Sunday, August 30, 2009

In His time

We went over a song tonight at choir practice that I just loved. It is simple and to the point and boy did it have Shannon written all over it. Here are the words....

In His time, in His time, He makes all things beautiful In His time. Lord please show me every day, as You’re teaching me Your way, That You do just what You say In Your time.
In Your time In Your time you make all things beautiful in Your time. Lord, my life to you I bring; May each song I have to sing Be to you a lovely thing In Your time.

I know God will show us what He has for us soon, and I just pray that we will be patient and know that it's in His time that He will show us. He is teaching us His way, and He always does just what He says. He has the way to make everything beautiful and He knows exactly what we need. I am so blessed to serve such a wonderful Savior!

Friday, August 28, 2009

When it is dark enough, you can see the stars...

Have you ever been in such darkness and thought that you wouldn't see the light and then... BAM God turned on the lights? This happened to me this week and I am basking in His Glory! He has used several things this week to show me things and it has been wonderful following His footsteps. Now, I still don't know what exactly God has planned for me or our family, but I do know that I feel like we are getting closer and closer and God is directing us just like He does a ship through the darkness. I have been once again reassured by His comforting light.

Do you ever feel alone on the sea of life? When life's storms plunge you into darkness, you need the light of God's presence. The light of God's love can transform your dark and stormy waters. It can guide you away from the unseen rocks that can shipwreck you life. It will guide you safely home. The light of God's love is constantly reaching out to you, just as the beam of the lighthouse reaches out to the ship at sea. If you follow Him, His light will penetrate your spirit and fill your heart with gladness and joy.

Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart. Psalm 97:11

Monday, August 24, 2009

God will make each trial a blessing...

When you have been in a situation or a trial before, what did you do? Did you think "why me, why is this happening to me?" or did you think " Thank you Lord for working with me to become more faithful to you and for using this to show me how to do that". Well, I know it's hard to always feel 100% trustworthy in the Lord. When troubles arise with me, my first response is what can I do to fix this? Which is the wrong thing to do. He doesn't want us to sit and think of what we can do to fix it, but instead he wants us to fully rely on Him and let him show us the way. Last week, a problem that we have been having arose again. That night I began to read in one of my devotion books, and it was amazing how God spoke right up and said, "I'm here, don't worry, I am going to take care of you". (I love feeling those little tugs at my heart, it is the best feeling in the world!) Now, I don't know God's plan in this situation, it might not be what I would like to happen, but it might be more trials ahead first. He only knows what he is going to do for us. Yesterday at church, we were asked if we had asked God to use us fully lately? To take control of our lives and to surrender all to Him. He said that it might have been a month ago when we asked last but we need to do it everyday. We need to let God know everyday that we want him to use us fully for him. I needed to hear that. I needed to hear a lot of what the three preachers said yesterday at homecoming!

I recently asked God to mend the past for me, I asked the Lord to bring anything I needed to be forgiven of so I could confess it to Him. Right away I thought of several people that I have hurt in the past. I thought of people that I went to school with a long time ago. I thought of cruel words I might have thought about them or said about them, jealously I might have had against them for various, immature reasons. Nothing major but just things that once are said, you can't take them back. I knew that I had to make it right. I thought of people I might have made upset lately, people that might have gotten the wrong impression of me when I was having a bad day or when I was quick to speak when I should have listened. I thought of lots of bad memories that hurt me so bad that I had to make it right or my heart would have ruptured. If you are reading this and for some reason I have done something to you in the past or even recently that I may or may not be aware of, I apologize! I want to be your sister in Christ. I do not want to harbour hurtful feelings towards you. I hope you know that. I sent out some emails to three people in particular. I got two of the sweetest emails back that made me feel so much better. One of them said, " I would love to be your friend!" What great words that was for me to read! If only I had asked before! The other one said " their is no need to apologize, I don't have any bad feelings towards you". Now we are talking about things that have bothered me for years. Some of these things I have felt bad about since High school and God took it away just like that. Isn't that amazing?

I pray that I will become wise in my ways and in my words. I pray that when I speak I give reasons of hope, truth and words that are gracious. Help me find the words that speak life to those around me.
Ecclesiastes 10:12 The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious, but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Friends through thick and thin...

