Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Connecting....please wait

I had a horrible night last night. I am not going into details but it was not a good experience. I went to bed with my brain going a hundred miles an hour and I was so mentally drained that I just crashed. Then I dreamed all night about what had happened and when I woke up this morning it was the first thing on my mind again and my head was just splitting from all the stress. You see...anytime I feel close to God or our family starts moving in the right direction, the devil comes in and stirs things up. It never fails. He wants to see us fail so badly and that is his one and only goal with us. He knows that I let things bother me and he thrives on that. After I dropped both kids off this morning, I called Jason. I needed to talk to someone so bad. He asked me if I was able to get any sleep last night. I immediately started balling my eyes out. He starts to tell me that last night after all of that happened he felt a peace come over him and He realized why it all happened. He filled me in with all the details and told me that God was going to handle it and for me to stop worrying and let HIM take control, He would make it all okay. By the time I drove into work, I had stopped crying and I felt so much better. I walked into work, sat down at my desk to start logging in the computers (I can log all of them in from my desk) Every morning when I get to work, I have to turn on and log on all the computers in the lab under the student work log in. Every morning it says, "Connecting...please wait". Even though I see this everyday, it meant so much more today. It all hit me. God has been trying to show us what we needed to do in this situation, it just wasn't connecting. It took all that to connect it for us, and now... it's all starting to connect.

I have had this song on my mind all day...

Without Him I could do nothing

Without Him I'd surely fail

Without Him I would be drifting

Like a ship without a sail

Without Him I would be dying

Without Him I'd be enslaved

Without Him life would be worthless

But with Jesus thank God I'm saved

Oh Jesus, oh Jesus

Do you know Him today

Please don't turn Him away

Oh Jesus, my Jesus

Without Him how lost I would be

Without Him how lost I would be

Dear God- I am so sorry that I am so hard to connect with. I am sorry that it takes so much to make me see or understand what I need. Please forgive me for being this way and help me to let you handle my every need and to become a more patient, waiting person. Without you I am nothing, I can't get through even a second of my day but with you I can do anything. You are my strength and my comfort. You make me whole. Oh- how I love you!!! In your wonderful, precious name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I'm sorry you are going through a hard time. The devil does want to destroy you bc he see that you have a bright future in Christ. Call me if I can ever be of help. I'll pray for you right now....
