Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Looney tune...

 A crazy conversation that sparked this morning in the car on the way to school between Eve and myself. (I have been under the weather battling a stomach bug and just wore out and not to mention that in the morning I am not quite awake until my second cup of coffee.)

 "Mom, what does etc. mean"? " means "and more'" kinda like, if you have a really bad stomach bug you might need toilet paper, diapers, hemorrhoid cream, etc.". "huh"? pause... I then recall what just came out of my mouth! "um...kinda like on a birthday party invitation in might read...we will have ice cream, cake, etc.".
" Oh, I get it".

Bless that child's heart! She has one looney tune mom! The thing is... I didn't even stop to think about what to say, it just came out with no thought whatsoever. Scary, huh?

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahaha! i am peeing my pants laughing. I need new pants, diapers, etc!
