Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hands tied, hearts aching...

Our Preacher has been preaching about Strongholds lately. Things that keep you from serving God the way you should. I don't know about you, but I have a lot of strongholds in my life. The biggest strong hold I would say I have is money. Not that we have a lot of it  but no matter how much you have or don't have it will control you if you allow it to. You worry your self sick when you don't have enough, you try to get more when you have all you need, you wish for more no matter what the situation. It's our human nature! God has our family in a tight situation right now we are what you can say, "between a wall and hard place". My instinct is to fix it as quickly as I can before it gets worse, but God is wanting to control it for us. I have my hands tied, for once in my life, all I can do, is wait. Wait! I am such a terrible waiter!!!!! It is controlling my mind, my energy, my every thought, it's wearing me down so quickly that I am physically and emotionally sick! The devil is working so hard to use this to hurt our testimony, to hurt our marriage, to hurt our kids, to make us think that God has left us and just isn't coming back. BUT...I do know different! In the midst of every pain, every tear, I can feel Him there. I can feel Him in the hug and sweet words of my 5 year old, every time her little arms embrace my neck and tell me she loves me more than anything, I know that He loves me too. I can feel Him when I am so upset that I can't think, He is the tug at my heart telling me to calm down and that it will be okay. Jason leaves me notes that say "I don't know how this will turn out to glorify Him, but we just have to have faith and believe that it will." He is teaching us to be strong, to depend on Him. What other way could He teach me other than to pin me in so I couldn't move, right?! When we move to do our mission work in a faraway land, who are we going to rely on then?! Will I be able to find an extra job to pay for expenses, NO! Will I be able to go get a job to pay our bills when it looks like we aren't going to make it, NO!!! I need to rely on Him to provide us with all that we need and give up all the wants that we don't!

We all have holds on our lives of some sort and kind. It's admitting that we do and allowing God to cross that river for us and to carry us through. To pray instead of worrying which is one of the hardest things for me to do. To stop worrying and just pray, pray and pray some more! God can lift our burdens right off of us, and make us stronger people through each and every strong hold we have.

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9 (look familiar)

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