Saturday, December 24, 2011

We survived...

The Donald household has been rocked by the dreary old word "THE FLU"!! Oh how, it has not been fun! I am writing this with a roll of toilet paper by my side (done used up all the tissues) and a noise full of snot! I am feeling so much better though! Eve and Jason too! I started this whole mess last Thursday night, not feeling well at all. I had a hair appt to get my hair done and I felt horrible! No fever then, just felt awful and I could tell that I was catching something. I gagged the most part of getting my hair done, trying not to barf on my hairdresser while she put highlights in my hair for Christmas. I made it through and went home, soaked in a hot bath and went straight to bed. Friday morning, not good! Didn't feel good at all but I pushed myself to go to work for the last day and make Jasys class party that she was so excited about. Again, no fever, just felt awful! I prayed my way through the day Friday and made it home. I crashed! Saturday am, felt like I had been hit by a train! I got up to take Eve to gymnastics practice and I could not function! I called my mom and she came to take Eve for me and when she showed up I must have looked like I was dieing bc she insisted that I go directly to the Urgent Care. I drove myself there, I do not remember going there at all, I get there at 8:40 and I am thinking I can be the first one seen, get in and get out and go to bed. I look at the door and they do not open until 10am! I had to sit in my car for 1hr and 20 mins and wait for them to open! I thought I was going to die!  I get home, immediately take my medicine and go to bed! I wake up 20 minutes later vomiting all over the place. I run to the bathroom, and it's like a monsoon of vomit, I can't quit. I throw up on myself, on the floor, in the toilet, on the clothes in the floor that I just threw there when I got home bc I was too sick to put them anywhere. I eventually stop vomiting and start trying to clean up the disaster area to the best I a delirious woman can, then I crawl back to bed and sit there. Jason comes home 5 minutes later and walks in the bedroom, looks at me and has this concerned look on his face like he is fixing to loose his wife. I must have looked like a ghost. He then has to leave to go get Eve in Greenville at her gymnastics Ice Skating party, and pick up Jasy at  my moms. I am stuck by myself again. Ughh....Will I ever make it?! Well I did make it somehow and I wake up Sunday morning, and their sick too. Jason is sick as a dog, Eve is sick as a dog, and Jasy is bouncing off the walls wanting to eat! Poor Jasy had to wait on us with our request for water, cold washcloths (which were still soaking wet that they drenched our face when applied), etc. At one point I look in the kitchen and she is sitting on the bar buttering her bread by herself. It really broke my heart so I called my mom to come get her so she could get out of the retirement home for a bit. Jason has to fax his time sheet for work every Sunday night so he will get paid since our fax machine is tore up he goes to town and faxes it. He was so sick Sunday night that he could bearly drive. I was as well. Finally he mustard up enough energy to go, after about 1hour of him being gone I start to get worried bc it usually only takes him about 30 minutes. I am so sick that I can bearly remember how to use my cell phone. It takes me about 5 minutes to work it but finally I call. No answer. Okay, I am real worried now. After about 15 minutes of calling him I hear him pull up. I wait for him to come in the garage door but after 10 minutes he still hasn't come in. What? Then the door opens and in he comes, drenched with sweat, pale as ghost, and collapses on the couch. I ask him if he is okay and what took him so long and he precedes to tell me that he was so weak when he got there and was about to pass out that he had to go to sleep in the truck before he could go inside to fax his time sheet! Poor thing! In the meantime, Eve is lying around, with dark circles under her eyes, coughing her head off, crying bc her head and throat and body is hurting so bad. I go to get her something to drink. Again, I am delirious as well so I find myself standing over Jason handing him the drink and then I realize that it wasn't him, it was for Eve. I did this all night. I am taking care of them while I am sick and not doing a very good job lol. But we survived it all thank God and we are doing so  much better! We just have some funny stories to tell on Christmas! Jason and Eve are pretty much completely better and I am still coughing my head off, and dealing with a terrible sinus infection but I will take it !!!! We are so fortunate that we didn't get sick at Christmas! It was hard being sick and missing so much that was going on the last week. My calendar on my phone went crazy Saturday and Sunday and all I could do was turn it off and go to sleep knowing that I was missing all of the festivities. It wasn't like I had planned but I know that it could have been worse. Jason couldn't do the Christmas program at church that he had been practicing for a while. That was hard for him. But we still had each other. Jasy drew us lots of pretty pictures, and gave us lots of kisses so it made it so much better.

Now it's Christmas eve and we are so ready to do some celebrating! Jesus was born tomorrow and we need to get this party started! I hope everyone has a very Merry CHRISTmas! Because of Him, and only Him!

Happy Birthday my sweet Lord and thanks for taking care of the snot noise Donalds so we could be all better by your Birthday!

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