Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Are you tired of getting lost? Going, going, going and then you end up back where you started. It's about time we start following His footsteps. COMPLETELY. Don't look ahead and try to figure it out on your own but instead look for the creases in the path that will lead you directly where you need to be. He will not leave you or forsake you. When you mess up a hundred thousand times and you spin around in circles wondering if you will ever be able to see things clearly, He is there. He is standing there looking back waiting to take you where you need to go. So patiently, He waits. "Come", He says, "Follow me, and everything will be okay".  Even when you don't have the strength to walk yourself- He will carry you. Just like the poem that most of  us have heard a thousand times...

One night I dreamed a dream.

I was walking along the beach with my Lord. Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to me and one to my Lord.

When the last scene of my life shot before me I looked back at the footprints in the sand. There was only one set of footprints. I realized that this was at the lowest and saddest times of my life. This always bothered me and I questioned the Lord about my dilemma.

"Lord, You told me when I decided to follow You, You would walk and talk with me all the way. But I'm aware that during the most troublesome times of my life there is only one set of footprints. I just don't understand why, when I need You most, You leave me."

He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you, never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you."

I love the way when you feel so down and your mind is about to burst, He gives you a sound mind, brushes you off and puts you right back on track. No matter how many times you get off, He will always be there to put you back. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. I have the Lords Prayer sitting on my desk at work. It has a picture of the sky and what appears to be a sunset. It reminds me of how when things seem so dark, and we don't think we are ever going to make it through, He shows us such beauty in His word that allows even the most stubborn and hard headed of people to see the light. There is always hope in Him.

I am overwhelmed today of His presence and I am honored to have Him as my Father. Without Him I would be lost.

Friday, April 16, 2010

To my Prince Charming (A.K.A. the toad)...

Oh how the years have flown by! Seems like yesterday I met you and wondered how old you were. You looked so young in your little work clothes and I just knew that I would be robbing the cradle. lol. When you called me on the phone and asked me out on our first date, I remember how sweet you sounded, and how polite you were. Such a gentleman and then you even opened the door for me. Didn't make me buy my own dinner, let me pick the movie, and I knew you were meant for me when you asked if I would like to go in the mall while we waited for the movie to start! HELLO! No really, there was a feeling that I got when I layed eyes on you, and I just knew that you were sent directly to me. I don't know how you made it through that first year of dating me without any sleep. You stayed at my house until 2:00 in the morning and then had to be at work at 6:00. You listened to me cry about the past year and you didn't get scared and run off when others would have. Then their was the time that I had the flu so bad and you came over every day after work and took care of me. You sat beside me holding my hair back while I up-chucked in the trash can, and you still loved me even though I looked like cousin it! Not to mention it was at Christmas so you gave up your Christmas to be with me! You took me to have my wisdom teeth removed and when I bled all over your truck (I have a blood disorder) and you had to carry me in my house bc the medicine knocked me out, you still loved me. What about the time I took two Midol and got drunker than a skunk on one of our dates, you were as kind as they come and you took me home and put me to bed. (Most medicine either makes me drunk or knocks me out, lol)

But really...I remember the day that I knew for sure that you were the one. It happened when my uncle fatally passed away. We had just started dating about 7 months before. It was pouring rain, my family and I were all sitting at my cousins house bc it had just happened. When someone called out, "Shannon, someone’s here to see you". I opened the door and you were standing in the pouring rain in your cute little Pepsi uniform soaking wet with the deepest level of sympathy in your eyes. You never left my side then. You have always been such a caring mate. I always knew that you would be there no matter what. When I was in labor with Eve for 25 long hours, my platelets were so low that I wasn't able to have any pain medicine other than Tylenol. I had been pushing non stop for 3 hours straight. My mom had to make you leave the room long enough to go get something to eat bc you wouldn't leave my side. The look of concern that you had that day made me cry everytime I looked at you. You wanted to take the pain away so bad but you couldn't do anything but hold my hand.

I could go on and on about how wonderful you are for me. You are the best husband, the best father and the best child of God. You make me whole and you make life a better place just because you are in it. I know I call you a toad on my blog, but really you are my Prince Charming because you rescued me when I thought their was no hope! You brought me back to life, and you put me where I needed to be. God has big plans for you and I know that you can do anything that He has in store for you. No matter what it is, not matter where we end up, I will always be right by your side because you are the world to me. Happy 10 years Jay-bird! I can't wait to make many more!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Eyes wide open...

Have you ever had a gut feeling about something and you ignore it? How about a tug at your heart saying "look again"? I have learned first hand that things aren't the way they seem. A lot of time, the devil puts a shield over our eyes to make things look differently than they really are. You see, I am an easy person to do that to. I don't look at things completely. I am quick to see the outside of the glass instead of the inside. Image...what is image really about? We think that as long as things seem okay on the outside that their okay, when really the most deceiving part is what we see first. I am a person easy to trust. I get hurt easily though. You wouldn't think those two things would go together-trust and a heart easily hurt. I also have a sense that I get about things. I always have. It's not always right but for the most part I know that if I don't look into it more than I need to, and pray about it when the situation arises, God shows me what I need to see in it. I have had a problem this year that I thought was never going to get better. It was so hard for me to not just give up and to trust in Him to guide me. The thing is, it was a situation that affected our whole family. Now...the devil rode me like a motorcycle let me tell you! And their were times that I caved in and let him have my mind but then God was quick to put me right back where I needed to be. See... He could have just left me alone and said " "you are on your own with this my child" but He didn't. Instead, do you know what He did? He pulled me, that's right, He pulled me out and placed me just where I needed to be. Right in the middle of His light, with eyes wide open and gave me peace I have never felt before. "Then He said, here you go, start here". Can you believe that?

That first gut feeling, that tug at your heart, start praying like you have never prayed before. Beg God to show you through His word. He will do just that. Now... I didn't say it ended the way I wanted it to. I would have never seen it coming!  Never picked the right ending to that movie! Too bad God doesn't make movies of our lives and then send them to us to watch. We would get to see the whole picture from beginning to end. How suspenseful that would be? I bet we would shout out 'crazy woman, don't do that-just leave it alone God's going to fix that"!!!! Or "look what their doing, that's terrible"!!

I stand amazed at His wonderful, marvelous grace! Things don't always go as we planned but they always turn out to fit just perfect even if we don't see it right away.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A kept Woman...

Another favorite I got through an email onetime...

 I Am a 'Kept ' Woman

You see, there were a few times when I thought I would lose my mind,

But GOD kept me sane. (Isa. 26:3)

There were times when I thought I could go no longer,

But the LORD kept me moving. (Gen 28:15)
At times, I've wanted to lash out at those whom I felt had done me wrong,

But the LORD kept my mouth shut.. (Psa. 13)

Sometimes, I think the money just isn't enough,

But GOD has helped me to keep the lights on, the water on, the car paid, the house paid, etc.., (Matt. 6:25 -34)

When I thought I would fall, HE kept me up.

When I thought I was weak, HE kept me strong! (I Pet. 5:7, Matt. 11:28-30) I could go on and on and on, but I'm sure you hear me!

I'm blessed to be 'kept '

I'm "Kept" by the Love and Grace of God

How about you?