Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Counting down to lots of exciting things...

50 more work days until maternity leave! I can't wait to be with my little man! He is kicking and moving up a storm and I am already so attached to him! He has a sleep pattern, and an aerobic time, lol. He is an active little booger! He loves to have his sister Jasy read to him and kicks the whole time. Eve tickles my belly and he can't stand that! She is already aggravating him, lol. He doesn't like if I get in the bathtub. He doesn't mind showers but baths are on his no no list! Don't know why. He loves salty foods, fruit and veggies! Doesn't really care for sweets that much. Loves steaks too! Eve swears he loves Kenny Chesney, lol. I think he likes all music really. He is already forming his little personality and it amazes me!

We are getting closer to working on the nursery! We got Eve moved upstairs and it looks so pretty! I will post pictures soon. I redone an old desk for her and it looks so good. She loves it! I modged podged and painted it and I really think it turned out nice. We are working on painting Eve's old room for Jasy now. She loves the pink! We even found where you can put glitter in your paint and she is in hog heaven!!! I can't wait to see it finished! Then it's on to little Zeb's room!!! Yay!!!! Super excited!

Have a blessed day!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday's funny...


Four brothers left home for college, and they became successful doctors and lawyers.

One evening, they chatted after having dinner together. They discussed the 95th birthday

gifts they were able to give their elderly mother who moved to Florida .

The first said, "You know I had a big house built for Mama."

The second said, "And I had a large theater built in the house."

The third said, "And I had my Mercedes dealer deliver an SL600 to her."

The fourth said, "You know how Mama loved reading the Bible and you know she can't

read anymore because she can't see very well. I met this preacher who told me about a parrot

who could recite the entire Bible. It took ten preachers almost 8 years to teach him. I had to

pledge to contribute $50,000 a year for five years to the church, but it was worth it Mama

only has to name the chapter and verse, and the parrot will recite it."

The other brothers were impressed. After the celebration Mama sent out her "Thank You" notes.

She wrote: Milton , the house you built is so huge that I live in only one room, but I have to

clean the whole house. Thanks anyway."

"Marvin, I am too old to travel. I stay home; I have my groceries delivered, so I never use

the Mercedes. The thought was good. Thanks."

"Michael, you gave me an expensive theater with Dolby sound and it can hold 50 people,

but all of my friends are dead, I've lost my hearing, and I'm nearly blind. I'll never use it.

Thank you for the gesture just the same."

"Dearest Melvin, you were the only son to have the good sense to give a little thought to

your gift. The chicken was delicious Thank you so much."

Love, Mama

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween fun...

Wonder Women and Grease Lighning...
My little Fifties Diva...
Wonder what she is thinking...

 My girls had fun last night trick or treating! I didn't get to go bc I was under the weather but that didn't stop me from getting some candid shots before they left on a candy spree! Next year, we will have a little bundle to add to the fun! Can't wait!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It's a boy!

I know it' been a while but time is surely flying by! I am now well into my second trimester and getting rounder everyday. :) I have 4 more weeks until I enter my third trimester and I can't wait! Since my last post, I found out that we are having a sweet little boy! We are so excited that God has blessed us with such a gift. We have had three ultrasounds so far and on the last two he moves, kicks and squirms the whole time! I think we have a little stinker on our hands! I have 63 working days until I leave on maternity leave and you better believe I am counting down! I can't wait until he is here and I can give him lots of kisses. The girls are so excited and Jasy ask almost everyday when he is going to be here. She reads to him everyday and he already recognizes her voice. Every time she starts reading he wakes up and moves around. Eve loves to rub my belly (which drives me nuts) and she laughs at all my transformations and problems. Jasy tells me how beautiful I am (isn't she sweet) and how I am the most beautiful women on earth. She must know my self esteem runs a little low right now. Jason has been great and has really helped me out a lot so far. Lots of foot rubs, back rubs, tubs ran and runs out for fruit! Yes, fruit, I have craved fruit like crazy! Especially strawberries! I eat them everyday. No weird cravings though, all normal. We have picked out a name for our little Prince and I can't wait to do his nursery! We have decided on the name Zeb. We are going to name him Zebediah Luke and call him "Zeb". Zeb  means "a gift from God" and that is truly what this baby is to us. I already know he is going to be special. :)

I am starting to enter my "nesting phase" and it is driving Jason nuts. I want everything done yesterday and I really need my house organized or I am going to go crazy! We are moving Eve upstairs to the play room so we have been repainting and moving stuff out. We are almost done painting her new room, and then we are going to move her upstairs and do the finishing touches over the next month or so. We have to add her a closet to the once office space, and I really want to add some built in bookshelves for her room. I have taken on a good many little projects and I can't wait to see them finished. Then after we get Eve upstairs we are painting Eve's old room and moving Jasy in there. THEN FINALLY we get to do the nursery! (Jasy's old room). I can't wait to paint the walls a baby blue and see everything in place for him. Those who have been pregnant know how crazy women are when they begin "nesting" and getting things in place for their new little one. We are like crazy birds flying around getting our little nest ready for our chicks/dudes. :)

The girls are doing great in school and they seem to be settling well with their new schedules. Eve has had a big adjustment this year getting used to middle school but she seems to like it pretty good-just not all the work...especially on weekends. She is doing fantastic in gymnastics and has completely gotten over her mental blocks, thank the good Lord! She is now doing handstands on the bars and she is so proud of herself and we are so proud of our girl for fighting through it. She has her first meet this weekend. It will be so nice seeing her having fun again doing what she loves. I hope God gets all the Glory.

Jasy loves first grade and loves her teacher. She is reading up a storm. She LOVES to read and reads constantly! She is already in chapter books and stealing Eves old books. :) She never seeks to amaze me and she is one to watch! She has a heart for God and she is such a caring, loving child. I can't wait to see what plans God has in store for her. When she sets her mind to something this child makes it happen! She sets goals and writes them down and then works towards them! 

I am so ready for Thanksgiving to get here! I love this time of the year. I have so much to be thankful for this year. God is so good to us. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Fripp and Shrimp time...

