Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Mouthing...

Here are a few pictures that I took during the "Blizzard of 2011". We really enjoyed the snow and it was nice to be able to stay in together and catch up! Jason was even out of school for most of the week! The girls made a luau themed snow girl adorned with Ramen noodles for hair. What can I say, we think outside the box! We made snow creme which the girls had never tasted before. Chocolate too-YUMMY! 

I am sending apologies yet again that I have abandoned my poor little blog. I know I need to get better. I feel sometimes that I post boring stuff lately and that I am not interesting so why bore the world?! Do you feel that way? Maybe when we pioneer to the Last Frontier our life will become more intriguing. Speaking of Alaska...Jasy informed my mom the other day that she just did not understand why God wants Daddy and us to go to Alaska! Nannie asked her why she thought God wanted us there and she so sweetly said this "Well, something about God wants us to go to church there and make churches or something but I don't understand why we can't do that somewhere else?" Nannie then responded, well that's because that's where God wants y'all to tell people about Him and show them how to be saved.". Nannie said Jasy rolled her eyes and said " well do you think God knows that I'm not even saved yet, how can I tell people about Him when I'm still working on that". Can you believe that child of mine? At least we know that she's not confused about her situation. She knows that she doesn't understand it yet. Right!?

1 comment:

  1. what a smart girl!?!

    I think she'll be a pretty big help in Alaska!
