Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday mouthing...

Have you noticed how I have been posting a lot of baby pictures on my post? I think I have that "baby fever" again!! Uh- oh right? Jason is content with our family and thinks that 2 are all we need. I think he is right but sometimes I just get that itch to hold a new little one and smell the sweet baby smell that comes along with it. I remember just sitting for hours holding my girls and smelling that fresh baby scent and staring at their cute little face and feet. Jason would come home and laugh and say "let me guess, you haven't put her down much all day". NOPE, I didn't. Spoiled them rotten and enjoyed every minute of it, lol. We went to watch my nieces and my nephews girlfriends' dance recital this weekend and all around us were cute little beebies (that's what Jasy calls babies). Jason just looked at me and rolled his eyes because he knew what was going through my mind. I even got my mom to tell him that we needed another baby but he still groaned. MEN!!! Speaking of the dance recital, I just love dance!! I always have. I would dance around for hours in my room all the way up until I got married. Heck-I still do it and it just embarrasses Eve to death. I always hoped that one of my girls would want to take dance so I could go watch them in their cute little outfits spinning around with pointed ballerina toes or stomping around in their little tap shoes. Guess what??? Both of my girls informed me that they want to take dance now!!! Yippee, right? Well kind of... the problem with this is they still want to do gymnastics! I don't know how I am going to handle this one bc I am ran to death as it is. We'll figure something out.

We have been praying for a while for God to show us if we needed to switch gyms and He did just that. The girls have switched and are now going to a gym closer to our house. I was worried about Eve adjusting to the new gym bc she went to the same gym for 7 years but she has adjusted WONDERFULLY and we really love it there. I actually used to take there for a while as a child so it is dear to my heart. She is working so hard to get her new skills for the next competition year and I am so proud of her determination again. She will start going 14 hours a week in the fall though, see why I am in the road all the time?
15 days and 2 half days- that's all we have left until summer time!!!! Not that I am counting or anything... I am so ready to spend more time with my girls. I LOVE my job but I really miss staying home with them. I feel like I am always behind on something since I went back to work two years ago. I don’t' want to spend my weekend catching up on my house work. Jasy just loves staying with my parents but sometimes she will say little comments like "I wish you didn't have to wuk (work) mama" or "do you have to wuk tomorrow mama". It really breaks my heart.

That's my Monday mouthing, I hope everyone has a great week!!!


  1. oh girl!
    so much has changed we need to catch up! I am so excited the girls are interested in dance! let me know if i can help! I'll drive them a hundred miles! I was just telling my mom yesterday how I can't imagine my life with out dance. it's been such a positive experience I made so many friends and had such a good time! ah! I'm so excited!!

  2. I think you should try for a baby boy! It would be cute to see how you would dress him. Mom and I love to see how cute you have the girls dressed on Sunday's!!

    Melissa Aiken
