Friday, September 25, 2009

Peaches,Honey and a piggyback ride...

I am proud to introduce the newest addition to the Donald family... please meet "Peaches". He is the cutest little kitten!

As most of you know, Eve's dog has been missing and he hasn't returned. She has had a really hard time and we have looked everywhere. So... one night while she was crying herself to sleep I went into her bedroom and asked her if she would be okay with getting a new pet. She pondered it for a minute and then she smiled this wonderful smile and said "Can I get a kitten"? I went

and got a paper the next day and told her that she could look through the ads and find the kitten that she wanted and call about it. She marked all in that paper circling ads with excitement. She couldn't decide if she wanted a white kitten or an orange one. Well there was an ad that said "free kittens", that's all it said. It didn't say what color or anything so I called about it and left a message. When the lady called me back she said that she had two white kittens with orange spots, and we could come pick it up the next day. What about that? God knew what she wanted and he heard her sweet little prayer.

We went last night after gymnastics and picked it up. You should have seen Eve's face when she saw those kittens! I wish I could have snagged that picture. It was priceless! It is the most loving kitten. It layed his head down on Eve's shoulder and just purred away. When we got home we introduced it to "Honey", our cockerspaniel, he was full of excitement too. Since Yellow has been gone, he cries everyday and just sits around and won't eat much. It made his little day too. He gave Peaches a sniff or two and then started licking him with approval. Eve thought it was funny that Honey thought Peaches could give him a piggy back ride :) Jasy (my child who contemplates everything) just watched with curiosity. lol When we got up this morning, Honey had kissed Peaches so much that his little fur was sticking straight up on the top of his head. It was too funny.

I am so glad to see that sweet little smile on my girls face. Thanks to everyone for praying for her. God worked it out. (as He always does)

1 comment:

  1. that's adorable! I can't wait to meet sweet Peaches!!