Tick, tock, tick, tock...1 more day until we are on Fripp time baby!!! I have been waiting all summer! I can already feel the sand between my toes and the wind blowing in my hair. We usually go to Edisto Island but we have heard such great things about Fripp Island that we wanted to try it out. I think it should be wonderful! This year our rental came with a golf cart so we will be traveling in style-whoo hoo , because this prego lady is tired! Gonna get me a good book and escape to no mans land for a week. When I come back I have to hit reality head on. The day after we come back I have a to go back to work, do late registration for both girls (since they will be gone the week of regular meet the teacher), I have a Doctors appt (the story of my life lately), Eve has an Orthodontist appt and gymnastics! Ugh... So I will definitely enjoy my week while I have nothing to do!

I am 13 weeks (tomorrow) and the baby is the size of a medium shrimp-about 3 inches long. Relates doesn't it, considering we are going to the beach this week! A lot of people say that I am not even showing at all yet but it's kind of weird this pregnancy. In the morning my belly is pretty much flat but my night time it's sticking out like a little cantaloupe. I guess it's the fluids in my body that I drink throughout the day? My weight is fluctuating too. One day I am up to 5 lbs gained and the next I am down to 2 lbs gained. I really think it's fluid crazy! No maternity clothes yet, although my waist is fuller and my pants are tighter in the belly. I just feel bloated and gassy all the time, lol. Oh the joys of being a woman! about 4 more weeks until we have our next ultrasound! Whoo-hoo, can't wait! Jasy told me that it will either say "girl" or "boy" on their bottom and it's hand written from God. :) So sweet!!!!
 I found the baby the cutest bassinet! It is white, with white lace fabric and it has interchangeable ribbon for girl and for a boy. Of course we have it up and Jasy stuck the pink ribbon on it. :)

I have been cleaning the girls closets out like a crazy woman! I sold all Jasy's outgrown clothes, her old backpack, her Leapfrog tag Reading system (bc "I can read now Mom"), Eve's too small tennis shoes and Eve's DS, case and games. I made $435!! Yay, beach money and back to school clothes money!!!! We are getting ready for a new addition you know, got to be cost savvy!

Well ready to get my busy day started. (not really but I have to) so until next time...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

It's me again Margaret...

Well...it's been a while! Too long! I haven't been very loyal to my blog but it hit me tonight that I needed to do a little catching up. ;) So much has happened since May and I don't really know where to start. So instead of writing a 10 page blog, I figured I would just do a list of the things (well some of the big ones) that have changed since then. Here goes-

  1. School is out! Eve is going into middle school and Jasy into 1st grade. This year sure did fly by!
  2. Eve has overcome her gymnastics mental block and is doing wonderful! She has really found the love and joy in gymnastics that she was missing for the 5 months during her mental struggle. She has gotten stronger both mentally and physically and has improved leaps and bounds on those skills that were blocking her! They look even better than before! She is so happy and we are so happy for her! I hope this will be a great meet year for her. ;)
  3. Jasy graduated k-5 and was a little cutie pie! I cried my eyes out and about had a melt down that my baby girl was already going into 1st grade soon!
  4. The biggest news of all is I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!  Yes, a huge surprise for us!!! Once we got past the intial shock, we were excited but very scared!!! In fact, I think Jason and I are more scared than we were when we were pregnant with our first child! I don't really know why but we are. We sold everything we had baby oriented bc although we never closed that door we didn't plan on opening it again. We will have to start fresh!!! That I think scares us! The girls are so thrilled!!!! It has a sparked a light in Eve that we haven't seen. She is in hog Heaven and so excited! Jasy is too! At first, Jasy wasn't that sure of not being the baby anymore but when we explained to her that she will always be our baby she got over it. She just doesn't want a boy! In fact, she cried oneday when Eve and I checked out the Chinese calendar and it said a boy. She locked herself in her room and wouldn't come out. She is starting to come around there though. I think she will be okay once we know for sure what we are having. I am 11 weeks and 3 days today and ready to be out of my first trimester!!! I have been so tired and nauseas so far and I want to feel good again!!! I hope this will soon pass. The baby is already moving and since it's my 3rd pregnancy, I can already feel little movements. It's really neat! The girls can't wait to be able to see it kick and they pull my shirt up everyday to see if my belly has gotten any bigger, lol. I hope that passes too!! At first I was running just as I did before (just slower) but now I can't even get up and do anything without being sick so I am hoping to get back to the pavement very soon! 7 more weeks until we find out what we are having and you better believe I want to know!! I am not one of those netural colors will work kind of girls. Give me pink or blue!!!! I want it either all girl or all boy! We do have some names picked out but mainly for girls. Can you tell what I have on my mind? Nah, I really don't care but I am just so use to girls that it will take me a while to get all boyed up! Jason is surprisly wanting a boy after all these years saying that girls are the best! I think he is starting to see hormones in the future. Can't much blame him there.

  5. Eve had a great 11th bday. We took her to the Mall of Georgia and then we stayed at an Inn just out of town that pampered them silly. Rose petals in the bed, chocolates on the pillows, pedicures and all of that girlie stuff that I love! She took her BF Maggie and they had such a good time. I couldn't believe how much both of them have grown up. It's really sad.
Now we are a little bit caught up. I promise that I wont be so obselete now. I think I just needed sometime to soak in some things and now it's all good.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Mothers day...(full of humor)

     Happy      Mother's Day!!

Dear Friends,

Wishing all of you Mom's and Grandma's the day you deserve!  Here's a few laughs for you to enjoy ! 
Mothers Day card

 What My Mother Taught Me
  1. My mother taught me RELIGION.
    "You'd better pray that will come out of the carpet."
  2. My mother taught me TIME TRAVEL.
    "If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!"
  3. My mother taught me FORESIGHT.
    "Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident."
  4. My mother taught me IRONY.
    "Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about."
  5. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM.
    "Will you look at that dirt on the back of your neck!"
  6. My mother taught me about WEATHER.
    "This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it."
  7. My mother taught me about ENVY.
    "There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do."
  8. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION.
    "Just wait until we get home."
  9. My mother taught me about RECEIVING.
    "You are going to get it when you get home!"
  10. My mother taught me HUMOUR.
    "When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me."
  11. My mother taught me WISDOM.
    "When you get to be my age, you'll understand."
  12. My mother taught me about JUSTICE.
    "One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you".

