Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions...

Life is just full of decisions. Should I eat the healthy granola fruit bar or the yummy looking honey bun for breakfast? Should I drink one or two cups of coffee this morning? Should I wear my hair up or down? Should I cook or get take out? All of those are an everyday part of our lives and although they seem so hard or aggravating to make daily, their really such a blessing! Aren't we blessed to have a choice of what to eat? Aren't we blessed to be able to have hair to fix? Aren't we blessed to have the money to be able to afford to go to the store to get food to cook or get takeout? We all get so caught up in our own little world that we forget about the REAL WORLD right in front of us. What about all of those people who don't have anything to eat, nowhere to sleep, no companions, no hope in tomorrow? We could easily be those people in a blink of an eye. Are you thankful that you were able to get up out of bed this morning and able to stand up on your own? You could very well be dependant of someone to take care of your every need. Those legs that are so sore and achy after a long day of work, could very well not be functional and you could be without a job tomorrow. We take for granted all of our little blessings and complain too much about wonderful little decisions that make our lives so much better. Let's all start praising and thanking right now. "Thank you Lord for this wonderful bowl of Cheerios that I am eating for lunch"! "Thank you for the roughness on the bottom of my feet because I am able to stand up at a job that I am thrilled to have." "Thank you for the laundry that seems to always reoccur no matter what I do because that means that we are blessed with clothes on our backs." Most of all "thank you for my hope in you for tomorrow because with you, I will never be lost or be lonely"!

 I could go on and on and on...

Shall we?

1 comment:

  1. thank you for this! it's really something good to remember!
    love you!
