Saturday, January 22, 2011

5 years of sweetness...

A couple of weeks ago we celebrated Jasy's 5th birthday. I have had some technical difficulties so I am a behind on posting. My computer croaked-I mean dead- dead as a doorknob, never coming back-so I was without for a while. It didn't help either that at her birthday party I was just taking Pictures left and right  (I got some great shots too) and then when I got home I realized that I didn't have a memory card in my camera! Eve had took it out and put it in her new camera that she got for Christmas. I about died!!! I quickly remembered that my nephews girlfriend (my lifesaver) had took a few. Whew!!!! She got them to me this week so I couldn't wait to get my babies pictures. I felt so bad! My mom took a few too so when I get them from her I should be good to go.

We had a good time at her party. She had a ballerina party, and all the girls got tu-tus, wands, and pearls to wear. I wanted to make cute little sandwiches in cute shapes, but she wanted hot dogs, lol. So we had those. It was between hot dogs and sweet potatoes, so at least the hot dogs won. Don't know how many kids would eat sweet potatoes. Jasy just loves them to death! Of course she loves pretty much anything! We had a delicious cake and the lady did a bang up job on it! So cute! We then had a puppet show for the kiddos. Princess Pig and Ballerina Bear had to get ready for their dance recital coming up! They had beautiful costumes that they changed into. Princess Pig got a little excited and she danced right out of her dress-and her ear, but the kids thought that was hilarious so it worked out. lol. Ballerina Bear was more conservative. Can you guess who Princess Pig was? (Thanks to Julia for making the puppets last minute for me and making their costumes too) Just love that girl! We then went out and released her balloons and she made a wish. She later told me that her wish probably wont come true bc so far they haven't! Oops! I think from now on she will have to tell one person her wish that way they can come true every now and then. We didn't invite many people, just wanted to have it small so I could enjoy it more. She invited one friend then just her cousins.Still can't believe that she is already five! Where does time go? I am just happy that I had another wonderful year with my sweet, darling, Jasy-Poo! She is a gift from above and I am so lucky to have been chosen as her mother! Love you-girlie!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

News Update...

Eve had her third meet of the year this past weekend in Knoxville Tennessee. It was nice to go to Tennessee this time of year and see all the beautiful mountains topped with snow! It was absolutely amazing! All along the NC Mountain roads were ice just hanging from the Mountains. I couldn't believe what I saw!

No first place finish for her just yet but she is getting there, slowly but surely. She did get 3rd on vault, 4th on beam and 5th all around today. Her wonderful team level got a 1st place finish and it was fun to watch all 10 of them jump on the first place podium in excitement! When I look back at videos of her from last year at this time, I would never had thought in a million years that she would have come so far in just a year. Her tumbling, bar skills, vault skills, beam skills and most of all her form has gotten so much better! She still has a way too go on her form bc she had established so many bad habits that are just sooo hard to fix. BUT she is getting there. God is helping her with her confidence and now we just have to pray for her nervousness, lol. She gets so nervous. Sometimes I wish she would be judged on warm-up bc she can tear a warm-up out of the frame and then get up there to compete and her nerves set in and it’s a whole new gymnast! Please pray for her bc she only can use the talent that God gave her if she depends on Him solely!
I got a new camcorder for Christmas but it will not let me upload it to my blog for some reason. I videoed her meet so I could let you see but it just didn't work out that way.

Jasy started her big girl gymnastics class yesterday and she was too cute. She kind of looked like Mutt and Jeff compared to most of the girls in her class. It's a 6- 10 yr old class so she was the only 5 year old in there with mostly 9 and 10 year olds. She held her own on the beam, bars, and vault but she didn't quite have the upper body strength on the floor yet. Eve said she was going to come up with some strengthening/conditioning for her to do to prepare her, lol. The first thing Jasy said after class was "I'm hungry"! That child can eat I'm telling you! I have one that will eat you out of house and home and another one that you have to threaten to get her to eat! So opposite!

I am going today to register my sweet, innocent little baby girl for K-5 for next year! Those rotten people say I have to put her in school even though she is still a baby! Can you believe that!? She tells me all the time that Papa is going to sign her out anytime she calls him bc he said he would. I guess I'll have to take him off the pickup list! Well I better leave him on there bc sure as the world he will still go up there and pick her up and tell them that he doesn't care what they say he is taking her with him. It will be on the 5:00 news show! "***NEWS UPDATE***child kidnapped at Six Mile Elementary-amber alert issued".

Jason got his exams back last night and I am happy to say that he passed all of them with flying colors! He also got nothing below a 93 on his report card! (I don't know if that's what you call it in college) Yay Jason!!!! Woot-Woot!!!

Please pray for my dad bc he goes to the doctor in a couple of weeks for the results of his x-rays. He has COPD and it's just getting worse. He coughs all the time and he wheezes really badly especially at night. He also has to have a knot cut off his arm so pray for those results as well if you would. I love my daddy so much and I don't know what I would do without him!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Planning ahead...

We are planning ahead for next year. We have already made our family picture for our Christmas card. Aren't you proud of us for planning ahead? We are such a high class family! H-E-L-L-O!

We are using this one!

It's so hard to get everyone to smile in our family picture but we didn't have a problem in this picture because my nephew Matthew was a little gassy!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Time is moving forward...

I hated to see Christmas end, it is my favorite time of the year! We had a wonderful Christmas! Couldn't be more blessed! Jason got a little under the weather right at Christmas and is still hacking his head off, but he is feeling so much better! Eve is battling a sore throat that just won't go away so we are taking her to the doctor today to have it checked out. Jasy has had some nasty head junk going on and her eyes have been filled with a nice surprise in the morning. BUT I am happy to report that I have been healthy as a horse! That's good considering, right?! The girls played so nice together and I enjoyed watching them  to be able to spend much needed time together. When "life" is going on it just seems like they never have that time to spend together with Eve's homework, school and gymnastics schedule. I have grown attached to staying at home again with the girls so I did NOT want to go to work this morning!!! I think Jason caught on to that bc he had the coffee pot ready for me this morning with a little note that read "it's ready for you, I love you". I guess he knew that I would need some caffeine to make me happy.

New Years was great too! We spent time with our family and just had a good time! I love the little time that we can all be together! We also got a fun surprise on our garage door on New Years! A pair of Big Ole' Granny Panties with "Welcome to 2011" written on them! It was too funny! Not sure who welcomed us into the year with some "draws", but I have my suspicions, so be prepared people, lol. :)

I am excited about starting the new year! I plan to read my Bible through this year, pray more than ever, get more involved at church instead of everything else, exercise more and take care of myself better (so I will be a healthier/happier mom/wife), help others more, pay off some much needed debt, and last but certainly not least, get our family moving forward to the wonderful things that God has for us!!! I am excited and ready to start making things happen! Time is moving forward and I want us to do the same!  I want to make more time for Christ this year instead of shuffling Him around my schedule and time I want to shuffle things aroung Him the way it should be!

Do you have time for Christ in your new year?