 10 Amusing One-Liners and Interesting Facts About Mothers
    1. I'd like to be the ideal mother, but I'm too busy raising my kids.
    2. 80.5 million are the number of mothers of all ages in the USA.
    3. 81% of women between 40 and 44 are mothers.
    4. Women expect to have 2 children in their lifetime.
    5. Working mothers are guinea pigs in a scientific experiment to show that sleep is not necessary to human life.
    6. Parents often talk about the younger generations as if they didn't have anything to do with it.
    7. A mother's role is to deliver children obstetrically once, and by car forever after. - Peter De Vries
    8. God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers. - A Jewish Proverb
    9. There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it. - Chinese Proverb
    10. A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest. - Irish Proverb
 Mother of a Small Boy Knows...
    • A king size waterbed holds enough water to fill a 2000 sq. ft. house, 4 inches deep.
    • A 3-year old boy's voice is louder than 200 adults in a crowded restaurant.
    • When you hear the toilet flush and the words 'uh oh' , it's already too late.
    • Brake fluid mixed with Clorox makes smoke, and lots of it.
    • A six-year old boy can start a fire with a flint rock even though a 36-year old Man says they can only do it in the movies.
    • Certain Lego's will pass through the digestive tract of a 4-year old Boy.
    • Play dough and microwave should not be used in the same sentence.
    • Super glue is forever. »
    • No matter how much Jell-O you put in a swimming pool you still can't walk on water.
    • Pool filters do not like Jell-O.
    • Garbage bags do not make good parachutes.
    • Marbles in gas tanks make lots of noise when driving.
    • You probably DO NOT want to know what that odor is.
    • The fire department in Austin, Texas has a 5-minute response time.
    • The spin cycle on the washing machine does not make earthworms dizzy.
    • It will, however, make cats dizzy.
    • Cats throw up twice their body weight when dizzy.
    • 80% of men who read this will try mixing the Clorox and brake fluid.

Wishing you the best day,
Shannon Donald 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A season of up's and downs...(but we are so grateful for every minute)

Here is a little video I made of pictures from some of Eve's meets this year. Nothing great, but I wanted a little something to remember this year. It was a year of ups and downs but I am more proud of her than ever! I think sports are a good way to get a preview of how your child handles life and will handle life. Perseverance, determination, self control, work ethic, inner strength, etc all show up in those fun activities that are children like to do. If we focus long enough we will be able to see things we would never be able to see otherwise. By the end of last season, Eve was struggling so much with mental blocks that she didn't even go to state even though she qualified her very first meet last year. I thought that we were reaching the point where she would throw in the towel and say  "I quit" but instead she has done the opposite. When things get tough you can either stop or let it make you stronger and teach you something. I am proud to say that she preserverd through it and it has taught her so much. She is still battling it daily but the she is still pushing forward. Some days are better than others but lately she is having more good than bad! She has really opened up to me a lot lately and if anything good came out of this that would be around the top of my list. :)

So this is to the 2011-2012 gymnastics season! The good thing about gymnastics is you can always say "That was last season it's all over and done with, We start new this season!" Go get em girl! Faith will never steer you wrong!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My Bucket list...

1.  Ban alcohol
2. Sleep under the stars (no tent or camper)
3. Learn how to play the piano
4. Visit Hawaii
5. Watch a meteor shower
6. Visit a hot springs and get in
7. Run a marathon
8. Walk on a glacier in Alaska
9. Ski (Water)
10. Learn to speak another language
11. Bungee jump
12. Sky dive
13. Win $million bucks or a lot of $ (from a giveaway of some sort)
14. Learn how to draw
15. Give up sweets
16. Eat something off the wall
17. See Mount Rushmore in person
18. Grow my own vegetables
19. Visit France
20. Sleep on an overnight train
21. Get the world to ban abortion
22. Go back to Mexico
23. Take a sick day when I am not ill (again)
24. Build a snow fort
25. Watch an animal being born
26. Learn to surf
27. Quit being scared of frogs
28. Go somewhere formal with Jason (so we can dress the part of course)
29. See a total eclipse
30. Learn how to sew
31. Travel around the world
32. Go on a cruise
33. See Niagara Falls in person
34. Visit Africa
35. See an Amish community
36. Pay off my house
37. Roll around in perfect grass
38. Take my girls to Washington DC
39. Go rock climbing (and repel over the cliff)
40. Go on the Amazing Race
41. Learn how to hola hoop
42. See Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Be serenaded
44. Live on the beach
45. Walk on a beach by moonlight
46. Have grand kids
47. Start my own business
48. Tell someone that they are being mean bc they are being mean ( only applies to adults of course)
49. Run a 5k in under 20
50. Go to the Eiffel Tower
51. Go scuba diving
52. Kiss in the rain passionately
53. Have a party for no reason
54. Go to a drive-in movie
55. Be in a movie (I suppose home movies don't count...)
56. Visit the Great Wall of China
57. Join a prayer group
58. Take a martial arts class
59. Visit Australia
60. Learn how to cook better
61. Go a week without eating chocolate
62. Go whale watching
63. Receive flowers for no reason
64. Donate blood
65. Donate my organs
66. Learn how to salsa dance
67. Buy Jason a jeep wrangler
68. Get a maid
69. Not to cry when I get mad
70. Visit my old best friend from school Layla
71. Meet Dolly Parton
72. Piece a quilt
73. Stand in Time Square
74. Tour the Everglades
75. Get a full massage again
76. Learn how to do a backtuck and do it
77. Ride in a limo one more time
78. Figure out a way so lice is killed from the earth
79. See the Grand Canyon in person
80. Publish a childrens  book (want to...better get busy though, eh?)
81. Go back to Disney World with my girls while their young enough to enjoy it
82. Invent something
83. Get my dad to quit smoking
84. Watch my grandkids being born
85. Become a great grandparent
86. Visit the White House again ( I haven't been there since I was in 6th grade)
87. Sit in Jesus lap
88. Help find a cure for Cancer
89. Save someone’s life
90. Sit on a jury
91. Meet someone famous
92. Get an inground pool and hot tub
93. Talk to my family in Heaven
94. Quit worrying about things so much
95. Go to another country or place and tell them about Jesus
96. Get Eve to eat a hamburger
97. Converse with someone when neither of you spoke each others language
98. Understand people more
99. Grow old with Jason
100. Watch my girls grow into happy, healthy, christian adults

I don't know about you, but it looks like I've got a lot to do! I may have to live a really long time...

