for now He has us moving far north in a few years. You know those northerners love to speak their mind lol! I dunno, maybe I am just getting mean the older I get. Pray for me!  One thing that has been on my mind and heart our my girls. (You knew that right!) I pray that my girls find a good christian man that is good to them. Not one that comes from a family of different religions that will not agree with our faith. That worries me because I know that the devil tries hard to fit couples up like that. You take your kids to church and raise them up strong in faith and then when they start dating all you can do is pray that they will find a mate that God sends to them and not the other way around. It's got to be really scary waiting and worrying about who they will bring home when they reach that age. Jason already said that he is not allowing them to ever marry so at least we don't have to worry about that right!? No really, when young couples are dating even the nicest of people can have the worst impact on your child's life. I know that's confusing but I have seen it happen first hand. People who "claim salvation" just to fit into your child's life when really they are living two lives! I know my girls are young but being a parent I have seen the years already fly by and I know I will blink my eyes and hear the door bell ring and some boy standing on our front porch wanting to take one of my girls on a date. Please help me pray for this and pray for our young people. I can see the devil working in them but I know that I serve a God who is bigger and He has the last word!

Friday, September 23, 2011

A mothers dream...

I'm going to put myself out there a bit here, but bear with me. I want to know what people think about a 10 year old training 17 1/2 hours a week. I see nothing wrong with it as long as it's what she wants to do and can keep up with her grades as well. As long as she loves what she is doing I will be her taxi. As long as she doesn't mind having aching joints, back pain, bruising, and no free time (even on Saturday mornings) and loves what she is doing, I will take her. BUT...I get snares, looks and people who think that it's us pushing her so this is for that. Here you go...

 I have big dreams for my child. I'd love to see her progress and be a fantastic, high level gymnast. I'd love to see her score high, be a top gymnast in the area, etc. Would I love to see her become an elite level gymnast - I think so, but that is just not going to be in the picture.I just want her to learn the skills that she wants to learn and do her best in all she does! So yes, if I fork out money all the time and back her up in her dreams then I will remind her that she needs to do her best just like in school and don't just do it to say she is doing it. Make sense?
That being said, I would never push her beyond her comfort, put pressure on her, make her feel "not good enough", etc. I would never punish for low scores, force her to stay in a sport she was done with, or force practices beyond what she could handle. I will always tell her how wonderful she did (assuming she tried her best), how much I love her, what a great little person she is, etc. She will try other sports and have plenty of other opportunities as time/finances allow and she wants.

I hear/see comments so often that are something along the lines of, "she is only 10". As long as the parent isn't pushing their hopes/dreams onto their child, putting too much pressure, or forcing the sport in one way or another on their child (extra practices, home practice, etc) - what is so wrong with wanting big things for your child? Or hoping that your child will be "that one", even though you know they likely will not be. I know a lot of parents can't separate the two and the hopes & dreams lead to pressure & burn out, but what about those of us who can?

What's so wrong with wondering how your child measures up (in general, obviously kids peak at different ages)? Or looking for a program that might push your child a little more (assuming your child is one that can handle it/desires it and that it isn't TOO MUCH)? Or even just talking to friends/family/other gym parents  about your dreams and aspirations for your child?
I dunno....maybe I've said too much and changed every body's opinion of me. Maybe you'll all classify me as a "pushy parent" now. I just think that there's nothing wrong with dreaming that your child will someday be an all around great gymnast, or wanting them to be "the best THEY can be" as long as you aren't forcing those dreams on the child or pushing them in a way that hurts their self esteem and/or causes burnout.

I hear all the time "she's only 10, or WOW that's a lot of time!"  Just because a parent talks about their child and the sport that their in doesn't mean they are actually putting pressure on the child and I think the conversation deserves a response without judgment or a glare. I often am just proud of my child just like anyone would be when their child does good on something. I am a proud Mom when she is raving and thrilled when I pick her up that she got her layout on bars, or her round off backhandspring backtuck on floor. She has been working hard to get them and deserves to have a mom who is proud! :)

I hope this all makes sense and that I've expressed myself well..... I promise I'm very easy to get along with, hate confrontation, and have a little to no pressure household. Eve is my oldest so this is new to me. We have a long journey ahead. You hear from various people that your child is talented, fast, strong, etc...it's exciting. You wonder where will they really excel...and a coach recommends your child move up to an advanced level...even more exciting. You want them to do well. You want to make sure you are doing everything you can to support them doing their best. But at the same time, balancing things so you don't become "that mom". It's hard.

I think some things will come with time. It is great advice for people with older children who are competing to say "let it be their sport" but when you have a 10 year old, you are deciding for them what they do. Sure, I ask her if she wants to go, but I am the one who started her in gymnastics...if I hadn't suggested it, she wouldn't even know about it yet. You need to go with your gut that they seem happy doing it. We can also decide that they aren't doing it.

I think the constant reminders to be "the most laid back, content gym parent ever" are fine....but I think that goes for every sport. Parents at baseball, football, hockey,cheer....every sport has it's crazy parents .

There is nothing wrong with wanting the best for your child, and maybe even believing your kid has a great future. It can happen.

I am just trying to constantly remind myself to take this one step at a time. She may or may not be the best in her group but as long as she still wants to go and we can afford it, she will. But also know that at some point she may like another sport better, ...and also reminding myself that gymnastics is a great base for everything. ;)