Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What a great day to make pizza...

I only worked a half day yesterday in the AM (I need to use some personal days that I will loose) and then I got to spend the afternoon with my sweetie! We put on our aprons and made homemade pizza. She was such a big helper and she just loves to help! She kept eating the dough so I wasn't sure if we would have enough left to make our crust but it all turned out okay, lol. She informed me that since I lost my job next year that she and I could go into business together making pizzas and selling them since we were so good at it. She said it was a great day to make pizzas, and I believe she was exactly right! Jasy is thrilled that I lost my job bc she says I can stay home with her now since I am her best friend. Aww!!!!!!!!! She is such a sweet little girl. I know I always talk about Eve when it comes to gymnastics but Jasy is my naturally talented one in that area!! I was watching her last night in her little class and she was amazing her teachers. Me too! She has no fear at all and that is scary for me. Eve always had that since of fear and I never really had to worry about her just trying something that she might get hurt with. But Jasy on the other hand, just does it. At the end of their class they wrap their arms around each other while standing in a circle and sing a little song to music while swaying back and forth. It is the cutest thing in the world!! She hates it bc she thinks she is too old but I think it’s absolutely adorable! I videoed her last night and she got mad as fire at me and told me that I needed to delete that meedley (immediately). I explained to her that I just couldn't bc she was so darn cute! I would put it on here but she might find out and then I would be in T-R-O-U-B-L-E!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man...

I was so proud of my honey yesterday; I could have had a shouting spell!! He got off work early because they were having inventory in his stores. He came home and listen to this... took the trash off, cut the grass, weed eated ( he normally cuts grass and then a week later weed eats and by then the grass needs cutting again- He even weed eated around the mailbox which he normally leaves and it drives me CRAZY), cleaned the fish water, (bc Jasy poured a whole bottle of fish food in trying to feed the fish) worked on getting the pool open, and then when I got home, he washed my car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, it's my birthday!!!! I didn't even make a honey do list or anything! I was so proud of him! I think I will cook his favorite meal tonight in appreciation of his hard work. However, it all leads me to wonder though...husbands are sometimes like children and they do things for a reason. Maybe he wants a new toy or maybe he did something bad and he is trying to "butter me up". Nah...He is just a sweetie pie-that's all. ;)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'm old...

I feel old! Wonder why? I could go to bed every night at 7:00 with no problem . I look forward to bedtime and it is one of my highlights everyday. Seeing the bed turned down and climbing in and off to dreamland I go! I used to stay up late and Jason would have to make me go to bed. Now, he begs me to stay up past 9:00, lol. When the kids go to bed, I go too. I have been SO TIRED lately and I don't know why, other than I am old! I started taking multivitamins to see if that will help so we will see. I went running Monday and it felt so good  while doing it however my legs are so sore today that I can barely get up and down, I'm getting old! When I move my arm a certain way I hear a popping sound a lot like it's wore out and about to break. It does it all the time lately for some reason. I’m getting old! I have bags and lines under and around my eyes and I have to use eye drops every morning just to be able to see. My eyes are so sensitive to smells and dyes and they kill me and get so red when I go in department stores especially. (Maybe this Gods way of keeping me out) BUT, I'm getting old! It has always driven me crazy the way Jason can sit down on the couch and 5 seconds later be snoring. I used to pry his eyes open or give him a wet willy to wake him up. Now, I do it. I sit down and I am asleep (of course I never snore). I'm an old fart! That's right; no other words can describe my symptoms. I think I am going to start acting like I am 20 and make myself go like I used to and either it will kill me or it will turn time back. Right? Any suggestions because I can't take becoming old. Yesterday I was just 21! Who did this to me?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday mouthing...

Have you noticed how I have been posting a lot of baby pictures on my post? I think I have that "baby fever" again!! Uh- oh right? Jason is content with our family and thinks that 2 are all we need. I think he is right but sometimes I just get that itch to hold a new little one and smell the sweet baby smell that comes along with it. I remember just sitting for hours holding my girls and smelling that fresh baby scent and staring at their cute little face and feet. Jason would come home and laugh and say "let me guess, you haven't put her down much all day". NOPE, I didn't. Spoiled them rotten and enjoyed every minute of it, lol. We went to watch my nieces and my nephews girlfriends' dance recital this weekend and all around us were cute little beebies (that's what Jasy calls babies). Jason just looked at me and rolled his eyes because he knew what was going through my mind. I even got my mom to tell him that we needed another baby but he still groaned. MEN!!! Speaking of the dance recital, I just love dance!! I always have. I would dance around for hours in my room all the way up until I got married. Heck-I still do it and it just embarrasses Eve to death. I always hoped that one of my girls would want to take dance so I could go watch them in their cute little outfits spinning around with pointed ballerina toes or stomping around in their little tap shoes. Guess what??? Both of my girls informed me that they want to take dance now!!! Yippee, right? Well kind of... the problem with this is they still want to do gymnastics! I don't know how I am going to handle this one bc I am ran to death as it is. We'll figure something out.

