Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's all about me on my Birthday...

So today is my Birthday. That's right...I turn 21! Yay!!! Even my own kids didn't believe that one! Oh least I try. I have had such a wonderful day so far! I woke up not feeling too hot this morning. Tired, weak, platelets running low. I got ready slowly this morning, went in the kitchen to make breakfast and soon after started feeling better!  Eve woke up and walked in the kitchen and gave me a great big hug and told me "Happy Birthday". I dropped Jasy off this morning and my mom had made me cookies and had them wrapped up for me to take to to work. She always makes me coffee in the morning so she had it, my cookies and my present all laid out on the counter beside the coffee maker. I thought that was so sweet. I went to work and soon after a teacher walked in with a gift for me. She made me the cutest handmade apron!  She makes the cutest things! Her and another teacher went into business last year and their just AWESOME!! ( I about cried when she gave me her gift. She is such a kind person and you can tell she has a heart for God. (She also brought me muffins and food always makes a way to my heart!) Then another friend came in and brought me a notepad set-another sweet, sweet person. My second class of the day came in and sang me Happy Birthday in the cutest little song!!! About made me cry! I checked my email soon after and saw how I was getting post, after post of Birthday wishes on Face book. That meant so much to me! Then...a teacher comes in bringing me the most beautiful flowers!! On the card read, "Happy Birthday, I love you, Jason". What a sweet man I am fortunate to have. He also called work and left me a voicemail singing "Happy Birthday" to me. It was so funny! I only worked until lunch today then I went home and put on some pj's and TOOK A NAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not a long one, but enough to energize me and make feel so much better!!!  It has just been an amazing day so far! I am so thankful for my life! Wonderful family, friends and the best Savior/friend that I could have. Simple things in life mean so much to me. In fact about so many know so little about me. So for my Birthday, I am going to fill you in on the "little crazy facts of me". Just some of them because I still need some friends.
  • I am a GERM FREAK!!!  That's right, I drive my family crazy and I worry about things that you can't actually see. I take my own sheets, comforter, and pillow on vacation, I Lysol everything in sight, I wash my hands so much that their going to look 90 in about another year.
  • I hate FROGS with a passion!!! I am so scared to death of them that I might run you over to get away from them.
  • My favorite color is purple. Just love it so much!
  • I will NOT lay my head down on my pillow if I haven't showered. Even if I take a nap, I cover my pillow with a clean blanket so it doesn't get soiled.
  • I worry about crazy, little things all the time. I worry about people (friends/family) and try and figure them out until I drive my self insane. I pick at the skin around my thumbs when I am worrying and make my fingers bleed. (this drives Jason crazy) 
  • I go by schedules. I LIVE by schedules. My cell phone calendar beeps a hundred times a day reminding me to ; pay the house, cook for church, leave house to take Eve to gymnastics, type Jason's homework, send card to friend, call friend, pick up groceries, remind me of what groceries to pick up, etc, etc, etc. (this drives Jason crazy too)
  • This leads to this I AM SO FORGETFUL!!!! Especially when I am tired. I couldn't tell you my birthday probably.
  • I love clean sheets. Nothing like crawling in a clean bed, with a clean body, with a clean face, and go to sleep. I love to read my Bible then. When it's quiet in the house and I am comfy.
  • I LOVE  watching gymnastics! I always have. I just don't like watching my own daughter compete. Practice, yes, but compete, no!!! Tears my nerves up and I think I am going to hurl!! I sit and pray over and over the whole time, and my hands and legs are shaking so bad that I try and make it not noticeable to the people around me.
  • I went to Cosmetology school after High school. I did, I almost graduated, then I changed my mind. I didn't want to mess with strangers hair anymore bc I am a germ freak!
  • I think I have ADD. I really need to go to the doctor and get on medication.
  • I have a low platelet disorder that makes me really weak, tired a lot of times. I ran a 5k the other week when I had really low platelets and I about passed out. I kept going though bc I am competitive and I don't like to be last.
  • That leads me to I am a perfectionist. I love to plan everything out in my head. Then I drive myself crazy adding, changing, and planning until it's almost perfect to me. When the girls have birthday parties, I have planned them for months ahead. I love decorating but I don't know when to stop and say it's good enough. (this drives Jason crazy)
  • I hate Chiwawas. Those dogs are so annoying to me. I don't know why. (Don't tell my sister that)
  • I am scared of the Ocean. I will get in enough to cover my knees then I get out. I am afraid of being swept away by the current.
  • I love Biggest Loser, American Idol, Amazing Race, but I never watch tv anymore. I don't have time bc it's not on my schedule anymore. I record them and watch them when I get a chance. (never)
  • I have been coloring my hair since 9th grade. I think it's an ash blonde in winter and golden blonde in summer but I really couldn't tell you.
  • I LOVE to dance!! Back in the day I could tear up a dance floor. Now Eve says I am embarrassing and that I need to stop. NEVER!!!
  • I love to laugh. Sometimes I am just plain crazy! People tell me all the time that I'm crazy so I finally beilieve them.
  • I burp all the time. I do. Even when Jason and I were dating, I would just let them rip. He married me so he must not mind too much. It hurts to hold them in. I will around people that don't know me that well but when you get to know prepared!
  • I yell when I sneeze. It's like I am being murdered. (It drives Jason crazy) It hurts if I don't yell. I hold it in when I can't  yell and it about kills me.

Okay, that's enough for now. Don't you feel more normal now?


  1. I am so glad to hear that you burp. I can't wait to tell Ronnie! He gives me the evil eye when I burp with my mouth closed!

    Glad you had a great day!

    Kathy Gravely

  2. i almost peed in my pants reading this! ha!

    happy late birthday!