Have you ever had a friend that was so special that you can sit and think of the times you had together and just laugh out loud? I know I have. Eve has this little friend that I swear is Eve made over. They are so much alike that I am starting to wonder if I had twins and they didn't tell me at the hospital. They have been close since they were two and started taking gymnastics in the Mom and Tot class. This year her friend had to move to another gym bc it was more convenient with their schedules. I have never seen Eve that sad before. She cried and cried and prayed for God to bring her back to the gym so she could see her more. It's one of those friendships that already has set memories that will last for a life time. I had a friend like that in school. Her name was Layla Owens. She was so special to me. We had the best times together. We were both a little crazy and we had so much in common. We could find fun in the most boring things! She moved to Columbia but we still talk through Face book and sometimes through email. I am thankful for her coming into my life! Friends are such important part of our lives and sometimes we just don't take the time to keep those friendships in touch like we should. I have had and still have so many wonderful friends that I want to take the time and thank.
Thank you for being there no matter what, for holding my hand when I needed someone to talk to, thank you for staying up late with me on the phone when I needed to talk to someone and you were so tired, thank you for making me laugh so much that my stomach hurts, thank you for bringing my children gifts just because you thought of them, thank you for having such a warm heart and always thinking of others, thank you for bringing food to my family when a death arose, thank you for sending me such sweet emails and encouraging me, thank you for inspiring me to do what I know I should be doing, thank you for having faith in me when I don't, thank you for forgiving me when I fail sometimes and for seeing the good in me when others only see the bad, thank you for praying for me and my family in times of trouble and just because you are a faithful, praying woman, thank you for making me smile with your sense of humor, and most of all thank you for being you, because that's what makes you so special!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

water fun...

Here is where we had our picnic. It was so pretty!

Check out the bear!

Right before we got on the tubes!

To update you on our little mini vacation week...

Yesterday, Eve had gymnastics for 4 hours, so it limited our day. We didn't do anything other than wash the car (whippie, right). After gymnastics she had two girls come over and spend the night. Jasy loves when sissy has friends over because she is right in the middle of them all! (not so fun for Eve). We got up this morning and went and ate breakfast, and went to Helen Georgia ( I love that place, and if I ever come up missing, you could probably find me there or Toccoa) to go water tubing! It was really fun and the girls loved it. Matthew and Julia (my nephew and his girlfriend) went with us, and they are always fun to have around. They help Jason and I feel young:) We had a nice picnic by the river afterwards, I even made some yummy brownies last night to take. (although feeding chocolate to 4 hyper girls was not the best idea) After we ate we went into some stores, and then we came home. I think I enjoyed the ride there and back the most bc those girls are hilarious! Just listening to them have such a good time, and to feel their excitement was all I needed to make my day great!

Tomorrow is a busy day again with gymnastics with Eve and Jasy, so not so much tomorrow. Maybe Friday, who knows.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Fun day one...

We had a great time today! We went fishing and we caught absolutely nothing! That's right, but it was still loads of fun! Jasy kept going up to the water and going " here fishy, fishy, I'm not going to hurt you". It was too funny. I think the fish new better:) Then we went sight seeing a little and went and ate ice cream! Tonight we grilled out chicken and made smores off the grill. ( I know, we are crazy, but the dogs are a little crazy too and they might have gotten burned). Then it was time for bed. We did camp out in the back, but not in the yard (frogs might get in our tent) We sat our tent up on the back porch where it's screened in. We told ghost stories, and read books by the flash light, and then we were pooped. It was a great day together and we enjoyed every minute!! I think I ate too many smores though, blah!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

"Little things"

So Jason is on vacation this week and we are going to have little mini vacations all week. I have found that it is the "little things" in life that the kids cherish and take with them. It's not the fancy vacations or the expensive things that blow their mind, but the sweet little things. I remember when I was little, us going to coon dog races. I know you are thinking, "what in the world are you talking about"? It's for coon dogs ( you know-black and tans, plots, walkers, redbones (like the movie where the red fern grows) anyway it's like field day for the dogs. They have water races, field races, best in show, etc and then they give out trophies to the top winners. Well, we had the best times! We would run all over that place watching and chasing those dogs, and then my mom would pack us a picnic lunch and we would usually go eat by the lake. Didn't cost much, but being there with my family and sharing those memories was so much fun!

