Monday, October 19, 2009

Two boiled eggs and a molded biscuit day...

I had a nice weekend this past weekend! Saturday I spent the day with my grandmother and believe me when I tell you that she is a hoot! She is about 4ft 11" and weighs about 100lbs and she is full of herself! One of her grand kids named her "Bigma" many years ago and it just stuck! I can't make myself call her anything else and she hates for me to call her that in public! She normally cusses at me and tells me not to call her that. lol. She loves to go to Goodwill/thrift stores and find some good bargains, so we went to several of those. My girls loved finding her shirts and dresses because everything they would hold up she would say "put it in the buggy". They aren't used to that, I usually say "no thanks, put it back". We went and had lunch at her favorite place and that was very nice to sit and chat for a while. BOY does she have some stories!!!! I always worry what is going to come out of her mouth, especially with the girls around because she is known to let some "not so nice" words slip. She kept checking out this little man in the restaurant so I started aggravating her by telling her that I was going to take her picture and put it on the Internet and post something like " Single White female, looking for Single White Male". She then told me that I should put " Single White Female with two boiled eggs, a molded biscuit -looking for "Single White Male with no kids, one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peeling"! THANK GOODNESS THE KIDS DIDN'T UNDERSTAND THAT!!!! They just looked at her funny. Then she starts to get her "diapers" (Depends, she just calls them that) out of her purse and she tells me that I need to put them in my purse so if she needs them in the store. I quickly put them in my purse hoping that the 3yr old didn't catch on. Well.... Jasy of course did, and yells out " Look, Bigma wears diapers Eve!" Eve tries to cover her mouth but Jasy is just too loud! Thank Goodness that Bigma is hard of hearing or she just might have cussed the baby girl out! It was a fun day for all!!!!

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