Thursday, July 29, 2010

What a day,what a day, what a day- what a mighty fine day...

I have had a hard time all week. Not just for me but for Jason too. I went to bed on Tuesday night after reading my Bible. God had showed me Proverbs 3: 5, 6-again. Yes, He has shown me that verse quite a few times this summer. I felt better about everything after reading and praying. God was definitely "trying" to tell me something that night. I woke up Wednesday morning around 7:45 to the phone ringing. I didn't make it to the phone in time, then my phone beeped showing a voicemail. It was Kelly Pew, Asst Superintendent for the school district. She said she had a position that I might like better than the previous one I was offered on Friday and for me to call her back. I immediately call her back and get her voicemail. Oh...I wonder what position this is? I wait for a couple of hours then she calls back. She has a job at Central elementary she says and was wondering if I would be interested? "YES!!", I scream into the phone, I would love to be back at Central"!!!! Then she says, " Well good, I thought you might, well would you like to have your job back as the TA"? The lady I think went deaf with my response!!!!!! With as loud as I my sickly voice could scream (I have bronchitis or something) I yell "Y-E-S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She made my day!!!!! I was thrilled to be back there with all my peeps and my little pals!!!! Even if I had to go in a complete circle and only end up where I was to begin with, I am happy that God worked that out for me! Maybe He was trying to to teach me to be -what's the word??? P-A-T-I-E-N-T!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, He sure knows me!

But my day gets better! I go to gymnastics with the girls and Eve nails her Kip!!! 6 times in a row!! Bamb, bamb, bamb!!! This is a skill that she has been trying to master all summer on bars. She has been only getting a one finger spot for a while and we just knew that she could do it. I kept telling her that she would get it but she had to believe in herself and believe in where her strength comes from. I was sitting there in that waiting room at the gym and I could just feel God sitting there with me!!!!!! He was there alright and He was Eve's one finger spot on the bars! She got to write her name on the  Amazing Kip club wall and that just thrilled her to death!!!!!!!!!!!  Now, Jasy was in her little class  too having a great day, just tearing up that gym with her effortless talents! I just LOVE it at our new gym!!! It is definitely where God wanted us and I am so glad that I listened to Him and let Him choose!!!

THEN...I got the best present from a dear friend at church last night!!! She makes the cutest window peices to put in your kitchens or just wherever!!! They are just precious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has a prayer pocket with ZEBRA and well... here I will let you check it out and see what you think!

Now...I am officially ready for the beach!

1 comment:

  1. Cute blog! Umbrella and ipod charger will be with you soon I might send it home with Matthew because I don't know how I'll feel after tomorrow AHHHH!

    Love that window too cute!
