Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Let's catch up, okay?...

I am so sorry that I have been slack with my post. BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!  I must be a bee! School starting back, me starting work again and getting moved back in my classroom, Jason started College, Eve and Jasy's fall gymnastics schedule started, our air went out,  Weecycled Wear school shopping, Weecycled Wear working so I can shop early, homework, typing Jason's homework, it all started last week! Whew... I have wanted to write and God has gave me so many things to say but I just never had time or should I say took the time. I could have stayed up and did it-but I was pooped, I think God understands when your too Pooped to type. Don't you? This week has been a little better. Eve's new Gym team takes off the week after school starts back to let the girls get used to homework schedules and new sleeping schedules so we haven't had to do  the 14 hours this week! Just Jasy's one hour a week and I can handle that! Really, Eve's schedule sounds crazy but it is easier on me than last years 5-8 hours a week. Since our new gym is closer to home and she stays for 3 1/2 hours each practice, I can drop off, come home, do dishes, give Jasy a bath, lay out school clothes, do laundry,- watch TV, eat bon-bons, get a massage, okay back to reality. But it really is easier on me because I don't have to stay and sit and consume 2 1/2 hours of time that I need to be doing other things. Yay me!

Last week when I dropped Eve off one day, Jasy and I were heading home and Jasy was just filling my ears full of all kinds of her little thoughts. She explained to me why the planet is green and blue. (because of grass, trees, bushes and blue bc of the swimming pools) She told me why God made white and black people ( because he wanted them to have more babies so the space wouldn't be empty and he made different colors so they could match) She told me about Hell and why the Devil is so mean when you are trying to be good ( because it makes the devil so mad when you pray and do good so he gets meaner) She told me about why God made Nannie and Papas (so they could watch little girls when their mamas and daddies work and their sister goes to school also because they give out junk food) She told me why God made mamas (so they could take care of little kids and give them kisses and love them and be their best friend) She told me so many great little facts that I needed to be reminded of. I needed to hear everything that her little words told me! Well...maybe not e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g she told me but I still enjoyed hearing her theory on things.  It was good to the last drop! Refueled my spirit and lifted my eyes.

Now...we are caught up!

1 comment:

  1. that is so precious!

    did Scott fix your air?!

    I saw come croc's like jasy's but tan at the good will in pendleton for 4 dollars?! they had tons of cute sweaters i got alot of good stuff, thought i'd tell you since you're in pendleton alot!

    Have a good rest of the week!
