Saturday, September 12, 2009

Remembering 9-11 and preparing for tomorrow...

Last night we were watching on the History channel, a documentary of 9-11-01. It was very heartbreaking to watch bc they had taken tapes and footage that people had taken that day, and made a 105 minute show about it. It showed the planes hitting the towers and the people screaming and running down the streets in a mad stampede. It showed the towers burning, and those who were trapped in the building hanging out of windows trying to get out of the hot wrath of the fire. It showed the peoples faces of pure panic, and disbelief of what was happening. It showed the screaming and cries of those near the attacks. It showed the firefighters, and police men suiting up to go in those buildings not knowing that most of them would never see the light of day again. It even had the original 911 calls of those people trapped calling in, begging for someone to save them and asking if they should jump. One of the 911 dispatchers was very abrupt to the caller, I guess bc he didn't know what to tell them to do and he was receiving so many phone calls for help. He responded by yelling at them and telling them that help was on the way to stay where they were and to do what they needed to do. Then he yelled " I am hanging up now" and hung up on them. That broke my heart for that person. That was the last hope that they might have had that day. I know without a shadow of a doubt that God was in those buildings, and on the planes that day and maybe He was able to SAVE some of those people that day. I know He saved several bc they had survivors stories and how they miraculously were not hurt and no one could understand how they lived and got out alive. I do though, I know who saved them. So many people and atheist say that if there is a God then why did he not spare all of those lives that day and not let it happen. Well my friends, God has to allow things of this sort to happen nevertheless. Yes, sometimes there are things that happen in the world that profoundly upset the Almighty. Indeed He must often restrain Himself. For if God were to always interfere to prevent us from going against His will we would never be capable of really doing good, because we would simply be powerless to commit its alternative! God wept with us that day, but He was also there listening to the prayers coming in. Hallelujah!!!

I say all this to say this... how many people in this world died that day not knowing that God died for them? How many people burned in those fires, or under that ruckus to suffer more?
Here is a link to a video of a former Clemson football player. It is such an inspiration to watch. It shows that God always has a plan for us, we just have to open up our complete hearts and minds and put His first. May we all be a shining light and a witness like this football hero so we can spare the souls of our fellow man.

1 comment:

  1. I miss you guys so bad! I havent seen yall in forever! Hope all is well!

    love you