Friday, March 30, 2012

Press On

Another great devotion...What a devotion!!!!
13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but [this] one thing [I do], forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Believers face many difficulties. Trials. Adversaries. Doubts. At times we're all tempted to quit. The struggle seems too much, and we wonder if it's worth it to continue, to hold on to our faith when there seems to be no hope left. But there is a goal -- supremely worthwhile: life with our wonderful Lord. Not just existence, but intimate fellowship.
Fix your eyes on the goal -- God Himself -- and press on!
1 CORINTHIANS 1: 9 God [is] faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
Please read the following verses slowly and thoughtfully.
1 PETER 5:7-107 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle [you].

Space does not permit much comment on these verses, but notice that suffering is caused by your enemy, the devil, and its purpose is to attack your faith. Also notice that God only allows you to suffer a short time.
"But," you say, "it's already been a long time." Not really. It seems like a long time when you are going through trials, but afterward seems like a short time. Even a few years is nothing when you look back on it. Ask God to help you see things from Heaven's perspective. "But why does God allow me to suffer at all?"
Because people make wrong choices. Conflict causes suffering. But God believes in you! Why should He yank you out of the arena? God believes that with His grace and help, you will overcome and experience victory. The end result is what really counts. God will make everything turn out alright. (Read verse 10 again.)
Maybe you feel like your faith is barely hanging by a thread. Just hang on. With God holding the thread -- and He is -- your faith will survive. You will make it! God will help you.
SAY THIS: I will press on with God. I will not quit or give up on my faith.

Countdowns and rainbows...

It's here again! The countdown is over! Spring Break has arrived and is much needed! My girls and I are wore out mentally and physically and we need a break from the norm. We have planned another Girls trip this year during our break. My Mom, Aunt, Sister and nieces and my girls and I are ready to take the road by storm! What can we get into this year? Hmm... It's not going to be a long road trip like last year but better yet more relaxation! We are staying in a cabin in Gatlinburg for a few nights and catching some dinner shows, comedy shows and doing lots of shopping, sight seeing and just being together! I am so glad that my Aunt is getting to go with us this year. Her husband passed away this past year and I think this will be so good for her to get a way and cut loose with some girls. I am sure Jason is looking forward to having the house to himself for a few days too. Peace and quiet comes lightly in our house hold with us all there. Seems like when we are home that we are in a whirlwind getting to and from, trying to get things done. I know it will be nice on him to just come home to a peaceful house, and rest! I know he will miss us too though-bc HE LOVES US!!!!!!!!!  lol. Speaking of countdowns-Jason and I have our 12 year Anniversary coming up. Last year we wanted to go away for a few days and it never happened. This year, IT'S HAPPENING! I can't wait! We are going to Georgia for a little "Elan Escape" and we are beside our self. Long overdue and much needed! Did I tell you that the food is going to be UNBELIEVABLE?!

Keep praying for my Evie-she is still struggling mentally and needs your prayers. I can see her coming around daily, and God is working-Oh how God is working, but help us to stay focused on Him and stay on track with His plan. I am starting to see the end of the rainbow and it's getting close! Speaking of rainbows...lately I have been able to witness several beautiful rainbows. They are so rare but the last few weeks they seem to be everywhere! Truly remarkable!

Friday, March 23, 2012

If God sends us on stony paths, He provides strong shoes...

I know I have been sharing a lot of my daily devotions with you lately but I just can't help myself. I have been getting such a blessing out of what I read that I don't want someone else to miss out on such words of inspiration! God is working in my family life right now in a big way. I can see his footsteps all around, I can hear His sweet voice guiding me every day, I can feel His Heavenly Spirit lifting us up and preparing us daily for what He is about to do. I am happier right now in my life than I have ever been. I am closer to God today than I have ever felt. If people that know me looked at the earthly things that were going on in my life today they would think I had done fell off my rocker or taken too many happy pills, lol. See...I am seeing things through God's eyes right now, my vision is not cloudy anymore with pleasures here on earth. I am rejoicing because He is allowing us to see and feel Him daily and showing us that it's okay to rest in Him for a spell because He is guiding us to greener pastures and is lessening our wants every day, yet fulfilling our needs. I could shout to the Heavens and back today! PRAISE GOD, THE WONDERFUL, MIGHTY, MERCIFUL ONE!

Today’s Text of Encouragement:

“The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot…I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel…I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth; my flesh also shall rest in hope.” Psalm 16: 5, 7-9
Today’s Study Text:

“God spoke to Moses, ‘Tell the Israelites to turn around and make camp at Pihahiroth, between Migdol and the sea. Camp on the shore of the sea opposite Baalzephon. Pharaoh will think, the Israelites are lost; they’re confused. The wilderness has closed in on them. Then I’ll make Pharaoh’s heart stubborn again and he’ll chase after them. And I’ll use Pharaoh and his army to put my Glory on display. Then the Egyptians will realize that I am God. And that’s what happened…Moses answered the people…you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.’” “You’ll See Your Deliverance”
“The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom. All praise to Him, praise forever! Oh, yes!”

II Timothy 4: 18
 And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve [me] unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom [be] glory for ever and ever. Amen.