We have been praying for a while for God to show us if we needed to switch gyms and He did just that. The girls have switched and are now going to a gym closer to our house. I was worried about Eve adjusting to the new gym bc she went to the same gym for 7 years but she has adjusted WONDERFULLY and we really love it there. I actually used to take there for a while as a child so it is dear to my heart. She is working so hard to get her new skills for the next competition year and I am so proud of her determination again. She will start going 14 hours a week in the fall though, see why I am in the road all the time?
15 days and 2 half days- that's all we have left until summer time!!!! Not that I am counting or anything... I am so ready to spend more time with my girls. I LOVE my job but I really miss staying home with them. I feel like I am always behind on something since I went back to work two years ago. I don’t' want to spend my weekend catching up on my house work. Jasy just loves staying with my parents but sometimes she will say little comments like "I wish you didn't have to wuk (work) mama" or "do you have to wuk tomorrow mama". It really breaks my heart.

That's my Monday mouthing, I hope everyone has a great week!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Her hands...(late Mothers day poem)

Her hands held me gently from the day I took my first breath.

Her hands helped to guide me as I took my first step.

Her hands held me close when the tears would start to fall.

Her hands were quick to show me that she would take care of it all.

Her hands were there to brush my hair, or straighten a wayward bow.

Her hands were often there to comfort the hurts that didn't always show.

Her hands helped hold the stars in place, and encouraged me to reach.

Her hands would clap and cheer and praise when I captured them at length.

Her hands would also push me, though not down or in harms way.

Her hands would punctuate the words, just do what I say.

Her hands sometimes had to discipline, to help bend this young tree.

Her hands would shape and mold me into all she knew I could be.

Her hands are now twisting with age and years of work,

Her hand now needs my gentle touch to rub away the hurt.

Her hands are more beautiful than anything can be.

Her hands are the reason I am me

Monday, May 10, 2010


Our Father, bless this food, to our use and us  to thy service, Amen. That is the prayer that my 6th grade teacher taught us and we would actually sing it everyday in line in the classroom before we left for lunch. Isn't it weird how I remembered how special that was and how I never forgot that little prayer. I said it everyday even when I was just eating a snack at home. I taught it to my children and they say it now to bless the food. I just love traditions passed down. She also sang us a song everyday when we left to go home.

So long farewell, auf weidersehen to you

I hate to go and leave this pretty sight

So long farewell, auf weidersehen adieu

Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you

I believe it was from the Sound of music. She was such a great teacher! I hope I can make an impact on a kids life like that.

I had a great Mothers Day this weekend. Got to spend some great time with all my family. The girls went and picked me out a gift on Friday and then went home and decorated their own little gift bags. I was impressed with their craftiness. Eve made me a zebra bag with the bling appeal while Jasy went the leopard route. Both cute with ribbon accent. I must strike them as a "wild mama". :>)

I am so blessed to have two wonderful little girls to call mine and a wonderful mother who raised me to be who I am today. Not to mention a wonderful Mother in law too!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Meek and lowly...

I am a trouble maker! That's right, I came to realize that when God is trying to work things out and work His will, that I think that I have to help Him out and then I just mess things up. I really don't try to be this way, it's just my nature. I like to help when I need to just be patient. Are you that way or am I the only one? I feel really bad that I do this. Last night at revival, preacher Eddie Davis talked about how God sure didn't need our help when He was doing the Creation. In fact, He waited to make man on the 6th day to limit us from trying "to help". lol. No... but He had it all planned out. He made man on the day before the day of rest.  He intended us to just sit back and put our faith in Him and rest because God knows what He is doing and frankly WE DON'T!!!  So... I think I am going to rest now. I am tired, meek and lowly and I want my burden to be light. Tired of carrying it around and it's time to sit back, soak it all in and be carried around.

I know I have been writing a lot lately about following God. It is because He has showed me so much lately. He's just working away at Shannon Donalds heart. Cleansing it, creating, and it's nice to know that after 17 years of sitting back and watching the works of others, that I now know that I am capable of being used. I was capable a long time ago I just didn't want to be. Isn't that a long time to waste a talent that God gave you? To not do the will that He has for you?  I'm ashamed but He isn't. If that's not enough to get you motivated then what is?
Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10