Friday, January 29, 2010

Time for snow baby...

I LOVE TO WATCH IT SNOW!!!!!!!!! I guess you can say I am a kid at heart because when I hear any talk of snow I start getting excited and anxious watching all the weather channels just hoping that we will see some white stuff!! I have been telling all my students today in Computer Lab, the secret of wearing their pj's inside out bc everyone knows that it will make it snow if we all do!!! So...don't forget to do it tonight! I like to see it for a few days but then I like to see it leave too. It would be hard for me to live somewhere that gets lots of snow and cold weather because when you get down to the nitty gritty I am a little wimp to the cold. Jason laughs at me because every year when we get our little bit of snow, I will dress the kids in so many layers of clothes that they can hardly move to even play in it. I can't help it though, I am paranoid for some reason that they might get frost bite or something, lol. So if it snows and you drive by my house and see something moving funny, stiff and real slow, it's probaby my poor children trying to have fun playing in the snow.

On another note. I have had a song on my mind all week. He supplies all my needs! Isn't it so true. He knows exactly what we need and He never makes us do without. So good to us and boy is He faithful!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Stomach bug, tiger paw, 4k, tv kissing, and alone time...

So the cruel wrath of the well known stomach bug hit our home last week! It started with Jasy, then Jason, then me, then Jasy again, then Eve, then me again, then Jason again, ending with me again!!! It must have had something against me because I didn't think I was ever going to get better! Eve kicked the little booger fast, (I think it has a lot to do with how fit and fiesty she is :>) but the rest of us seemed to have it for a while. So... off to another start of the work week. Hopefully germfree! To and fro, to and fro, up and down the streets we go! I feel like I live most of my life in my car. Eve is preparing for a HUGE meet in two weeks at Littlejohn in Clemson and she is working herself hard. She wants to place well at this meet so bad so please remember her in your prayers. This is a tough meet with lots of gymnasts! They have about 3700 come out and compete at this one! She knows that it's not about winning but she says it sure does feel good when you can, lol. Jasy is back and forth on whether or not she wants to start 4k next year. Oneday she does, the next not so much. My parents keep her for me during the day while I work and they are threatning my life if I put her in 4k. They say she is too little and they need her to stay there with them another year. I know they are just wanting to spoil her more so her daddy and I are left to be the bad ones that do all the discipline. :>) Jasy is stubborn and head driven so putting her in 4k might not be a bad idea. What do you think? Speaking of the little rascal she has started this thing where she kisses you and turns her head to each side and wants to hold it for a while. She says it's like the tv people do, I'm starting to worry a little. Especially the other day when she told Eve that she was going to have a baby if she kisses me so much. WHAT???????? I promise she just watches cartoons and some nick shows with Eve. I bet it's the Nickelodian!!! Darn network!!!!!!

Jason and I are looking forward to having a date night soon. Haven't had one in a year, since last Valentines day to be exact. Our 10 year anniversary is coming up too in April. Can't believe it's been 10 years! I must love him or something is what I keep telling him. We would LOVE to go on a cruise but our wallets say NO. Maybe one day!!!!

Well that's about what's been going on in our house lately. Well... about 15% of it anyway.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

R-A-I-N-B-O-W girl...

"What kind of party do you want to have this year Jasy", I asked her a few months ago? "Hmmm... how about a rainbow party mom"!!! I paused for a second thinking about what the rainbow image means to some people and then I realized okay... to a child it means what it is supposed to... happiness, colorfulness and beauty! We all know why God put the rainbow in the sky and his promise to us but what do each color really stand for? I looked it up and found this.

Red is the first color station and represents Love. It emphasizes the importance of love of home and family.
Orange is the second color station and represents Religion. It emphasizes the importance of membership and active participation in the church of your choice.
Yellow is the third color station and represents Nature. It emphasizes the importance of spending time in the out-of-doors.
Green is the fourth color station and represents Immortality. It emphasizes that even though our body dies, our souls live on forever.
Blue is the fifth color station and represents Fidelity. It emphasizes the importance of loyalty to the Order and to the Rainbow girl's family and friends.
Indigo is the sixth color station and represents Patriotism. It emphasizes the importance of respecting the laws of our country and its flag.
Violet is the seventh and final color station and represents Service. Service is the foundation of Rainbow and emphasizes the importance of providing unselfish acts of service to our home, community and its sponsoring Orders.
Then I said, "Rainbow party it is my sweetness"!
She woke up this morning all excited and ready to get ready and go right then. After Eve played "party" with her ALL day she finally stopped asking every 10 minutes when we could go, lol. So today we had her little rainbow party! She had such a good time with her friends and with her family. She was just on fire with excitement!! She made me tired just watching her run around jumping and sliding!
I still can't believe how fast these last four years have went by. I love you so much and you always know how to put a smile on my face!!!!
J-Joy to be around!
A-Angel in disguise with a little of mischievous. We never can get anything by you. You are wise beyond your years as Nanny says.
S-Sweet as sugar and as special as they come!
Y-You are just like a rainbow, full of bright, brillant, colors exploding with love whereever you go!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Journey work...

