Friday, January 29, 2010

Time for snow baby...

I LOVE TO WATCH IT SNOW!!!!!!!!! I guess you can say I am a kid at heart because when I hear any talk of snow I start getting excited and anxious watching all the weather channels just hoping that we will see some white stuff!! I have been telling all my students today in Computer Lab, the secret of wearing their pj's inside out bc everyone knows that it will make it snow if we all do!!! So...don't forget to do it tonight! I like to see it for a few days but then I like to see it leave too. It would be hard for me to live somewhere that gets lots of snow and cold weather because when you get down to the nitty gritty I am a little wimp to the cold. Jason laughs at me because every year when we get our little bit of snow, I will dress the kids in so many layers of clothes that they can hardly move to even play in it. I can't help it though, I am paranoid for some reason that they might get frost bite or something, lol. So if it snows and you drive by my house and see something moving funny, stiff and real slow, it's probaby my poor children trying to have fun playing in the snow.

On another note. I have had a song on my mind all week. He supplies all my needs! Isn't it so true. He knows exactly what we need and He never makes us do without. So good to us and boy is He faithful!!!

1 comment:

  1. haha o i definitely sleep with my pjs inside out when its supposed to snow :)