So here is what we are going to do this week. Go fishing oneday, water tubing oneday, go camping in our back yard one day, make smores (can you tell we love smores:), and tell ghost stories, and go to Six Flags oneday. (not really what I had in mind, but Eve has been begging all summer since she found out that I had a free ticket from work to go) Do you have any other ideas? I am up for suggestions. They're all stoked and ready for it to start, Jason and me too:)

On another note.... I really miss reading my sweet little friends blog! :( If you are reading this girl, I am stressing here and I am having withdraws:)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

summer days are drawing to an end...

I am going to miss being home with my girls when school starts back and I go back to work. I have gotten so used to being home with them again this summer, that I am going to have withdraws. I love my job though! It is what I have always wanted to do. God blessed me so much by giving me that job last year. He knew what would be best for me and he put me there. I am so thankful. I am thankful that I have the same schedule as Eve and that I am off when she is off, and I get to work with some amazing kids and staff too.
Please pray for me this year that I will do the best I can at work everyday, and that I may be able to help some of those kids in lots of different ways. We never know what those kids are going through at home, and I want them to feel comfortable knowing that I am there for them if they need it. Pray for them that they will have a great year, and pray for our older kids that they will stay close to God, and let Him lead them and guide them.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The power of dreams and prayer...

I had a dream last night, and it came true! Have you ever done that? It's so neat when that happens. Especially when you know that God had a hand in it. But that's not all of it! Jason called this morning from work to say that he must have dreamed last night (he never remembers his dreams) and he can't get his mind off of it! It was the same dream! I just love it! We got to talking and Jason came up with the best idea. We should pray together as a family at bedtime all together, one on one. So we are going to start this tonight. I can't wait. If we grow in Faith and prayer as a family who knows what God might do!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Oh my goodness...

Do you think they resemble?

I think Jasy is turning into Sha-na-na, you know from the show "Martin"! All she says all the time is... " Oh, my goodness" or she will make it longer and say " Oh, My, Good, Ness". It's so funny!!! Yesterday, we had service in the new church and I asked her if she liked being in the new building and do you know what she said? Guess. "Oh my good, ness, yes! I thought, " I know you didn't"!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

God is like the wind...

As I was floating around in the pool yesterday on a float enjoying my relaxing day of peace and quiet (my kids were gone school shopping with their grandma), It got me thinking. I know... watch out! lol. The wind was blowing the trees and guiding me around the pool. I layed there just staring at the sky talking to God about everything I could think of, and thinking about how He guides us down the paths that we need to go everyday. He does it so easy and gentle that most of the time we don't even know he is leading us. That's what he has been doing for us lately, just guiding us down the road He wants us to take and leading us where he wants us to go. It has been so wonderful. I love feeling him with me and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

I love this poem...
Each morning when I wake I say,"I place my hand in God's today;"I know He'll walk close by my side My every wandering step to guide. He leads me with the tenderest care When paths are dark and I despair--No need for me to understand If I but hold fast to His hand. My hand in His! No surer way to walk in safety through each day.By His great bounty I am fed; Warmed by His love, and comforted.When at day's end I seek my rest And realize how much I'm blessed, My thanks pour out to Him; and then I place my hand in God's again.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Drayton Melton...

A student at the school where I work, just went through a 12 hour emergency liver transplant a few weeks ago. He is recovering in Charleston so he and his family can be near the hospital for the next few months. They don't know what happened, but something attacked his liver and it had to be removed. The family has 5 kids all together and the father was temporarily laid off from his job in January . They have been able to keep some medical insurance and he is expected to go to back to work, but the sudden crisis put the family’s finances in a tough spot in a matter of days.Through the nonprofit organization Open Arms, the family has an apartment to stay in rent-free in Charleston as long as Drayton is in the hospital — which could be months. The siblings are staying with family here in the area so they can start school back in a couple of weeks. The family is in need of school supplies, clothes, and money to pay the doctor bills. The surgery alone cost $100.000.

