Sunday, August 30, 2009

In His time

We went over a song tonight at choir practice that I just loved. It is simple and to the point and boy did it have Shannon written all over it. Here are the words....

In His time, in His time, He makes all things beautiful In His time. Lord please show me every day, as You’re teaching me Your way, That You do just what You say In Your time.
In Your time In Your time you make all things beautiful in Your time. Lord, my life to you I bring; May each song I have to sing Be to you a lovely thing In Your time.

I know God will show us what He has for us soon, and I just pray that we will be patient and know that it's in His time that He will show us. He is teaching us His way, and He always does just what He says. He has the way to make everything beautiful and He knows exactly what we need. I am so blessed to serve such a wonderful Savior!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a good day tomorrow! And I hope the girls do too! love ya!
