Thursday, March 31, 2011

Don't be hate'n...

I have a countdown going on!!! That's right, I count down to everything! It makes me feel better for some reason so don't be hate'n! My first countdown is to spring break. Can it get here any slower this year?! What are these people thinking making us suffer like this? The weather this week has been enough to make me become a big bear and just hibernate! I feel blah! The second countdown is for Jason to be out of school for the summer. I miss him so bad and I need more adult conversation or I might start thinking that I am young again! I have already started wearing glitter eye shadow (that I bought for Eve for dance) and Eve keeps asking me why I am wearing it?! Sometimes I think that I do things BC it annoys her. I dance around, sing really loud, wear my PJ's in the car to pick her up from gymnastics, say words like "hate'n" and "Yay me" all to annoy her! (Not really, it just makes me happy) So here goes...

Spring Break
15 days

366 hours
21964 minutes
1317878 seconds
Jason out for summer
42 days

1021 hours
61265 minutes
3675939 seconds

1 comment:

  1. I'm right there with you when it comes to counting down and I like to make lists too. It gives me such a sense of accomplishment when I can mark something off my list. I love annoying my boys and you know you really have when they give you the rolling of the eyes!

    Kathy Gravely