“The first step on the way to victory is to recognize the enemy.”

I’ve told you this before, but I just have to say it again, I love the Bible. I’m so thankful our Father’s Word carries in it messages that apply to you and me today. Messages which give us the hope we need to carry on when times are tough and dark and frightening!
This is exactly the situation we find God’s children in, when after leaving Egypt at God’s direction, they headed across the wilderness toward Canaan and found themselves in such a dreadful plight, there seemed, from a human perspective, to be no way out.
In order to capture a complete picture of the calamity that was about to crash in around the Israelites, I decided to go back to Exodus 13 and read about God’s detailed instructions to Moses on the Israelite’s exit from the land of bondage – Egypt. When I got to Exodus 13: 19, where the Bible tells us the detailed account of how Joseph’s bones were taken with God’s children to the land of promise, I found myself transfixed by the way God’s plan for the departure of His children appeared to be going off without a hitch. Exodus 13: 20 says that the journey took the people, a huge multitude I might add, from Succoth, where they “encamped in Etham, in the edge of the wilderness.” This is where I said to myself, “So far…so good!” If you had been one of the thousands of people in this throng, I am certain you’d be happy to be out from under the taskmasters’ daily whip and on your way to a land flowing with “milk and honey.” Especially when we read in Exodus 13: 20-21, 20 And they took their journey from Succoth, and encamped in Etham, in the edge of the wilderness.21 And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:
Now I ask you, “Knowing that God was with you at all times, and having the visual witness of His presence with the pillar of cloud and fire, wouldn’t that have been enough to sustain your confidence in the truth that your God knew exactly what He was doing?”
However, somewhere in my hurry to get to the portion of Scripture which leaves a record of the Israelites miraculously walking through the riverbed of the Red Sea on dry land with walls of water piled up on either side of them, I found out that I didn’t gain the full impact of the verses contained in our study text for today, Exodus 14: 3.
Here we find that God came to Moses and told him to go to the children of Israel and tell them to get ready to move for He had a plan for them and for the Egyptians. God’s children were instructed by God to put themselves in a very vulnerable position. In fact, God warned Israel that Pharaoh, when he heard about their baffling move, would come to the conclusion that,  “The Israelites are entangles in the land. The wilderness has shut them in."
Forgetting completely that it was the God of heaven and earth who was leading His chosen children out of Egypt and to the Promised Land, Pharaoh – God’s enemy and God’s children’s enemy – ignored the fact that God was in charge. This is what happens quite frequently in the world of “Pharaoh.” The world in which you and I attempt to survive in on a daily basis. Whoever and wherever Pharaoh resides, we find that “he” or “she” overestimates their power. Not only against God, but God’s children, too! Thinking that the weak are their prey, when one of God’s children is struggling along the way, the “Pharaoh’s” of this old world put their ropes around the necks of God’s children, thinking that the tighter they yank, the more power they have over us.
But praise God, what “Pharaoh” forgets – in the end -- becomes lethal for “Pharaoh.” As Jesus told His’ disciples in John 15: 5, “Without Me ye can do nothing.” And later, the Apostle Paul, when writing to his friends in the church in Corinth reminded them that, “We can do nothing against the truth” (II Corinthians 13: 8).
You see, it’s not a good idea for “Pharaoh” to get a false sense of “his” or “her” own importance. And this is exactly what happened, when pride-filled Pharaoh, came galloping, with his 600 finest chariots and army across the barren desert, believing he had the Israelites blocked in by his power and the sea.
However, there’s one other element to this story that really hit me in the face. And it is this! Moses told all the Israelites, before Pharaoh’s army arrived, that trouble was coming. He also told them that God had been the “One” who had led them to the Red Sea. This perplexing event didn’t happen by accident. God’s hand was leading all the way – make no mistake about it. This was not some unplanned event. In fact, God even told everyone the reason this situation unfolded as it had – and here is the reason God gave Moses: "And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, that he shall follow after them; and I will be honoured upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host; that the Egyptians may know that I [am] the LORD. And they did so. (Exodus 14: 4,)
Knowing that this entire crisis was designed by and led by God, should have given the Israelites all the confidence they needed when they saw the army of Egypt approaching.
Sadly, their response to this emergency was the same response I’ve had myself, way too many times when a crisis hits my own life. I witness trouble on the horizon, and in complete despair, I holler out to God, “How did You let me get into this mess? Where are You when I need You most? What are You doing for me? I thought You really loved me? I believed I was doing Your will? I pray! I give my money and time to You! Why aren’t You helping me when I need You the most?”
Now, quite possibly, your faith, when stretched to the limit, is a lot greater than mine is. But when we are over-tired and over-burdened, like the children of Israel, it’s easy to come up with some real “doozies” when we talk to God about the “Pharaoh” and the Red Sea we are facing! If you need an example, here is what the children of Israel hit God and Moses with as they realized the problem they faced. “And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of Israel lifted up their eyes, and, behold, the Egyptians marched after them; and they were sore afraid: and the children of Israel cried out unto the Lord. And they said unto Moses, ‘Because there were no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness? Wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us, to carry us forth out of Egypt? Is not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt, saying, “Let us alone that we may serve the Egyptians? For it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians, than that we should die in the wilderness” (Exodus 14: 10-12).
This is quite a nasty tirade, not only against Moses, but against God who had told His children, very plainly, that He was guiding them every step of the way. And to give them even more assurance, God had a pillar of cloud and fire daily following His children as a signal of His actual presence in their midst.
At this point in time, if I had been God, I might have concluded I had chosen the wrong people to be My “special” children. And as for Moses, in my book he had every right to lose his cool but instead, his message to the people was, as we have studied during the past two days: “And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever. (Exodus 14: 13).
God didn’t demean the Israelites for their lack of faith. He didn’t criticize them for not trusting Him more. He, instead, worked to build their faith by pointing to the “One” on whom the results of the battle depended – and it wasn’t this band of frightened Israelites. It was our great God – the God of heaven and earth. The God I love to look up to in the dark night sky and call “My Father.” It’s the God that Job reminds us keeps the heavens in order. It’s the God that the prophet Isaiah tells us renews our strength when we are weak. It is the God that Jeremiah says is so faithful that His gifts to us are new every morning. And it is the God whom the prophet Habakkuk tells us makes our feet like hinds (deer’s) feet, so we can walk on the high places God has prepared for us. This is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – and it is the all-powerful God of Mary, Janet, Esther, Veronica, and yes, of Dorothy, too!

