Friday, July 10, 2009

God still answers prayers

Today we went to the pulmonary specialist with my mom about this new germ in her lungs. For those of you who don't know, she has been battling a rare lung infection called Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) for 8 years now. She has been taking treatments that have terrible side effects that leave her extremely weak and tired. Even though it is so rare that people contract this infection, it is contracted in everyday, common environmental sources such as aerosolized water, piped hot water systems (including household and hospital water supplies), bathrooms, house dust, soil, birds, farm animals. It is not airborne like Tuberculosis but has all the side effects of it. She received a phone call from her doctor a few weeks back informing her that she had another germ now in her lungs (Mycobacterium avium abscess) and that it was harder to treat because it was resistant to most medicine treatments. Of course, this scared us to death, not knowing exactly what that meant for her. Let me back up for just one moment and tell you how close my mom has became to the Lord during these last 8 years! She has told me numerous times that God has helped her before and that he will do it again. When she first found out that she had this lung infection she was coughing up sink fulls of blood at a time and could not breathe. When they finally found out what was wrong with her, she was in stage 4 of this awful infection. We prayed, her church prayed and anointed her, and God delivered his healing hand. Even though those doctors gave her the right medicines to treat her lungs God gave them the power. She has told me this time and time again. So going to the doctor today we were all so worried that we were going to get some terrible news. When he came in he went over her X-rays and told us how she did indeed have this germ but it was not active now. That's right, it was not active now! What a relief we had knowing that it was not a fast growing infection and that God had heard our prayers. Yes it is still there, and we know that there is not a cure for either one of these infections, but a calm came over that room when we heard that it was not growing and that he felt that it might not even be there when she goes back in three months. The doctor looked a bit amazed at what her X-Ray showed. :)

We walked in that office not knowing what was going to happen and we left knowing what had happened! God still answers prayers, and I definitely saw God today!
Do you have a concern or are you in need of a friend? If so, I would like to introduce you to someone who is never to busy, never to overwhelmed to hear your prayer.

Here is a picture of my mom cutting a rug! This is how she felt after she got her news today. It was so nice to see her back to her normal self again, smiling and laughing! Only God can do that now!
Psalms 4:1 HEAR me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.

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