Monday, September 28, 2009

Faith the size of an M & M

I found a lump under my arm about 3 months ago. I am known to get fatty tumors in my breast but this one was different. It was about the size of a plain M & M , hard and it didn't hurt. All the others were soft, large and painful. I kept watching it hoping that it would go away. I checked it daily just to make sure that it wasn't growing and hoping that one day when I checked it would be gone. It was definitely there. It never changed so I made an appointment with my doctor. They couldn't see me for 3 weeks. I wasn't scared about this one really I had peace about it that I can't explain. The other times that I felt lumps, I would worry myself silly but not with this one. I have always feared having cancer of any sort. My biggest fear is loosing my hair and not being there for my family. During the time of waiting on my doctors appointment I didn't pray that it wasn't cancer, and I didn't pray for it to go away, I just prayed for God to use me however he saw fit and for me to do His will whatever the outcome.
I went to the doctor today and that's when I started to get a little nervous. I went into the restroom and prayed a little prayer, I said, "God, help the doctor to see what he needs to see and if it is cancer Lord help me to be strong and to serve you, but Lord I pray that I will be able to be here for my kids, that's all I ask". I went into the exam room, and sat and waited on the doctor to come in. I started feeling for the lump so when he came in I could show him exactly where it was. I couldn't find it. When the doctor came in I told him that I have been trying to find it and it wasn't there now. I just felt it last night in the shower and it was there. He checked it out and low and behold it was just not there. I sat in astonishment and just didn't know what to say. I left the doctors office and sat in my car for a minute just collecting my thoughts. Then I smiled the biggest smile and said, " Thank you God, for taking that from me, thanks for taking care of that for me". I called Jason and told him all about my story and he said, " I guess He wanted to test your faith for a bit, what about that".

All I can say is... Praise God for His wonderful grace!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Peaches,Honey and a piggyback ride...

I am proud to introduce the newest addition to the Donald family... please meet "Peaches". He is the cutest little kitten!

As most of you know, Eve's dog has been missing and he hasn't returned. She has had a really hard time and we have looked everywhere. So... one night while she was crying herself to sleep I went into her bedroom and asked her if she would be okay with getting a new pet. She pondered it for a minute and then she smiled this wonderful smile and said "Can I get a kitten"? I went

and got a paper the next day and told her that she could look through the ads and find the kitten that she wanted and call about it. She marked all in that paper circling ads with excitement. She couldn't decide if she wanted a white kitten or an orange one. Well there was an ad that said "free kittens", that's all it said. It didn't say what color or anything so I called about it and left a message. When the lady called me back she said that she had two white kittens with orange spots, and we could come pick it up the next day. What about that? God knew what she wanted and he heard her sweet little prayer.

We went last night after gymnastics and picked it up. You should have seen Eve's face when she saw those kittens! I wish I could have snagged that picture. It was priceless! It is the most loving kitten. It layed his head down on Eve's shoulder and just purred away. When we got home we introduced it to "Honey", our cockerspaniel, he was full of excitement too. Since Yellow has been gone, he cries everyday and just sits around and won't eat much. It made his little day too. He gave Peaches a sniff or two and then started licking him with approval. Eve thought it was funny that Honey thought Peaches could give him a piggy back ride :) Jasy (my child who contemplates everything) just watched with curiosity. lol When we got up this morning, Honey had kissed Peaches so much that his little fur was sticking straight up on the top of his head. It was too funny.

I am so glad to see that sweet little smile on my girls face. Thanks to everyone for praying for her. God worked it out. (as He always does)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Where is God in your life...

Jasy (my 3 year old) asked me the other day, where God was? She said "I can't see Him in the clouds mommy". I responded with "He's not in the clouds baby, He is with us all the time". Then she said, "does He walk mommy?" Jason said, "He doesn't have to walk, He is just there". Jasy ended with, "Is He here in the car with us then" and Eve (my 8 yr old) said, "yes sweetie, He is taking care of us right now!"

He IS always with us and taking care and leading us. I bet he thinks, here we go again, That Shannon is the hardest person to lead, quit vearing right my dear, and keep going straight!

Last night I wanted to do some reading and I went into the kitchen where Jason has his books that he reads. I went to pick one and my hand just steered right to one that I never had read in before. I thought I will read this one. So I went into the bedroom layed on the bed and opened that book. Jason had a pen marking a page so I went to that page. At the top of the page was SHANNON written and underlined in read. I thought, wonder what that means. Then I started reading and about myself! That's right, it was about putting your self down and thinking that you are not good enough to be used by God. It said to stop thinking that you can't do something and start thinking about why God is using you to begin with. God doesn't see us the way we do, He sees all these talents and abilities that are there waiting for us to use them. He knows just what we need to be doing. Tuesday night on the way home from running I was talking to God. I think I spent most of the conversation putting myself down. I remember saying "God, I know that I am not worthy of anything and that I am good enough to be doing your will and that people probably see me as stupid or worthless but please don't let them see me but to see you. I am guilty of this all the time. I am glad that He sees way more than my eyes do and I am glad that I have a husband that prays for me and listens to God.

"Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise." Hebrews 10:35-36
Is God steering your life or do you let Him? I tried for years to do my own driving and it led me down dead end streets. Let God have that wheel and He will be right next to you directing the way everyday.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Candles and all...

Jason is so sweet! When I came home from running tonight, he had lit candles and surrounded them by the bathtub and had my bath ready. I know... Aww!!!! I am so thankful to have such a sweet husband. But most of all I am thankful to have a wonderful christian husband.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Our sweet Yellow...

