Wednesday, August 1, 2012

It's me again Margaret...'s been a while! Too long! I haven't been very loyal to my blog but it hit me tonight that I needed to do a little catching up. ;) So much has happened since May and I don't really know where to start. So instead of writing a 10 page blog, I figured I would just do a list of the things (well some of the big ones) that have changed since then. Here goes-

  1. School is out! Eve is going into middle school and Jasy into 1st grade. This year sure did fly by!
  2. Eve has overcome her gymnastics mental block and is doing wonderful! She has really found the love and joy in gymnastics that she was missing for the 5 months during her mental struggle. She has gotten stronger both mentally and physically and has improved leaps and bounds on those skills that were blocking her! They look even better than before! She is so happy and we are so happy for her! I hope this will be a great meet year for her. ;)
  3. Jasy graduated k-5 and was a little cutie pie! I cried my eyes out and about had a melt down that my baby girl was already going into 1st grade soon!
  4. The biggest news of all is I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!  Yes, a huge surprise for us!!! Once we got past the intial shock, we were excited but very scared!!! In fact, I think Jason and I are more scared than we were when we were pregnant with our first child! I don't really know why but we are. We sold everything we had baby oriented bc although we never closed that door we didn't plan on opening it again. We will have to start fresh!!! That I think scares us! The girls are so thrilled!!!! It has a sparked a light in Eve that we haven't seen. She is in hog Heaven and so excited! Jasy is too! At first, Jasy wasn't that sure of not being the baby anymore but when we explained to her that she will always be our baby she got over it. She just doesn't want a boy! In fact, she cried oneday when Eve and I checked out the Chinese calendar and it said a boy. She locked herself in her room and wouldn't come out. She is starting to come around there though. I think she will be okay once we know for sure what we are having. I am 11 weeks and 3 days today and ready to be out of my first trimester!!! I have been so tired and nauseas so far and I want to feel good again!!! I hope this will soon pass. The baby is already moving and since it's my 3rd pregnancy, I can already feel little movements. It's really neat! The girls can't wait to be able to see it kick and they pull my shirt up everyday to see if my belly has gotten any bigger, lol. I hope that passes too!! At first I was running just as I did before (just slower) but now I can't even get up and do anything without being sick so I am hoping to get back to the pavement very soon! 7 more weeks until we find out what we are having and you better believe I want to know!! I am not one of those netural colors will work kind of girls. Give me pink or blue!!!! I want it either all girl or all boy! We do have some names picked out but mainly for girls. Can you tell what I have on my mind? Nah, I really don't care but I am just so use to girls that it will take me a while to get all boyed up! Jason is surprisly wanting a boy after all these years saying that girls are the best! I think he is starting to see hormones in the future. Can't much blame him there.

  5. Eve had a great 11th bday. We took her to the Mall of Georgia and then we stayed at an Inn just out of town that pampered them silly. Rose petals in the bed, chocolates on the pillows, pedicures and all of that girlie stuff that I love! She took her BF Maggie and they had such a good time. I couldn't believe how much both of them have grown up. It's really sad.
Now we are a little bit caught up. I promise that I wont be so obselete now. I think I just needed sometime to soak in some things and now it's all good.

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