Friday, March 4, 2011

Heavens getting closer...

When I come to heaven Lord, what shall I bring?

My golden necklace, and my diamond ring?

I have some great treasures of jade, ivory, and bone,

And aren't we judged Lord, by what we own?

My important position I've climbed up so high,

There just isn't anything anymore that money won't buy.

So tell me again Lord, just what are your needs?

I've helped you a lot, by doing good deeds.

You've got it all wrong, my child, my dear,

all that I've wanted is having you near.

While storing your treasures, there's much you forgot.

My love and forgiveness can never be bought.

I offer it freely, just ask and receive.

But you never listened, you didn't believe.

Your works and possessions are just filthy rags.

So if you're coming to heaven, unpack your bags.

Just come as you are, it's you that I love.

The price has been paid, by the one up above.

I just love this!! We all get so consumed by things of this world when in Heaven we will have all we ever need! Do people really judge us by the clothes that we wear, the house that we live in, the car that we drive, the friends that we keep, the money in the bank, our looks? Why yes, they sure do!!! We quickly would like to say that we ourselves do not judge others by this criteria but when you really look into it, it's just our nature. We don't even realize that we are doing it. That's really sad don't you think? God gave us all we will ever need, yet we just keep wanting more. It's so hard being a christian and of course the devil is trying even harder than we do to tear us down but if we just look up, we can make it through. Being a Christian may not always be an easy job, may not always pay well but the retirement plan is out of this world.
Won't be long my friend until He is coming for us. Are you ready to descend? I'm going up, how about you?

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