“Remember that your Father is just ahead of you in the shadow.” Author Unknown

Keep Up The Song of Faith

“Keep up the song of faith,

However dark the night;

And as you praise, the Lord will work

To change your faith to sight.

Keep up the song of faith,

And let your heart be strong,

For God delights when faith can praise

Though dark the night and long.

Keep up the song of faith,

The foe will hear and flee;

Oh, let not Satan hush your song

For praise is victory.”

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Battling the Three Headed Monster of Inferiority, Insecurity, and Inadequacy...

Today’s Truth devotional I read: WOW!!!

“And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward:,” (2 Corinthians 3:4).

Friend to Friend

The three-headed monster of inferiority, insecurity and inadequacy can paralyze a Christian into inactivity and leave her sitting on the bench during the game of life…afraid to get into the game. God’s desire is to destroy the monster with the truth and render him impotent in our lives. Satan’s desire is to feed him with lies and train him to control our lives. Whom are we going to believe?

Believing the truth about who you are in Christ destroys feelings of inferiority. Believing the truth about where you are in Christ destroys feelings of insecurity. Believing the truth about what you have in Christ destroys feelings of inadequacy.

I do not want you to think I am always victorious and never struggle with the three-headed monster. He still rears his ugly head every now and then. Let me give you one example of how he does it.

Many years ago, I had my first large speaking engagement to about 450 women. My topic was Unshakable Confidence in Christ. Two weeks before I was to speak to the group, I attended a luncheon. Two ladies, whom I did not know, were sitting at my table. They were talking about a speaker they had recently heard at the church where I would be speaking in a few weeks.

“He was the most powerful speaker I have ever heard,” one said.

“I cried all the way through his testimony. Just to think, he had to live with the fact that his son was an arsonist. Oh how God has worked mightily in the family. The pastor was so moved, he asked him to speak at the Sunday night service. That is highly unusual. I don’t think we will ever have a speaker that good again.”

On and on they sang the praises of this mighty man of God. They used words like dynamic, powerful, electric, and eloquent. I never mentioned that I would be the speaker for their next meeting. At that point, I wasn’t so sure I would be.

As I listened to the ladies, my throat constricted, the tea sandwiches clung to the roof of my mouth, and my heart pounded wildly. Then Satan, the gatekeeper for the three-headed monster, let him out.

“Who do you think you are, going to speak at this event?” he seemed to say. “Listen to the caliber of people they bring in. This man came from all the way across the country. You are coming from across town. What could you possibly have to say to help these women? If I were you, I’d bow out now before you embarrass yourself.”

You know what? Even though I knew it was the enemy whispering in my ear, I started to believe him. After all, what he was saying made a lot more sense than the “My new Identity in Christ” Bible verses I had taped on my refrigerator door.

After the luncheon, I decided to go by the church and purchase a tape of the previous speaker, just to see what I was going to be compared to. I walked into the church, paid my $5.00, popped the tape in the console, and braced myself for the hour of power.

Nothing happened.

I fast-forwarded the tape.

Nothing happened.

I flipped the tape over.

Nothing happened.

The tape was blank.

At that moment, I did not hear the dynamic speaker on the tape, I heard God.

Sharon, you do not need to hear what my servant said to those people two weeks ago. The tape is blank because I do not want you to compare yourself to anyone else. It doesn’t matter what he said. I will give you a message for these ladies. I can speak through a prophet, I can speak through a fisherman, and I can speak through a donkey.

I gave him a message and I have given you one as well. Who are you “performing” for, my child, them or Me? Do not compare yourself to anyone. You are my child and I am asking you to speak to an audience of One.

It was indeed an hour of power. I didn’t bother getting my money back for the defective tape. It was exactly what I needed to hear.

So the next time Satan said to me, “Who do you think you are?” let me tell you what I said. “I am the light of the world. I am the salt of the earth. I am a child of God. I am the bride of Christ. I am a joint-heir with Christ. I have the power of the Holy Spirit. I have been delivered from the domain of darkness and transferred to the kingdom of Christ. I am chosen of God, holy and dearly loved.”

Two weeks later I spoke with confidence, and God blessed us all.

Let’s Pray

Dear God, I know that without You I am nothing but an empty vessel. However, because of You, I am filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and have been blessed with every spiritual blessing! I can be confident because of who I am as a child of the King. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me!

In Jesus’ Name,


Now It’s Your Turn

When is the last time the three-headed monster attacked you?

Where do you think those feelings of insecurity came from?

Do you believe that the power of God lives in You?

Do you think there is any incident in which God would say “I can’t?”

I hope you answered no! Look up these two verses and write them down. Post them in a visible place and look at them every time your confidence begins to wane this week.

Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Genesis 18:14 Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.

Next time Satan lets the Three-headed monster out of his cage to attack you, what are you going to tell him?.

More from the Girlfriends

This story was taken from my book Becoming Spiritually Beautiful. If you struggle with confidence, then this book, as well as I’m Not Good Enough…and Other Lies Women Tell Themselves, God will give you the confidence you need to do all that God has planned for you to do! Hang on to your hat! God’s about to do something amazing in your life!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

God cares...

If God can remember the names of all the billions of stars, He can remember my name and address, and take care of me.

1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

I would like to think that we are like the stars. It's when the sky is so dark that we really start to shine.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Stretching For the Truth

 Today's Devotional Reading

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John.8:32)

I remember as a boy how I use to love to climb trees. The bigger the tree, the greater the challenge and the more thrilling it was to climb. I remember how I would climb as high as I possibly could, often getting up to what would seem to be very flimsy branches. I can remember how the limbs would sway and the breeze would blow through my hair. I felt like I was in my own little world--it was a feeling of freedom, a feeling of becoming part of the tree as it moved with the gentle brush of the wind.

