Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Journey work...

Abraham set off on a journey not knowing where he was going. He just obeyed and went on his way with nothing but faith. He didn't question what and why nor did he try and weasel his way out of it. He knew that God would lead him where he needed to be and would take care of him along the way. No matter if he had to go to the hottest of lands or the coldest of lands, as long as God was there guiding him he would not be scared. Amazing if you ask me!

What a journey God lets us partake in! I got to thinking about the words " I have to". I have a terrible habit of using this phrase, "I have to go to the store", "I have to go to church"," I have to put the kids to bed". I don't use it correctly in the way I should. I don't HAVE to go to church, I WANT to. I don't HAVE to put the kids to bed, I WANT to share that with them. I need to stop using this phrase so frequently. We don't HAVE to do God's will but we WANT to. I WANT to set out on a journey not knowing where I might end up, but I HAVE to trust in Him before I can even start to move.

I know that God wants Jason and I to do missionary work but I don't know where, when, or anything more. I do know that where ever or whatever that might be, we will do it. I am not scared believe it or not but I am very excited about the adventure that he might put us on. I will be honest with you, never in a million, zillion years did I ever think that God would possibly put me on foreign field to do mission work!!! If God can use me then I know He can use you. What does he want to do with your life?

Please pray for our family!

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