Eve's black lab that she got when she was one is missing. It all started when I called an ad in the paper about some black labs for sale and when I told the lady that it was for my one year old to grow up with she said she had the perfect puppy! She tied a yellow ribbon around his neck so she could save him just for us. When Eve saw the ribbon she named him "Yellow" and it has been his name ever since.
She has been so upset! She is going outside crying and calling him every few minutes and it is breaking my heart into pieces! I love that dog too and he has become part of our family. He has been gone since Saturday and he has never been gone this long. If you know where I live, please keep an eye out for him please. We are going to make posters and put them out tomorrow. I pray for him to return home safely please do the same.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Remembering 9-11 and preparing for tomorrow...

Last night we were watching on the History channel, a documentary of 9-11-01. It was very heartbreaking to watch bc they had taken tapes and footage that people had taken that day, and made a 105 minute show about it. It showed the planes hitting the towers and the people screaming and running down the streets in a mad stampede. It showed the towers burning, and those who were trapped in the building hanging out of windows trying to get out of the hot wrath of the fire. It showed the peoples faces of pure panic, and disbelief of what was happening. It showed the screaming and cries of those near the attacks. It showed the firefighters, and police men suiting up to go in those buildings not knowing that most of them would never see the light of day again. It even had the original 911 calls of those people trapped calling in, begging for someone to save them and asking if they should jump. One of the 911 dispatchers was very abrupt to the caller, I guess bc he didn't know what to tell them to do and he was receiving so many phone calls for help. He responded by yelling at them and telling them that help was on the way to stay where they were and to do what they needed to do. Then he yelled " I am hanging up now" and hung up on them. That broke my heart for that person. That was the last hope that they might have had that day. I know without a shadow of a doubt that God was in those buildings, and on the planes that day and maybe He was able to SAVE some of those people that day. I know He saved several bc they had survivors stories and how they miraculously were not hurt and no one could understand how they lived and got out alive. I do though, I know who saved them. So many people and atheist say that if there is a God then why did he not spare all of those lives that day and not let it happen. Well my friends, God has to allow things of this sort to happen nevertheless. Yes, sometimes there are things that happen in the world that profoundly upset the Almighty. Indeed He must often restrain Himself. For if God were to always interfere to prevent us from going against His will we would never be capable of really doing good, because we would simply be powerless to commit its alternative! God wept with us that day, but He was also there listening to the prayers coming in. Hallelujah!!!

I say all this to say this... how many people in this world died that day not knowing that God died for them? How many people burned in those fires, or under that ruckus to suffer more?
Here is a link to a video of a former Clemson football player. It is such an inspiration to watch. It shows that God always has a plan for us, we just have to open up our complete hearts and minds and put His first. May we all be a shining light and a witness like this football hero so we can spare the souls of our fellow man.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Beauty all around...

I have to leave very early in the morning to get the girls to two different places and make it to my work on time. In doing that, sometimes I run into the prettiest sunrises you have ever seen!!!! This morning it was breathtaking! I literally stopped in the road (back road) and took this picture. Makes you appreciate things a little more when you see something of this great beauty! Only God could make something this marvelous.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
Genesis 1:3,4

Monday, September 7, 2009

Clemson orange Chicken...

We celebrated Labor day by going to Chick fil a in Clemson for free chicken sandwiches! Yummy! It was wear your favorite team jersey/colors and receive a free sandwich. Well... my girls were so excited about it all day! They couldn't wait until Jason got home so we could go. (yeah, poor Jason had to work on Labor day:( ) Since they were so excited about it, we just made it a big occasion with pictures and all. Remember we are big into the "mini vacations". It was lots of fun.
I am sad to say that I didn't get out of labor today though. Had to wash 4 loads of clothes and all the other fun stuff that needed to be done. The kids did sleep in past 8:00!! Yippee!
I hope everyone had a great day!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

labor free labor day...

I am enjoying this long weekend! It has been so nice! Eve is ecstatic that she doesn't have to get up early in the morning. She is cutting flips over that I tell you! Me too! Now if they won't get up before 8:00, will be good to go! Don't they know that "sleeping in" means sleeping until at least 9:00!!! I need to teach them that. You think they will listen? Probably not. Oh well... I hope everyone has an amazing Labor day and may God bless you with lots of rest and scarce labor! My goal is to do as little labor tomorrow as I can get away with. The pool is really calling my name!

Friday, September 4, 2009

I am so blessed...

Isn't it wonderful to have a place to go and have someone listen to you whenever you need to talk or when you have a need? The road to get there is never too crowded or busy, and you can always get there quickly. When you arrive they're always there waiting to hear what you have to say and never too busy! We had a need come up and we have been praying that He would supply it for us. This week He showed us that all we have to do is ask and he WILL supply our needs! "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

I have been swamped this week with school starting back and we have had so much to do this week. I have been so tired that I literally had to hold my eyes open last night while we were having our church directory pictures made. At work this week, I would feel like I was never going to get everything done and I was so give out, and then I would get a song in my head that would give me such peace and happiness. It was a song that the youth choir sang Sunday night, "I am so blessed". I am so blessed! I thank God for giving me the things in life that make me go to Him for prayer. Oh what an amazing Savior He is!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My big girl...

Today was Eve's first day into 3rd grade! I can't believe that she is in 3rd grade now! That is just so unrealistic for me. It seems like yesterday that she started 4 k and now she is in 3rd!!! WOW, how time flies by. She looked so cute this morning sitting in her little chair at school. I know that it was obvious that when I kissed her bye the third time, that I was seeing her as a kindergartner again!! She didn't even give me any mean looks like, " Mom, leave already!" She just let me take pictures and kiss her bye several times, and tell her how much I loved her, and she just sat there and smiled! I tell her all the time, that she will always be my baby, and that is so true!!
On another note, I am pooped!!!!!! I have got to get back in the swing of things people!!! It's kicking my bottom so far!
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