Thursday, July 29, 2010

What a day,what a day, what a day- what a mighty fine day...

I have had a hard time all week. Not just for me but for Jason too. I went to bed on Tuesday night after reading my Bible. God had showed me Proverbs 3: 5, 6-again. Yes, He has shown me that verse quite a few times this summer. I felt better about everything after reading and praying. God was definitely "trying" to tell me something that night. I woke up Wednesday morning around 7:45 to the phone ringing. I didn't make it to the phone in time, then my phone beeped showing a voicemail. It was Kelly Pew, Asst Superintendent for the school district. She said she had a position that I might like better than the previous one I was offered on Friday and for me to call her back. I immediately call her back and get her voicemail. Oh...I wonder what position this is? I wait for a couple of hours then she calls back. She has a job at Central elementary she says and was wondering if I would be interested? "YES!!", I scream into the phone, I would love to be back at Central"!!!! Then she says, " Well good, I thought you might, well would you like to have your job back as the TA"? The lady I think went deaf with my response!!!!!! With as loud as I my sickly voice could scream (I have bronchitis or something) I yell "Y-E-S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She made my day!!!!! I was thrilled to be back there with all my peeps and my little pals!!!! Even if I had to go in a complete circle and only end up where I was to begin with, I am happy that God worked that out for me! Maybe He was trying to to teach me to be -what's the word??? P-A-T-I-E-N-T!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, He sure knows me!

But my day gets better! I go to gymnastics with the girls and Eve nails her Kip!!! 6 times in a row!! Bamb, bamb, bamb!!! This is a skill that she has been trying to master all summer on bars. She has been only getting a one finger spot for a while and we just knew that she could do it. I kept telling her that she would get it but she had to believe in herself and believe in where her strength comes from. I was sitting there in that waiting room at the gym and I could just feel God sitting there with me!!!!!! He was there alright and He was Eve's one finger spot on the bars! She got to write her name on the  Amazing Kip club wall and that just thrilled her to death!!!!!!!!!!!  Now, Jasy was in her little class  too having a great day, just tearing up that gym with her effortless talents! I just LOVE it at our new gym!!! It is definitely where God wanted us and I am so glad that I listened to Him and let Him choose!!!

THEN...I got the best present from a dear friend at church last night!!! She makes the cutest window peices to put in your kitchens or just wherever!!! They are just precious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has a prayer pocket with ZEBRA and well... here I will let you check it out and see what you think!

Now...I am officially ready for the beach!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cookout fun...

We had a wonderful weekend! Although it was soooo hot we still were able to have a great cookout last night with the family for Eve's 9th birthday. Swimming, burgers, cupcakes, ice cream, more cupcakes, fresh lemonade, and more cupcakes. I baked 80 cupcakes and made a "big top cupcake". It was loads of fun! I love decorating!!! I wish I could be a party planner or an interior decorator. When I grow up I might just do that, lol. I designed Eve a skin cover for her Nintendo DS and  she LOVED it!! I was so glad. She didn't really tell us any specific thing that she wanted this year so I just went out on a limb.

 My grandmother got to come to the cookout and I think she really enjoyed herself.

Please remember my job situation in your prayers. God is working there and I just want to make sure that I am where He wants me and that I am patient for Him. God has been so good to us lately and I just love Him more everyday!!

We are ready to leave for our trip to Edisto!! We can't wait. 1 week from today, yippee!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What a God...

God is so good!!!!! I am speechless this morning about God's amazing love!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happy 18th birthday, Ms. Julia

I know a wonderful young lady who is officially old enough to vote today!  Well actually...she is an adult today. That's right, she is legal. I hope she had a spectacular day and that everything went her way. A day of perfect bliss, because she deserves every little minute.

Love you bunches Ms. Julia!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hack this hacker...

I bet you didn't know that I went to Nigeria and to France in one day? See... I didn't know I did either! But my debit card number did! I checked my account this morning online like I do every Friday morning and first thing that struck my eye was a transaction to a MD that I had never heard of. It was only for $1.39 but I knew that only meant that someone had my card number! It was early and the banks hadn't opened yet so I took Eve to gymnastics and then I was going to call my bank at 9:00.  When I was dropping her off I received a phone call from the fraudulent department of First Citizens saying that they needed to check a few things on my account that looked suspicious. I knew exactly what they were going to tell me. He asked if I tried to purchase airline tickets to Nigeria this morning and was declined. "Um, no" I said. His response "I guess you weren't in France either this morning trying to purchase computer supplies?". I about died!! I am so thankful that the good Lord was looking at for me because they were caught first thing and they declined their transactions. Imagine what would have happened if they would have went through. We would have been drained dry and who knows when those funds would have been put back in our account! He closed my account and I cut my card up and their mailing me a new one.  The whole time I was listening to the nice customer service Representative from the bank talking to me, all I could think about was the 5 minutes I caught of the news a couple of weeks ago(I never watch the news) about how hackers had hacked into Walmarts around the world and are stealing peoples debit card numbers and making purchases within 24 hours of you shopping at Walmart. Guess where we went last night? WALMART!!!  Be careful if you shop at Wally World! Write a check or use cash until they get this under control, but do not use your debit or credit cards!!!