Abraham set off on a journey not knowing where he was going. He just obeyed and went on his way with nothing but faith. He didn't question what and why nor did he try and weasel his way out of it. He knew that God would lead him where he needed to be and would take care of him along the way. No matter if he had to go to the hottest of lands or the coldest of lands, as long as God was there guiding him he would not be scared. Amazing if you ask me!

What a journey God lets us partake in! I got to thinking about the words " I have to". I have a terrible habit of using this phrase, "I have to go to the store", "I have to go to church"," I have to put the kids to bed". I don't use it correctly in the way I should. I don't HAVE to go to church, I WANT to. I don't HAVE to put the kids to bed, I WANT to share that with them. I need to stop using this phrase so frequently. We don't HAVE to do God's will but we WANT to. I WANT to set out on a journey not knowing where I might end up, but I HAVE to trust in Him before I can even start to move.

I know that God wants Jason and I to do missionary work but I don't know where, when, or anything more. I do know that where ever or whatever that might be, we will do it. I am not scared believe it or not but I am very excited about the adventure that he might put us on. I will be honest with you, never in a million, zillion years did I ever think that God would possibly put me on foreign field to do mission work!!! If God can use me then I know He can use you. What does he want to do with your life?

Please pray for our family!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My little 4yr old...

My baby girl is 4 today!! I just can't believe it! She told me that she was a big kid now and I have to treat her like one. :>( She is still a little baby to me and will always be my little baby girl! So there, Big Kid, lol!

Her birthday party is going to be this coming weekend and I will definitely post some pictures then of her big day, but I didn't not want to write anything today. She is so special to us and to her sister. Truly a gift from above.

I love you Jay-bird, with all my heart!!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Dancing with God...

A lady meditated on the word Guidance, she kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word. She rememberd reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing.When two people try to lead, nothing feels right. The movement doesn't flow with the music,and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to flow with the music. One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the backor by pressing lightly in one direction or another. It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully. The dance takes surrender, willingness,and attentiveness from one personand gentle guidance and skill from the other. Hery eyes drew back to the word Guidance. When she saw "G": she thought of God, followed by "u" and "i"."God, "u" and "i" dance."God, you, and I dance. As she lowered her head, she became willing to trust that she would get guidance about her life. Once again, she became willing to let God lead.

My prayer for you today is that God's blessingsand mercies are upon you on this day and everyday. May you abide in God, as God abides in you. Dance together with God, trusting God to lead and to guide you through each season of your life.

I Hope You Dance Through your life with Him

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Simple pleasures...

This is the one of my best days ever!! This is what Eve said this morning on the way to school. "Why, I asked"? "Because I have a loose tooth, I just saw two deer on the side of the road, it might snow tonight and I have gymnastics today". That was her answer. Simple little pleasures, huh? How many times do we as grownups look over those simple little things that bring warmth to our hearts? I know I am guilty of doing it a lot. Last night after church, we were talking to one of the missionary couples from West Africa. They were showing us all the different things from there and telling us about how the cultures live there and how different it is from here. We began to talk about the weather there and how warm it is. He said that it usually is around 120 degrees there most days!! WOW, and without any source of air conditioning or cooling mechanisms! Here I have been complaining about the cold weather here like a little wimp and they live in these immense conditions daily. What a pleasure having heat and being cool are. What a pleasure having a nice, warm garage to keep my car in at night so I don't have to go out in the freezing cold in the morning and warm my car up. What a pleasure it is to have spoons and utensils to eat with and not having to use our fingers. What a pleasure it is to have heat and air in my car so we don't freeze or burn up where ever we go. To have running water and hot water to bathe with and cold water out of the faucet to drink. I could go on and on today about all the little things that bring me so much pleasure! Speaking of sweet little pleasures, I am really looking forward to that homemade, garden grown, delicious vegetable soup that my mom made me yesterday that I have waiting for me in my lunch bag today, lol.
God blessed us all so much to live in a country and place where we can have so many comforts and availabilities.

In 2010, I want to appreciate the things I have more and give more to those who don't. I want to have that long suffering for those who don't know the Lord and I want to be use able for the journey that I need to be on and want to be on.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Big Girl bed...

My little baby is turning 4 soon, and we got her an early birthday present this week. She got a "big girl bed"!!! It was so hard for me when we had to take that crib down, then when we had to make it into a toddler bed I panicked once again, then when when we had to take it down all together it made me cry out loud!!! I hated seeing it go, because that meant that I would not be walking into the nursery anymore to lean over and pick a sweet little baby up in the morning or in the middle of the night. Or to open the door to a sweet smiling face standing there in her crib for me to grab up and embrace! :>( When we were taking it down I noticed a few little teeth marks on the top of the railing and I begged Jason to let us keep it and have another one, but he shot me down. Can you believe that man? lol. I guess he is worried that he will have another girl and he REALLY will be out numbered!

Anyway, Jasy loves her big girl bed and she was so excited when daddy put it up yesterday!!!!! However, I do have to report... she ended up in our bed again last night BUT I missed my little cuddle bug anyway!!!