Thursday, May 20, 2010

What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man...

I was so proud of my honey yesterday; I could have had a shouting spell!! He got off work early because they were having inventory in his stores. He came home and listen to this... took the trash off, cut the grass, weed eated ( he normally cuts grass and then a week later weed eats and by then the grass needs cutting again- He even weed eated around the mailbox which he normally leaves and it drives me CRAZY), cleaned the fish water, (bc Jasy poured a whole bottle of fish food in trying to feed the fish) worked on getting the pool open, and then when I got home, he washed my car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, it's my birthday!!!! I didn't even make a honey do list or anything! I was so proud of him! I think I will cook his favorite meal tonight in appreciation of his hard work. However, it all leads me to wonder though...husbands are sometimes like children and they do things for a reason. Maybe he wants a new toy or maybe he did something bad and he is trying to "butter me up". Nah...He is just a sweetie pie-that's all. ;)

1 comment:

  1. what a lucky girl!!

    thank you for your sweet comment!
    love you!