I'm glad that I have someone on my side who can hack into ANY computer, heart, or anything that He wants to. He can straighten any situation out!  They might can steal my money, or my identity but they can't steal the best, most valuable thing that I have-My precious, Dear Lord!! I'm glad He hacked into my heart 17 years ago and saved me from a life of debt! Who's side are you leaning on..........  I'm leaning on the Lords side!!

 Ephesians3:20-Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us

I have a prayer request as well. Please pray diligently today especially for a friend of mine Leslie Mansfield . She is in India doing Missionary work with her church.
  • Please pray for her and her teams protection
  • Opportunity for sharing the Good News
  • Allow her and the others to refresh and comfort their long-term missionary friends already serving there
  • The protection of her and the others hearts from the depravity of polytheism in India
  • The unity of their team
  • That she and the others would remain God-focused
  •  Most of all the salvation and conviction of souls there for their labor

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Storm and rescue and my Butter ball...

I think I am getting slack with my blogging lately. I think of all kinds of things that I need to put on my blog and things that God laid on my heart that I know I need to share but  then I get busy with other things and I forget to put them on. I need to get better. We had an awful storm last Monday night after I posted. Severe wind that picked up our patio set on the pool deck and dumped it in the pool, glass shattered all in the pool!! It was not a good sight! Then it blew three trees over and one was blocking our entire driveway! Damaged some of our fencing and made a mess but thank God that it didn't hurt us or our house! Those trees could have landed on our house but they didn't. All of that stuff is very inconvenient and time consuming but they can all be fixed fairly quickly. We had to drain our pool, (this is of course after the fact that we just drained it for the first time this year when we opened it and put all the necessary not cheap start up chemicals and it looked sooo good!) but we are filling it now and it is taking FOREVER to fill. I just hope theirs not a leak in the liner from the glass. But...we will see in due time I guess. I know the Lord has a hand in all of this happening and their is definitely a reason that He allowed this. I have a good feeling about it all and I know it is for good. I just need to patient and I know that He will rescue us and He does everyday.

We went on our trip with my parents to Candler, N. C. and had such a good time with them! It was much needed time and it felt so good to be able to laugh and just enjoy them having a great time. I of course forgot my camera so I wasn't able to get any pictures other than a couple on my 2.0 mega pixel phone camera. We are already planning another trip maybe to Helen GA for the weekend so we ALL can go and spend the weekend. The kids just LOVED being with their Nannie and Papa and you could see the joy that it brought my parents as well. My dad is just putty in their hands and they can get him to do anything they want. His giving nature makes it even easier for them. We even got to see Elly Mae Clampett from the Beverly Hillbillies!! It was neat. She was at the singing Sunday giving autographs. She is a devoted Christian who goes around to churches and school functions and gives her testimony. That was a breath of fresh air bc most "have been" celebrities take much worse routes when their TV days are over. The fireworks there were unbelievable and they lasted for a good 5 minutes! Jasy loved them but after about 3 minutes she asked when they were going to be over.

Our VBS starts next week and we are excited about it. Our church has a wonderful VBS and the whole church gets involved. It's amazing and I hope that God shows up every night and shows out. Please pray for it and for Jason and I as we are teaching the teens. We love being with them!We pray that we will do what God would have us to do and lots will get saved or touched through out the week. I am glad and honored for Him to want to use us to guide them.

Lastly, today is my brothers birthday! I just love him. He is such a wonderful person. Very quiet until you get him talking. Most do not know how much he can talk, lol. He is  SO INTELLIGENT and probably is one of the smartest people you will ever meet. He can fix a rebukes cube in about 2 minutes or less and can answer any of your Science questions with scientific terms. Although you might not be able to understand what he's talking about, lol. He is a great husband and worships the ground his wife walks on. The only girl he really dated and you can still see the love and spark in his eyes when he looks at her. He does the best interpretation of "Back in Black" that you will ever hear and he will make you laugh your head off if you get him started. I have always looked up to my big Bro and even though he might not hear it like he should-I love my Butter ball with all my heart!!!