Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How is it...

Don't you just love the fall in the air? favorite season is finally here! With it comes the changing of the leaves, and crisp Autumn weather. Nature is so beautiful and we really are so blessed to live here in the South! It's not too awful hot (well this past summer was record breaking) and it's not too cold-just right if you ask me.

I have had a lot on my mind lately, in fact you could say that I have had too much to say and didn't know where to start. School is going well for Eve and for Jason. Lots of work for both. Eve is doing remarkably well balancing her after school activities and keeping her grades up. I am proud of her determination and drive there. Jason is trying so hard to get all his work done, find time for us and still get a little rest. Bless his heart. This morning his alarm clock went off at 4am and when his feet hit the floor, I heard mumbles and grumbles of a tired man. I felt sorry for him. I think he went to bed early last night though-midnight. Please pray for him and his guidance, and the strength that he needs. Jasy is doing well too. She started taking ballet last week (she has been begging for awhile). She looked so cute in her little leotard and tights-I could have squeezed her little cheeks off! Her Nannie and Papa took her on a field trip last week. She got to go to the Apple Orchard and pick apples. Then they went to NC and picked up a new toy for Papa. A new coon dog that she named "Speck". She's been growing flowers too that she planted there and I think she has more "farming knowledge" than any of us! Now me...I am trying hard to find time for myself. I haven't found it yet but when I do I am going to be excited. I want to go running so I will have the energy that I need to full fill my list everyday, shop a little, get my toenails done, maybe just sit in a tub and soak for about an hour until I get all pruny. However, I am enjoying being a mom, and a wife and thanking God that He gave me the life I have!

I have been thinking a lot lately about people in general. I can't figure them out. I have really tried to and I just get even more confused and upset.  Here are a few thoughts that have been running in my mind;
  • How is it that you could have everything right in front of you and you not know it?
  •  How is it that you claim to be a christian but never go to church or witness to your own family? He gave His life for us and yet so many won't even fight for Him?
  • How is that deep down you know that you should be serving God and doing the plan He has laid out for you, but you put Him last?
  • How is that we are so quick to judge others but  are so easy on ourselves and our ways?
  • How can you have such wonderful talent and waste it away? Don't they know that God handpicked them to have it and He can take it anytime?
  •  How is it that you have friends that love you and ache for your burdens but you won't pick up the phone to call them and say "I'm okay"?
  •  How is it that this world is so full of sin and perverse ways that so many of us don't even get upset anymore when we see it everywhere we go?
  • How is it that people think that their okay if they made a profession years ago but never dart the door of a church or even have a desire to serve Him? How is that those same people will send their kids to Vacation Bible school once a year but not ever think about it any other time. -Do they not care that their kids could die and go to hell?
  • How is it that someone, that doesn't know God, lives a sinful life, can tell someone that their "praying for them" when they don't even pray period?-Why is it a "figure of speech" and a "kind thing " to say to someone who is going through a difficult time instead of what it needs to be? "I will pray for you"-when their not even a child of God-Don't they know that it won't be heard?

I don't understand the ways of people and the thoughts that cross their mind. I want to just tell them sometimes to wake up and get with it, but I know that if I do then I will ruin the witness that I might be for them by just not saying anything. Please pray for me that I will stop trying to figure out people and just leave it up to God. All I can do as a friend is PRAY for them and plead their case before God. Lift Up !! . . your Prayers. 'Do not worry about anything; instead PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING.' Philippians 4:6

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