Friday, November 11, 2011

Top 100 things...

I don't think I am going to fit everything that I am thankful for this month. So here are 100 more things that I am thankful for today. Some are repeaters, but these are my top 100! Not in any order! If so, Jesus would be number 1!

1. My family

2. The coffee pot being ready when I wake up – thank you Jason for making it for me every night. You are the best hubby to think of me like that!

3. Weather in South Carolina-the best place to live I think!

4. The church I attend. Best Preacher around!

5. My job-Love working with these kiddos!

6. Our bills being paid

7. Not having to go without

8. Jinks buy me a coke phrase-LOVE IT!

9. The steak and cheese sub I had from Subway yesterday. Steak, pepper jack cheese, lettuce, green peppers, mayo, salt/pepper, sweet onion sauce, toasted on honey wheat! YUMMY-go try it, ok!

10. Getting my hair done- so relaxing that I about fall out of the chair. I love when she puts me under the dryer for 20 minutes bc I get so comfy that if I could get to my hair to twiddle I would be asleep in 5 flat!

11. The fact that I almost know how to trouble shoot most minor computer problems now.

12. My passports for my family and I bc that means that we are going to get them stamped real soon. Hopefully a lot more in the near future!

13. My children again and again

14. Kids with dimples

15. Our fish- Eli the 5th or 6th or whatever he is

16. My blankie that I absolutely love to be under while I am sitting on the couch

17. Cooking shows!!!

18. A night of movies, popcorn, goobers (the candy kind people), diet Pepsi, my blankie and my family! Movie nights are the bestest!

19. Six Mile Mountain ( or hill as Eve would say) I love that we have a view of it from our front porch

20. Watching kids have fun

21. Reading a good book on the beach

22. A nice pair of new socks (fuzzy preferably)

23. Nothing to do on a Saturday

24. A no makeup kind of day out of the blue!

25. My friends

26. Lazy afternoons on Sunday! Love them!

27. The seat warmers in my car! Love some warm buns!

28. A day on the beach

29. Looking at the stamp on my passports and thinking about the places I am going to go- (yes again)

30. Not having to travel to Las Vegas ever again- I hated that sinful place!

31. The fact that I have never won anything ever- I really want to though!

32. The first night on a new pillow

33. The comments and emails my readers provide, I think I’m over 30 regular’s now-whoo hoo.

34. The closeness that social media provides with my extended network of friends that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with other wise

35. Looking at my girls in aww…

36. That logic mostly wins

37. When I have more that two beverage choices in my refrigerator

38. Onion and it’s great flavor

39. Amazon


41. When my kids smile

42. The day that Jason said I should shave more– good advice for everyone I think

43. The day I decided to give this whole blog thing another chance

44. 102.5 playing Christmas music for over 1 month! LOVE IT!

45. Water-I am an advocate drinker!

46. That I don’t watch the news and I never know anything about nothing!

47. My favorite stinky shoes

48. My favorite tweety bird pj’s

49. Everyday I have the opportunity to learn something new

50. Google-what a time saver!

51. A nice day on bikes in Edisto

52. Any day I can find my keys

53. A day that I can’t find my keys and I can break in the garage door with my credit card

54. Our girls trip to Memphis- one of the best times of my life!

55. Smores from the microwave

56. When we get good deals on Clemson tickets!

57. When I don’t forget my families birthday

58. Not having to travel for holidays since all my family is local

59. That I still have my senior shirt in my closet from high school

60. All the great friends I have

61. That I have in-law’s that are sweet

62. Salty, salty, McDonalds French fries with tons of ketchup

63. When my kids brush their teeth without me reminding them

64. When Jason knows what I am thinking before I say anything

65. The Clemson Tigers going to National Championships- yes they are!

66. Shrek 1, 2 and third

67. Watching Eve on balance beam-so graceful!

68. Watching Jasy rub her blankie the way she does –so sweet

69. Watching Jason fuss at the tv while watching sports- sometimes I want to slap him though-just saying…

70. When I drink a cold drink in the morning and it hits the spot

71. That most people are thoughtful and kind

72. Chips and salsa from Chili’s

73. Having very athletic kids

74. Teamwork makes the dream work- I love that saying!

75. Sometimes a clich̩ just works РI mean there has to be a reason they exist

76. Getting out of bed on the day you leave for vacation! So exciting!

77. The day I realized that I needed Jesus!

78. Any day I run

79. Quiet time just spent remembering past experiences-especially while relaxing in a hot bath or shower

80. When the batteries die in an annoying toy at Christmas or Birthdays

81. Clearing security on our trip to Mexico. That really bothers me for some reason –even though I know that we aren’t bringing anything bad.

82. Moments when I have the clarity of thought to acknowledge that I can’t control what happens – only how I react

83. That I almost have the right tools for nearly every job

84. People who have warm hearts

85. When dinner is actually delivered quickly at a restaurant

86. Every time I type a message on my computer and it automatically spell checks it correctly

87. Big sisters being patient with their little sisters

88. When my friends/family are willing to help me on stuff and are willing to let me help them on stuff

89. A short line

90. Having nothing left on my itinerary on Saturday (again)

91. Grilling outside in the summer

92. An unplanned weekend in the mountains – you decide at noon and your in a cabin at 6PM. (never done this but I really want to)

93. That it all works out in the end

94. The burn that happens in your throat when chugging a Pepsi on a hot day

95. No traffic when late

96. A hot fudge sundae with nuts!

97. A perfect steak

98. That a Little Caesar’s has $5 hot and ready pizzas!

99. The feeling you get when you can’t wait for something!

100. Any opportunity to share, listen and be with people I care about

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