Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bugs and boogers...

My little baby munchkin is sick with the stomach flu!! Poor thing. It hit her like a ton of bricks Tuesday night and I never thought a little tummy could release so much food! I got to stay home with her yesterday and just doctor her back to health, baby her beyond belief, and cater to her every need. I LOVED every minute of taking care of her! She wasn't running a fever today and the vomiting had ceased so I took her to my moms today. I hope she is doing okay.
I think I have the pity me blues! I don't know what's up with me but I just feel sorry for myself lately. I feel lazy, mean, dumb, I think I need to go back to the beach where I felt me again. I know it's just the devil doing his mean job, but I don't like it one little bit! Do you ever feel this way? I really want to know! If you are reading this (if anyone still does) I need to know! Do you ever feel like taking a big booger and just wiping it all over people just because for some reason it would make you feel better?! I do! If I don't get any responses I might sign myself up for the mental hospital bc I will know that I am not normal, lol. No really...not kidding!


  1. I totally understand how you feel. I don't feel like myself at all, sometimes i just feel like i am rolling through the motions and i am not even checked in.... thats a really scarey thought, I feel whiney and angry like everything that anyone says to me SETS ME OVER THE EDGE! that everyone knows i am crazy....
    I sort of think it's the weather changing all the time and jsut changing moods idk!

    Hope you feel better!

  2. Shannon, I still read your blog and I feel the same way you are talking about. I know it's the devil but there are times I'd like to just slap people that have been unkind to me. So, you are not the only one. I guess it would be something to worry about if we acted on what we'd like to do.
    Kathy G.
