Monday, November 16, 2009


Please continue to pray for my father n law, Jerry Donald. We found out Saturday night that he had gotten burned pretty bad that afternoon while burning trash. He went to grab the gas can to put it up and it exploded on him. Thank goodness he had the hose pipe lying there already running so he was able to put it out fast. He has 2nd degree burns on his face, head, both arms, and both hands. He is still in a lot of pain and has a long road ahead. He is also diabetic so he is swollen really bad and his sugar is really high right now. He is such a sweet, kind man and he always thinks of everyone else before himself. When he got out of surgery yesterday he was bandaged all the way to the waist, swollen beyond recognition, hurting really bad and he looked so pitiful, but the first thing he said was, "I am so sorry y'all had to come all the way here and see me like this." He was worried about us driving back and worried about the girls. Such a wonderful, christian man. We love him so much.
Thank you all for your prayers, calls, emails, and texts. It is so nice to know that we have such wonderful friends and family there to pray with us.

Love y'all!


  1. I'll be praying for all of you. Take care.
    Love Pat

  2. I will continue to pray for your father-in-law. Hope he has a speedy recovery. Love ya!Alisa