If you are interested in helping this family please send Cards and well wishes to Drayton Melton, 813 Hideaway Bay Lane, Apt.G, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464. Donations can be mailed to Drayton Melton Fund, BB&T, 1070 Tiger Boulevard, Clemson, SC 29631.

Thanks for your continuing prayers for this family.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Whatever it takes...

There's this song that a brother and sister sings at my church, that I just can't get out of my head. It's been there for about 3 months and I know God has put it there for a reason.It just plays over and over in my head. They played the music to it yesterday at church, and it was a blessing. Here is the song...

There’s a voice calling me From an old rugged tree, And He whispers, “Draw closer to Me. Leave this world far behind, There are new heights to climb, And a new place in me You will find.”
For whatever it takes to draw closer to You, Lord That’s what I’ll be willing to do. For whatever it takes to be more like You, That’s what I’ll be willing to do.
Take the dearest things to me, If that’s how it must be, To draw me closer to Thee, Let the disappointments come, Lonely days without the sun, If through sorrow more like You I’ll become.
For whatever it takes to draw closer to You, Lord That’s what I’ll be willing to do. For whatever it takes to be more like You, That’s what I’ll be willing to do.
Take my houses, my lands, change my dreams, change my plans, For I’m placing my whole life in Your hands and if You call me today…To a place far away Lord, I’ll go, and Your will I’ll obey.
For whatever it takes to draw closer to You, Lord That’s what I’ll be willing to do. For whatever it takes to be more like You, That’s what I’ll be willing to do.
I’ll trade sunshine for rain Comfort for pain –That’s what I’ll be willing to do -For whatever it takes for my will to break, That’s what I’ll be willing to do

Then last night when I was reading in my new book, It was about the same thing. Surrendering all to God. Telling him that you surrender everything, your relationships, finances, work, recreation, decisions, time, body, mind, soul, desires, and dreams. Putting them all in His hands so they can be used for His glory. I am willing and ready to do this. I am excited about whatever He has for me and for us.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

one dirty Ole' heart, in need of some overdue cleaning...

While I was being pampered yesterday getting my hair done, I brought my new found love, the book that I found the other day. It seems like everything in that book was written for me and for my situation right now. Hmmm.... I know I shared some of it with you the other day, but I just can't get over how that book is just the thing that I needed to read right now. Not to mention that ever since I started reading that book and praying more, Mr. Meany has left me alone more:)Last night I just got the highlighter out and started highlighting everything that applied to me and what I needed to read again. Before long, I had highlighted almost every word that I had read, hmmm.... This is one thing that I read yesterday that blessed me and scared me.
In order to accomplish this, you have to examine your life closely. You have to be brave enough to say, "Lord, show me what is in my heart, soul , mind, spirit and life that shouldn't be there. Teach me what I am not understanding. Convict me where I am missing the mark. Tear down my arrogance, pride, fear and insecurities, and help me to see the truth about myself, my life, and my circumstance. Expose me to myself, Lord. I can take it. Enable me to correct the error of my ways. Help me to replace lies with truth and make changes that last."

That's pretty scary right there. Do we really want to see what is in our hearts, minds, souls and spirits? I am stubborn. When I get my feelings hurt, I have a hard time forgetting and forgiving someone or something. I let it eat at me and then I am always on the alert waiting for it to happen again. I know this is wrong. I hate that I do this. I am a sensitive person and it drives me crazy! I don't want to hold grudges against anyone or anything. When we choose not to forgive, we end up walking in the dark. Because we can't see clearly, we stumble around in confusion. This throws our judgement off and we make mistakes. We become weak, sick and bitter. Other people notice all this because unforgiveness shows in the face, words, and actions of those who have it. They see it, Even if they can't specifically identify what it is, and they don't feel comfortable around it. When we choose to forgive, not only do we benefit, but so do the people around us. I want to start now! I am praying for forgiveness for holding these unforgiving feelings towards those that have hurt me in the past. I am praying that I will pray for them more than I pray for myself. I know that even though it is people who do evil things to us, we have to keep in mind that it is our ultimate enemy, the devil, who is behind it. I want to move on into all God has for me to do. Help me to hold on strong to the Lord and to walk close to Him. Only then can I become closer to what his perfect will is for me and for my family.