Thursday, November 25, 2010

Holiday letter fun...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! We had a great time today at our home celebrating the wonderful day.

T is for turkey on Thanksgiving Day,

H is for "Hurry, I'm hungry!" we say.

A is for Auntie (that would be me :), she works and she mends,

N is for Native American friends.

K is for kitchen, the oven's on low,

S is for sweets,  all set out in a row.

G is for Grandparents, the ones we love the most,

I is for inside, where we're warm as toast.

V is for vegetables, eat them we try,

I is for "I ate so much I think I am going to die",

N is for never do we have enough of Nannies yummy dressing,

G is for Grandpa or "Papa we might say", who gives thanks for our many blessings.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Midweek laugh...

A little boy opened the big family Bible. He was fascinated as he fingered through the old pages. Suddenly, something fell out of the Bible He picked up the object and looked at it. What he saw was an old leaf that had been pressed in between the pages.

'Mama, look what I found,' the boy called out.

'What have you got there, dear?'

With astonishment in the young boy's voice, he answered, 'I think it's Adam's underwear!'

Check out how jolly our family is this holiday season!!!!...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My babies...

At the beginning of the school year Eve won the title of Vice President at her school. She was thrilled! She got up in front of her school and gave her speech...well she did things a little differently. She wanted to do a rap and a back flip. So I said...go for it. It was the cutest thing ever!!! A wonderful friend helped come up with it for her! I was really surprised that she wanted to get up in front of so many people and talk but she has really started coming out of her shell lately.  If I didn't know any better I would say that she is growing up! She was asked to go to the district office meeting and lead in the pledge of allegiance one day, she read a poem in front of all the school and Veterans at the Veterans day program at school, and she is trying out for a solo at school in her honor chorus program. Where did that come from? They grow up so fast!!! I really want them to say young forever. It seems unreal! Jasy's gymnastics teacher mentioned yesterday about her being on team in another year and I about died!!!!! WHAT?!?! She is a baby!!! Babies can't do that sort of thing can they? She must be mistaken! I need to stop all of these ruckus!
(My sweet LITTLE Jasy)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tis the Seasons...

It's Saturday!!!! Yay!!!! It has been a crazy week! Tis the Season for all the nasty germs!!! Jasy has been sick most of the week. Upper Respiratory Infection and the Croup!! She seems to be doing better today though. Just a little upset stomach from the medicine. (Lets just hope it's from the medicine) Last night we just stayed at home bc we never get to be all at home at the same time now a days. Their was so much that we "could have been doing" but we opted to spend time together as a family instead. Do you know what we did? We put our Christmas trees up!!!! Ever since 102.5 has started playing Christmas music 24/7 I am in the Holiday spirit!!!! I love this time of year! The beauty of everything is so wonderful. I know it's early but I want to enjoy it longer this year. I have so much to be thankful for and I don't want it to fly by. I think I will do a lot of baking this year, create a lot of homemade gifts that we can do together, and just enjoy things more.

 I made cookies and we played Christmas tunes and we just had a good ole' time. The girls put their trees up in their rooms and we hung our stockings by the chimney with care.  We buy them a special ornament each year in remembrance of something special that happened to them that year. We write the occasion/date on it so we can go back and know exactly what that ornament was for in hopes of taking a walk down memory lane. Last night, Eve was a bit upset about her "Yellow"  (her black lab) ornament. She loved him so much and it's still so hard for her to let him go. Jasy was thrilled to hang her new ballerina ornament this year! I was happy to change my colors a bit on my tree! Jason doesn't understand that every 10 years or so, you just need a new look! So we comprimised. I kept my old ornaments (minus the gold) and just added some new ones with the colors I wanted. It turned out really nice.
I started some of my shopping and I am hoping that I will be able to give so much this year. Not the expensive gifts or anything "fancy"- just of myself more. As a better Wife, Mom, Teacher, Sunday School Teacher, Aunt, Sister, Daughter, Friend, but most of all as a Christian. After all... what is the season REALLY about, right?!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Thank you so much for the prayers for Eve this weekend. I was nervous but not so nervous that I couldn't enjoy myself. We had a great time and she did wonderful! No falls-whoo-hoo!!! She looked so old out there and it was so different watching her this year. She looked so graceful, and you can tell that she has more confidence and pride in what she is doing. She got 4th on beam and vault and 5th on bars. We were thrilled but not as much as Jasy!! She loves watching  Eve. Afterwards Eve goes right to her, and puts her medal around her neck. It's so sweet. Jasy says she can't wait until she can be on a team and flip around everywhere. God help me then!!!

Here's a link to her pictures from the meet.