Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Eyes wide open...

Have you ever had a gut feeling about something and you ignore it? How about a tug at your heart saying "look again"? I have learned first hand that things aren't the way they seem. A lot of time, the devil puts a shield over our eyes to make things look differently than they really are. You see, I am an easy person to do that to. I don't look at things completely. I am quick to see the outside of the glass instead of the inside. Image...what is image really about? We think that as long as things seem okay on the outside that their okay, when really the most deceiving part is what we see first. I am a person easy to trust. I get hurt easily though. You wouldn't think those two things would go together-trust and a heart easily hurt. I also have a sense that I get about things. I always have. It's not always right but for the most part I know that if I don't look into it more than I need to, and pray about it when the situation arises, God shows me what I need to see in it. I have had a problem this year that I thought was never going to get better. It was so hard for me to not just give up and to trust in Him to guide me. The thing is, it was a situation that affected our whole family. Now...the devil rode me like a motorcycle let me tell you! And their were times that I caved in and let him have my mind but then God was quick to put me right back where I needed to be. See... He could have just left me alone and said " "you are on your own with this my child" but He didn't. Instead, do you know what He did? He pulled me, that's right, He pulled me out and placed me just where I needed to be. Right in the middle of His light, with eyes wide open and gave me peace I have never felt before. "Then He said, here you go, start here". Can you believe that?

That first gut feeling, that tug at your heart, start praying like you have never prayed before. Beg God to show you through His word. He will do just that. Now... I didn't say it ended the way I wanted it to. I would have never seen it coming!  Never picked the right ending to that movie! Too bad God doesn't make movies of our lives and then send them to us to watch. We would get to see the whole picture from beginning to end. How suspenseful that would be? I bet we would shout out 'crazy woman, don't do that-just leave it alone God's going to fix that"!!!! Or "look what their doing, that's terrible"!!

I stand amazed at His wonderful, marvelous grace! Things don't always go as we planned but they always turn out to fit just perfect even if we don't see it right away.

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