I now have a son who likes to do the very same thing. Though when he does, I stand below him on solid ground looking up and thinking that he needs to come down a little bit. I look at him high up in the tree and fear for his safety and get nervous for him--while he remains completely unafraid. It seems I quickly forget how much I enjoyed the same thing as a child.

I see God's Truth like a Great Tree to be climbed. It is a massive and challenging tree that stretches into the sky. Each and every branch represents another part of God's person, and the higher I climb and the more I stretch, the more I become one with Him--holding tightly to Him--moving with Him as He moves.

As a child in Christ, as a new Christian, we may find that we like heights. We cannot wait to get back up the tree of God's truth each and every day. We climb and climb, hoping to discover something new about His person. With each stretch toward another branch we cling more fervently to Him. The higher up we move, the more dependent we become upon Him to support us. It is a feeling of freedom.

But as we get bigger the heights appear too high, and the risk appears too dangerous. Fear begins to replace freedom and we find ourselves standing on the ground, looking up and perhaps wondering what has made us afraid to climb the tree the way we did once upon a time. And when we do get up the courage to climb, we cannot seem to bring ourselves to go as high as we once did. We stop short of limbs we had once traversed, and we see no hope of ever stretching beyond the place we have already been.

We, therefore, settle for the familiar. We climb to a point that feels comfortable, a point that we can settle with because it fits our logic, our preconceived ideas or our religious doctrines. We then live our lives never searching out the depths of who God is, but settle for the pleasant familiar and miss out on so much that He has to offer.

To speak plainly; there are many things that God has yet to show us. There are many ways to love Him, many ways to minister to others and many ways to live out our Christian life that we have yet to begin to discover. We rob ourselves of true freedom by learning one way to love, minister and live--then settling within the comfortable familiar, reluctant to stretch any further.

We do not learn to walk with a walker in our infancy and then use one the rest of our lives. In the same way, God does not teach us ways to walk in our Christian infancy that we are to cling to throughout our Christian lives (see Heb.6:1-3). He wants us to move beyond what is familiar and trust Him that he won't let us fall out of the tree.

God's truth is limitless. When we stop stretching beyond some part of the comfortable truth, we begin to put our trust in that truth, understanding or doctrine (these are the branches we rest on), and we begin to withdraw our trust from Him. God did not give us doctrine so that we could walk in it, but doctrine is a spiritual walker to help us to learn to walk in Him. It is not something to settle with, but something to help us move beyond ourselves as we learn to abandon everything we have ever known--and trust completely in our Lord.

Where do you want to be? Do you want to be the one who enjoys the freedom that comes from being stretched by God's truth? Or do you want to be the one standing on the ground looking up--wishing that those who are in the heights would come down a little bit so that you feel more comfortable?

"Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,

 Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this will we do, if God permit."

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

We receive from God from faith...

I would lie to you if I told you that I do not worry or fear and that I always have 100% faith all the time. That I don't get discouraged or want to throw in the towel and quit. Things get hard and I get impatient and I want it fixed RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT! I have always been this way. Honestly I think we all are born this way. It is our flesh and it is born corrupt. BUT I do have to say that it seems like when I call out to God to help me, to show me that I am on the right path He always does. Yesterday was one of those days for me. As soon as I called out to Him, all got quiet, peace surrounded me and He showed me in His word that He is still working out all the details and that everything will be okay. If you have never experienced the feeling of God's arms around you, talking one on one with you, then I beg you to do so. So many people are troubled in this world right now, facing hardships, depression, turmoil. If we all would just stop doing what we are doing and turn to Him for guidance and self help what a better world this would be. I don't know where I would be today without Him. He leads me across each obstacle that comes before me. When I feel like theirs no hope and no reason to keep on, He always pushes me more because He has a plan for my life. The hairs upon my head He knows them all, He formed me in my mothers womb and knew then what He had planned for me to do. Fears and trouble might come my way but My Lord knows what's best for me. As I look back to yester years and see all the roads that He brought me through just to get me where I am today, I am thankful. We are who we need to be right now, no matter how we feel, because He loved us and He never forsakes us. We will always rest in His blessed assurance that He has it all under control! Isaiah 25

1-O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.

(The following is from my devotion today and I thought I would share)
ROMANS 5:1-2
All we receive from God is by His grace. We do not deserve it, and we are not able to earn it. It is a gift offered by grace.
But we must access it by faith.
GALATIANS 3:14 We receive through faith. Whether we are receiving the Holy Spirit or receiving healing. Whatever we receive from God must be received by faith.
HEBREWS 6:12 There are many promises in the Bible. If you want them to be manifest in your life, you must possess them through faith and patience.
Do not let this discourage you. Rather it should encourage you. Although your faith may not be strong now, you can strengthen it by feeding on the Word of God. It is under your control.
God's Word is faith food. The more you read it, speak it, and hear it, the stronger your faith will grow.
SAY THIS: I will feed on God's Word and build my faith so I can receive all the blessings God has for me.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Answered prayers...

“I asked for strength that I might achieve.

He made me weak that I might obey.

I asked for health that I might do greater things.

I was given grace that I might do better things.

I asked for riches that I might be happy.

I was given poverty that I might be wise.

I asked for power that I might have the praise of men.

I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God.

I asked for all things that I might enjoy life.

I was given life that I might enjoy all things.

I received nothing that I asked for.

All that I hoped for.

My prayer was answered.”

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Farther on...

Farther on oh still go farther, count the milestones one by one, Jesus will forsake you never, it is better farther on.

This is the song that has been in my head since Saturday.(Note: Eve's meet was Sunday) God knows exactly what He is doing. I might not understand it, but He sure knows what's best! http://thefortunes.org/music-2
Please listen to this song (Farther on) by the Fortune Family. It is such a blessing!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Revealing What's Inside

Attempt great things for God; expect great things from God.

