Saturday, November 5, 2011

Blessed beyond...

Happy Saturday peeps! Time is really flying by and before we know it Christmas will be here! Jasy had a field trip yesterday to the Orchard but with the heavy am rain it got cancelled. I had already taken the day off to chaperon so I signed the girls out of school and we made it a "girls day"! We had so much fun! We went out to eat, went shopping, and went to the movies. God was really looking out for us bc we needed that time together to just mellow out and have those little girl conversations. Eve really opened up to me which she NEVER does. We got to talk about boys, life, and well just girl stuff. She is a daddy's girl and she acts a lot like her daddy. She doesn't go in depth about much, very mellow and trying to to get information out of her is like pulling teeth. I am sometime envious of Jason and Eve's relationship bc he can get her to talk when no one else can. Especially more now that she is approaching middle school, I want that line of communication to be open for us. Maybe I need to just take more girl days just to show her that I am never too busy to talk to her about anything. :)
I have wanted to start posting about things that I am thankful for since this month is November. So I am going to start today.

Today I am thankful for my family. I am so blessed to have an amazing, caring, husband, and two beautiful, smart, sweet girls. Their what I live for every day! My every thought is revolved around them in some way. I wake up with them on my mind and I go to bed with them on my mind. God knew exactly the husband and kids that I needed and He provided! I am also thankful for the rest of my family. For good parents who raised me in a good Christan home, worked hard to provide for us so we would never go without, and molded us into who we are today. I am thankful for my brother who has always had my heart! I have always looked up to him even when he teased me the way brothers do. I am thankful for my big sister. The one who took care of me growing up, rescued me when times got tough, and loved me no matter what. I am thankful for my nieces and nephews. Each have their own uniqueness about them. Mathew who is special to me bc he was like my little brother growing up. I was only in 7th grade when he was born. I worshipped him and would stand over him and stare at him for hours. He was one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen. I know God has a special plan for him and I can't wait to see what he is possible of doing for Him.  Jacob who is genuinely one of the sweetest people that you will ever meet. He's not deceiving in any way or fashion, what you see is what you get. He is going to make someone a wonderful husband bc of his warm heart and ways. Will, who was my right hand buddy when I was a teenager! I took him with me everywhere and I spent the night with him most weekends just to be with him. He was a little stinker, hilarious and so stinkin cute! I can still picture him searching for bugs and fighting with Jacob about how it was OK to capture bugs and keep them in jars when Jacob swore it was murder. Kaitlyn, who was my first girl. I treated her like an over sized doll and I would go to her house every chance I got just to dress her and fix her up. I thought she was beautiful and she still is! I can't believe that she is a teenager now! Allison who I swore was Hispanic when she was born, lol. She had the most hair too and those dimples stole my heart. Allison is such a great student. She works hard, makes good grades, and I know that she will grow up to be the best that she can be! Kinsley, you are a sweet girl who made your Mama and Daddy complete. You are a great little pal and I love you! Kolby, I love the way you get so excited about the little things. Give you a key and you are content for hours! I can already tell that you are going to be a kind person. The world always needs more of those! I am thankful for my sister in laws- Addie and Andrea. Addie has always been my sister since I can think back really. I really don't think of her as a sister in law bc she's not. She made my brother the happiest man in the world and I love her to death! I am thankful for Shane-my brother in law. He is a good christian man and God has got to be proud of His servant. My aunts and uncles. The list goes on and on. I am blessed with such a great family!

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