This was my devotion today. What a great way to start the day! I stand amazed!
Read Psalm 18:37-45

We must remember that David's enemies were God's enemies and that he was fighting the Lord's battles. As Christians, we are taught to pray for our enemies and to do good to those who despitefully use us (Matt. 5:44). David did that. He prayed for Saul, and on at least two occasions, he could have killed him but didn't. David had the right attitude toward Saul, but Saul did not have the right attitude toward David. As we read verses 37-45, we need to remember that David was not carrying out a personal vendetta. When he talked about his enemies, he was talking about God's enemies. He was the instrument God used to accomplish His purposes against those who opposed Him.

We find an interesting point in verse 42: "Then I beat them as fine as the dust before the wind." David had grown spiritually (Ps. 19,36). When God enlarged him, his perspective changed. His enemies became as small as the dust. You see, circumstances reveal character. People say, "A man is made by a crisis." No, a crisis does not make a person. It reveals what that person is made of. When the crisis came, Saul and his crowd grew smaller and smaller as their true nature was revealed. But David grew bigger and bigger. He was also established (v. 36), while his enemies became like the dust that the wind blows away.

Are your circumstances making you smaller or bigger? Are they enabling you to overcome, or are they overcoming you? David rejoiced that God had given him victory in spite of his enemies and circumstances. The victory is the Lord's. Let your circumstances make you bigger and greater for Him.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Saying Grace before meals...


You have got to watch this video of dogs saying their blessing! It is so adorable! I tried to upload the video but it was taking forever for some reason.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Worst meet ever, best meet to date...

Let's start two weeks ago. Eve was on floor at gymnastics doing her usual tumbling. She was doing a round off back handspring back tuck. She has been competing these all season and has had them since summer. She did several really good ones! A lot of height, pretty good form! She went to do another and she balked before her back tuck. ( in gymnastics terms this means she stopped or paused in between tumbling elements) Well she went for it anyway and crashed on her head! It looked really bad! The coaches around gasped for air and ran over to her. I happened to be there that day bc Jasy was in her class. I stay and watch Jasy while she is practicing bc she is only there 2 hours and it would be pointless to drive home and back. Eve got up and walked away stunned. She wasn't hurt, it did knock the breath out of her, but it did more damage than that. It scared her! It put fear in her that she has never had before in this sport! I didn't know it at the time but it started a wildfire!She went to her next event bc it was time to rotate but she had this fear in her mind that thrilled the devil to death! She went to her next practice a couple of days later and that's when it all started to unfold. She had this awful mental block that just wasn't letting go. The harder she tried to overcome it the worse it became. The coaches tried to help her every practice and some days she would end up doing it and leave practice so happy and full of pride that she overcame it but that was only short lived by the next practice when she found herself standing in the corner of the floor stressing over "what ifs"! We were trying to encourage her with scriptures and feed her with His word. That He would always give her strength and guide her with His wisdom. I found her in her room reading scriptures and praying that He would  take away her fear. I watched her in agony struggle with something that weeks before came so easy to her. After weeks of her struggling I began to get frustrated with her when she would come home and I could tell that she was giving up on herself! She was now not doing her back handspring either, a skill she learned when she was 6 or 7. By Thursday night of last week I was mad! I was mad at her for giving up and I was mad at God for allowing the devil to take this from her when she has been praying for over a year for God to use her through her sport to be a witness for Him. I could see Him working through her with gymnastics too!So why now?! I had a heart to heart with the Lord Thursday night. By Friday morning he had showed me exactly what I needed to see. That this was not only for her benefit but for mine as well. I needed this to teach me to give it to Him and be patient. To keep my mouth shut when He was trying to make our girl stronger in faith. To learn that he only corrects those He loves so they can be used of Him in a better way. To learn that I need to pray without ceasing and pray for His will not ours. That her blessings may not always come in a form of a medal or by joys of helping the team get first. That the best joys come after you make it out of the flame and come out with a happy heart rejoicing always! We all know that the sweetest rewards are those we get in Heaven! After I saw this and God gave me the best peace that I have ever had, it all made more sense.So let's start here from yesterday...

 In warm-ups before the meet she nailed her back tuck and she looked like a whole new gymnast! She was so happy, out that enjoying herself with no worries in the world! You could tell that she was allowing God to do what he needed to do instead of her trying to do it on her own! Jason and me were up there in the stands having a shouting spell and I was already in tears! Then it was her turn to start on floor. It was their first event of the night and I could tell when she started that it was her and not God.  She got nervous when she went to compete floor and she took it back and that’s when she messed up.

Eve didn't have a good meet yesterday (had the worst meet ever and she ended up not doing her back tuck and got a 5.850 on floor) She didn't medal on anything BUT I was so proud of her bc she had the best attitude after wards! She wasn't mad, she wasn't pouting; she was happy for her team mates who did well. She cheered them on when they got medal after medal as she sat with nothing around her neck.She ran up on podium when her team took first place with a smile on her face knowing that she didn't contribute to their win. I watched her graciously step down and allow another team member to take her spot on podium bc she thought they deserved being up there more than her. She said that she learned from this meet more than she has ever learned the whole time she has been doing this sport and that it will make her a better gymnast!! She told me that she felt like a winner a true Champion bc deep down she finally saw what she needed to see. That she needed to give it fully to God and not keep taking it back! WOW!! All from a 10 year old little girl!! I was one proud mama! We shed lots of tears last night and I think she will go into that gym this week with a whole new attitude! The preacher preached about David and Goliath yesterday morning and she went down to the altar and prayed. She said it was just what she needed! She said she wants to be the ordinary person who no one would expect to defeat the enemy, and be used of God! To come from no where and give it back to Him.  
She has a renewed soul and spirit and I hope she can continue this way! I am so happy for her! Who knew   I would be so happy of such a crummy meet!? God has a way of working things out! I bet a lot of people there thought, "Poor Eve, she did awful"! She did do awful in that aspect but boy did she win eternally!

Stay posted...this David is coming back, this time with more faith than ever! She wants a rematch!